Digital Inputs

The parameters are functions that can be connected to a digital input terminal. The text DigIn Slot A.2 means the second input on the slot A. It is also possible to connect the functions to time channels. The time channels work as terminals.

It is possible to monitor the statuses of the digital inputs and the digital outputs in the Multimonitoring view.

The Mechanical Brake Function

It is possible to monitor the mechanical brake with the monitoring value Application Status Word 1 in the monitoring group Extras and advanced.

The Mechanical brake control function controls an external mechanical brake with a digital output signal. The mechanical brake is opened/closed when the drive output frequency breaks the opening/closing limits.

Motor Stall Protection

The motor stall protection function gives protection to the motor against short overloads. An overload can be caused, for example, by a stalled shaft. It is possible to set the reaction time of the stall protection shorter than that of the motor thermal protection.

The stall status of the motor is specified with parameters P3.9.3.2 Stall Current and P3.9.3.4 Stall Frequency Limit. If the current is higher than the limit, and the output frequency is lower than the limit, the motor is in a stall status.

The stall protection is a type of overcurrent protection.

If long motor cables (maximum 100 m) are used with small drives (≤1.5 kW), the motor current that the drive measures can be much higher than the actual motor current. It is because there are capacitive currents in the motor cable.

The Maintenance Counters

A maintenance counter tells that maintenance must be done. For example, it is necessary to replace a belt or to replace the oil in a gearbox. There are 2 different modes for the maintenance counters, hours, or revolutions*1000. The value of the counters increases only during the RUN status of the drive.

MAINTENANCE HAZARDOnly an approved electrician can do maintenance. There is a risk of injury.Do not do maintenance if you are not approved to do it.The revolutions mode uses motor speed, which is only an estimate. The drive measures the speed every second.

When the value of a counter is more than its limit, an alarm, or a fault shows. It is possible connect the alarm and fault signals to a digital output or a relay output.

When the maintenance is completed, reset the counter with a digital input or parameter P3.16.4 Counter 1 Reset.

Warning and Alarm/Fault Stages

Each of the three detection levels (Warning S1, Warning S2, Alarm/Fault) has a configurable timer associated that delays the response. The timing principle is like an electrical fuse where the response time is long for low levels and it is short for high levels.

The Multi-pump Function

The Multi-pump function allows controlling a maximum of 6 motors, pumps, or fans with the PID controller.

The AC drive is connected to a motor, which is the regulating motor. The regulating motor connects and disconnects the other motors to/from the mains with relays. It is done to keep the right setpoint. The Autochange function controls the sequence in which the motors start to make sure that they wear equally. It is possible to include the regulating motor in the autochange and interlock logic, or set it to be always Motor 1. It is possible to remove motors momentarily with the Interlock function, for example for maintenance.

The Multi-pump Function

GDrive is running at maximum or close to maximum frequency

If the PID controller cannot keep the feedback in the set bandwidth, a motor, or motors are connected or disconnected.

When to connect and/or add motors:

  • The feedback value is not in the bandwidth area.

  • The regulating motor operates at a close to maximum frequency (-2 Hz).

  • The 2 previous conditions are true for longer than the bandwidth delay.

  • There are more motors available.

When to disconnect and/or remove motors:

  • The feedback value is not in the bandwidth area.

  • The regulating motor operates at a close to minimum frequency (+2 Hz).

  • The 2 previous conditions are true for longer than the bandwidth delay.

  • There are more motors that operate than the regulating one.

General Information on the Programming

The programming of inputs of the AC drive is flexible. It is possible to use freely the available inputs of the standard and optional I/O for different functions.

It is possible to expand the available capacity of I/O with option boards. It is possible to install the option boards in the slots C, D, and E. For more data on the installation of option boards, see the Installation Guide.

The Option Board Slots and Programmable Inputs

AStandard board slot A and its terminals
BStandard board slot B and its terminals
COption board slot C
DOption board slot D
EOption board slot E
FProgrammable digital inputs (DI)
GProgrammable analog inputs (AI)

Time Channels, Intervals, and Timers

Time Channels

It is possible to assign the output of the interval and/or timer functions to time channels 1–3. It is possible to use the time channels to control on/off type functions, for example relay outputs or digital inputs. To configure the on/off logic of the time channels, assign intervals and/or timers to them. A time channel can be controlled by many different intervals or timers.

In the following figure, the activation signal comes from a digital input or a virtual digital input, like a time channel. The timer counts down from the falling edge.

The Activation Signal from Digital Input or Virtual Digital Input

ARemaining time

The following parameters set the timer active when the digital input 1 on the slot A is closed. They will also keep the timer active for 30 s after it is opened.

  • Duration: 30 s

  • Timer: DigIn SlotA.1

It is possible use a duration of 0 s to override a time channel that is activated from a digital input. There is no off delay after the falling edge.

Problem: The AC drive is in a warehouse and controls air conditioning. It must operate between 7 am and 5 pm on weekdays and between 9 am and 1 pm on weekends. It is also necessary for the drive to operate outside these hours, if there are personnel in the building. The drive must continue to operate 30 minutes after the personnel has left.

Solution: Set 2 intervals, 1 for weekdays and 1 for weekends. A timer is also necessary to activate the process outside the set hours. See the following configuration.

Interval 1

  • P3.12.1.1: ON Time: 07:00:00

  • P3.12.1.2: OFF Time: 17:00:00

  • P3.12.1.3: Days: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

  • P3.12.1.4: Assign to channel: Time channel 1

Interval 2

  • P3.12.2.1: ON Time: 09:00:00

  • P3.12.2.2: OFF Time: 13:00:00

  • P3.12.2.3: Days: Saturday, Sunday

  • P3.12.2.4: Assign to channel: Time channel 1

Timer 1

  • P3.12.6.1: Duration: 1800 s (30 min)

  • P3.12.6.2: Timer 1: DigIn SlotA.1 (The parameter is in the digital inputs menu.)

  • P3.12.6.3: Assign to channel: Time channel 1

  • P3.5.1.1: Control signal 1 A: Time Channel 1 for the I/O Run command

In the following figure, Time Channel 1 is used as the control signal for the start command instead of a digital input.

Time Channel 1 as the Control Signal for the Start Command


Use the Auto-cleaning function to remove dirt or other material from the pump impeller. It is also possible to use the function to clear a blocked pipe or valve. It is possible to use the auto-cleaning, for example, in wastewater systems to keep the performance of the pump satisfactory.

This function does not respect the minimum frequency. The auto-cleaning sequence can also operate below the given minimum frequency.

Frost Protection

Use the Frost protection function to protect the pump from frost damages. If the pump is in sleep mode and the temperature that is measured in the pump goes below the set protection temperature, operate the pump at a constant frequency (that is set in P3.13.10.6 Frost Protection Frequency). To use the function, install a temperature transducer or a temperature sensor on the pump covering or on the pipe line near the pump.

Frequency Reference

It is possible to program the source of the frequency reference in all the control places, except the PC tool. When using PC, it always takes the frequency reference from the PC tool.

Remote Control Place (I/O A)

To set the source of the frequency reference for I/O A, use the parameter P3.3.1.5.

Remote Control Place (I/O B)

To set the source of the frequency reference for I/O B, use the parameter P3.3.1.6.

Local Control Place (Keypad)

If the default value keypad for the parameter P3.3.1.7 is used, the reference that was set for P3.3.1.8 Keypad Reference applies.

Remote Control Place (Fieldbus)

If the default value fieldbus for the parameter P3.3.1.10 is used, the frequency reference comes from fieldbus.

Pressure Loss Compensation

When pressurizing a long pipe that has many outlets, the best position for the sensor is in the middle of the pipe (the position 2 in the figure). It is also possible to put the sensor directly after the pump. This gives the right pressure directly after the pump, but farther in the pipe, the pressure drops with the flow.

The Position of the Pressure Sensor

BNo flow
CWith flow
DPipe length
EPosition 1
FPosition 2

Motor Thermal Protections

The motor thermal protection prevents the motor from becoming too hot.

The AC drive can supply a current that is higher than the nominal current. The high current can be necessary to the load, and it must be used. In these conditions, there is a risk of a thermal overload. Low frequencies have a higher risk. At low frequencies, the cooling effect and the capacity of the motor decrease. If the motor has an external fan, the load reduction at low frequencies is small.

The motor thermal protection is based on calculations. The protection function uses the output current of the drive to know what is the load on the motor. If the control board is not energized, the calculations are reset.

To adjust the thermal protection of the motor, use the parameters from P3.9.2.1 to P3.9.2.5. It is possible to monitor the thermal status of the motor on the display of the control panel.

If long motor cables (maximum 100 m) are used with small drives (≤1.5 kW), the motor current that the drive measures can be much higher than the actual motor current. It is because there are capacitive currents in the motor cable.OVERHEATING BECAUSE OF BLOCKED AIRFLOWIf the airflow to the motor is blocked, the function does not protect the motor, and the motor can become too hot. It can damage the motor.Make sure that the airflow to the motor is not blocked.

I/f Start Function

With a PM motor, use the I/f Start function to start the motor with constant current control. A high power motor gives the best effect. With a high power motor, the resistance is low and it is not easy to change the U/f curve.

The I/f Start function can also give a sufficient torque for the motor at start up.

The I/f Start Parameters

AI/f Start Current
BOutput Frequency
CMotor Current
DI/f Start Frequency

Priming Pump

A priming pump is a smaller pump that primes the inlet of the main pump to prevent suction of air.

The priming pump function controls a priming pump with a digital output signal. It is possible to set a delay to start the priming pump before the main pump starts. The priming pump operates continuously while the main pump operates. If the main pump goes into sleep mode, the priming pump also stops for that time. When waking up from sleep mode, the main pump, and the priming pump start simultaneously.

The Priming Pump Function

AStart Command (Main Pump)
BPriming Pump Control (Digital Output Signal)
COutput Frequency (Main Pump)
DPriming Time

Advanced Sensorless Control

Use the advanced sensorless control function in applications where good speed accuracy or high performance at low speed is necessary, but encoder speed feedback is not used. With the advanced sensorless control, a simple closed loop motor control can be replaced with a high-performance open loop motor control. An example of a possible application is an extruder.

The advanced sensorless control function is not supported when a sine filter, a harmonic filter, or a synchronous reluctance motor is used.

This control mode is sensitive about accurate motor parameterization and requires expert knowledge in the commissioning. We strongly recommend NOT enabling this mode for regular open loop motor control applications or when expert knowledge is not available.

The advanced sensorless control has a similar control structure to the closed loop control but with Voltage Vector Control. The selection between frequency, speed, and torque control is still done with P3.1.2.1 Control Mode.

When commissioning the sensorless control function, always do these steps:

  • Do identification with rotation (P1.15/P3.1.2.4 = 2).

  • Set reasonable minimum frequencies (P3.3.1.1-

  • Use motor stall protection (P3.9.3.1-

With an induction motor, always use start magnetization to build up rotor flux. With a PM motor, using start magnetization is highly recommended to make sure that the rotor alignment is correct.

The identification with rotation is necessary because the advanced sensorless control is sensitive about accurate motor parameterization. We recommend using minimum frequencies because continuous operation at or near zero frequency can cause instability of control and must be prevented. The motor stall protection function protects the motor if there is instability at low frequency that can cause continuous high current that increases the motor temperature.

In the speed control mode with an induction motor, especially the generator side must be considered because the flux frequency is smaller than the shaft frequency because of the slip frequency.

The characteristics of the application affect the optimal settings of the control mode parameters.

Preset Frequencies

Use the Preset frequencies function in processes where more than 1 fixed frequency reference is necessary. There are 8 preset frequency references available. The selection of a preset frequency reference can be made with the digital input signals P3.3.3.10, P3.3.3.11, and P3.3.3.12.

Underload Protection

The motor underload protection makes sure that there is a load on the motor when the drive operates. If the motor loses the load, a problem can occur in the process. For example, a belt can break or a pump become dry.

The motor underload protection can be adjusted with parameters P3.9.4.2 (Underload Protection: Field Weakening Area Load) and P3.9.4.3 (Underload Protection: Zero Frequency Load). The underload curve is a squared curve between the zero frequency and the field weakening point. The protection is not active below 5 Hz. The underload time counter does not operate below 5 Hz.

The values of the underload protection parameters are set in percentage of the nominal torque of the motor. To find the scaling ratio for the internal torque value, use the data in the nameplate data of the motor, the motor nominal current, and the nominal current of the drive IH. If another current than the nominal motor current is used, the precision of the calculation decreases.

If long motor cables (maximum 100 m) are used with small drives (≤1.5 kW), the motor current that the drive measures can be much higher than the actual motor current. It is because there are capacitive currents in the motor cable.

Programming of Analog Inputs

It is possible to select the target input for the signal of the analog frequency reference from the available analog inputs.

The Analog Inputs Menu in the Graphical Display

AThe graphical display
BThe name of the parameter
CThe value of the parameter, that is, the set analog input

The Analog Inputs Menu in the Text Display

AThe text display
BThe name of the parameter
CThe value of the parameter, that is, the set analog input

In the standard I/O board compilation, there are 2 analog inputs available: the slot A terminals 2/3 and 4/5.

Input type (graphical display)Input type (text display)SlotInput #Explanation
AnINAIA1Analog input #1 (terminals 2/3) on a board in Slot A (standard I/O board).
AnINAIA2Analog input #2 (terminals 4/5) on a board in Slot A (standard I/O board).

The location of the parameter P3. AI1 Signal Selection is the menu M3.5.2.1. The parameter gets the default value AnIN SlotA.1 in the graphical display or AI A.1 in the text display. The target input for the signal of the analog frequency reference AI1 is then the analog input in the terminals 2/3. Use the DIP switches to set the signal to be voltage or current. See the Installation manual for more data.

P3. Signal SelectionAnIN SlotA.1377

To change the input from AI1 to, for example, the analog input on your option board in slot C, obey these instructions.

Torque Reference

When the parameter P3.1.2.1 (Control Mode) is set to Torque control open loop, the motor torque is controlled. The motor speed changes to agree with the actual load on the motor shaft. P3.3.2.7 (Torque Control Frequency Limit) controls the motor speed limit.

The Torque Reference Chain Diagram

Programming of Digital Inputs

Find the applicable functions for digital inputs as parameters in parameter group M3.5.1. To give a digital input to a function, set a value to the correct parameter. The list of applicable functions shows in Group 3.5: I/O Configuration > #X002668 > table_yjr_rgx_k1b.

The Digital Inputs Menu in the Graphical Display

AThe graphical display
BThe name of the parameter, that is, the function
CThe value of the parameter, that is, the set digital input

The Digital Inputs Menu in the Text Display

AThe text display
BThe name of the parameter, that is, the function
CThe value of the parameter, that is, the set digital input

In the standard I/O board compilation, there are 6 digital inputs available: the slot A terminals 8, 9, 10, 14, 15 and 16.

Input type (graphical display)Input type (text display)SlotInput #Explanation
DigINdIA1Digital input #1 (terminal 8) on a board in Slot A (standard I/O board).
DigINdIA2Digital input #2 (terminal 9) on a board in Slot A (standard I/O board).
DigINdIA3Digital input #3 (terminal 10) on a board in Slot A (standard I/O board).
DigINdIA4Digital input #4 (terminal 14) on a board in Slot A (standard I/O board).
DigINdIA5Digital input #5 (terminal 15) on a board in Slot A (standard I/O board).
DigINdIA6Digital input #6 (terminal 16) on a board in Slot A (standard I/O board).

The function External Fault Close, the location of which is the menu M3.5.1, is parameter P3.5.1.11. It gets the default value DigIN SlotA.3 in the graphical display, and dI A.3 in the text display. After this selection, a digital signal to the digital input DI3 (terminal 10) controls External Fault Close.

P3.5.1.11External fault closeDigIN SlotA.3405


CLOSED = External fault

To change the input from DI3 to, for example, DI6 (terminal 16) on the standard I/O, obey these instructions.

Joystick Parameters

Use the joystick parameters when controlling the frequency reference or the torque reference of the motor with a joystick. To control the motor with a joystick, connect the joystick signal to an analog input and set the joystick parameters.

Jogging Parameters

Use the Jogging function to override the normal control momentarily. Use this function, for example, to control the process slowly to a special status or position during maintenance. There is no need to change the control place or other parameters.

Only when the drive is in stop state, it is possible to activate the Jogging function. It is possible use 2 bi-directional frequency references. Activate the Jogging function from the fieldbus or by digital input signals. The Jogging function has a ramp time that is used always when jogging is active.

The Jogging function starts the drive at the set reference. A new start command is not necessary. The control place does not affect it.

The Jogging function can be activated from the fieldbus in bypass mode with Control Word bits 10 and 11.

The Jogging Parameters

Input Pressure Supervision

Use the Input pressure supervision to make sure that there is enough water in the inlet of the pump. When there is enough water, the pump does not suck air and there is no suction cavitation. To use the function, install a pressure sensor on the pump inlet.

If the input pressure of the pump goes below the set alarm limit, an alarm shows. The setpoint value of the PID controller decreases and causes the output pressure of the pump to decrease. If the pressure goes below the fault limit, the pump is stops and a fault shows.

The Location of the Pressure Sensor


The Input Pressure Supervision Function

Soft Fill

The Soft fill function is used to move the process to a set level at a slow speed before the PID controller starts to control. If the process does not go to the set level during the timeout, a fault shows.

It is possible to use the function to fill an empty pipe slowly and prevent strong currents of water that could break the pipe.

We recommend always using the Soft fill function when using the Multi-pump function.

Total and Trip Counters

The AC drive has different counters based on the operation time of the drive and the energy consumption. Some of the counters measure total values and some can be reset.

The energy counters measure the energy that is taken from the supply network. The other counters are used to measure, for example, the operation time of the drive or the run-time of the motor.

It is possible to monitor all the counter values from the PC, control panel, or fieldbus. When using the PC or the control panel, it is possible to monitor the counter values in the Diagnostics menu. When using fieldbus, it is possible to read the counter values with the ID numbers.

Introduction to Timer Functions

The timer functions make it possible for the internal RTC (real-time clock) to control functions. All the functions that can be controlled with a digital input, can also be controlled with the RTC, with time channels 1–3. It is not necessary to have an external PLC to control a digital input. It is possible program the closed and opened intervals of the input internally.

To get the best results of the timer functions, install a battery, and make the settings of the real-time clock carefully in the Start-up wizard. The battery is available as an option.

It is not recommended to use the timer functions without an auxiliary battery. The time and date settings of the drive are reset at each power down, if there is no battery for the RTC.

Temperature Inputs

The monitoring values related to temperature input settings are only available if a B8 or BH option board is installed.

Motor Potentiometer Parameters

The frequency reference of the Motor Potentiometer is available in all the control places. It is possible to change the motor potentiometer reference only when the drive is in the run state.

If the output frequency is set slower than the Motor Potentiometer Ramp Time, the normal acceleration and deceleration times give limits to it.

Manual Run

Before or after baseline run, each measurement point can be modified by parameter. One array includes 10 points in steady state and 9 points in ramp state.

The Prohibit Frequencies Function

In some processes, it can be necessary to avoid some frequencies because they make problems of mechanical resonance. With the Prohibit frequencies function, it is possible to prevent the usage of these frequencies. When the input frequency reference increases, the internal frequency reference stays at the low limit, until the input frequency reference is above the high limit.

Stator Winding Monitoring

For stator winding monitoring, the motor currents are being evaluated for evolving unbalances. For this purpose, current unbalance is computed and monitored. If there are the unbalanced grid voltages, a resonance-like oscillation can occur if the motor frequency matches the grid frequency.

Start and Stop Commands in Different Control Places

Start and stop commands must be given differently in each control place.

Remote Control Place (I/O A)

Use the parameters P3.5.1.1 (Control signal 1 A), P3.5.1.2 (Control signal 2 A) and P3.5.1.3 (Control signal 3 A) to select digital inputs. These digital inputs control the start, stop, and reverse commands. Then select a logic for these inputs with P3.2.6 I/O A Logic.

Remote Control Place (I/O B)

Use the parameters P3.5.1.4 (Control signal 1 B), P3.5.1.5 (Control signal 2 B) and P3.5.1.6 (Control signal 3 B) to select digital inputs. These digital inputs control the start, stop, and reverse commands. Then select a logic for these inputs with P3.2.7 I/O B Logic.

Local Control Place (Keypad)

The start and stop commands come from the keypad buttons. The direction of the rotation is set with parameter P3.3.1.9 Keypad direction.

Remote Control Place (Fieldbus)

Start, stop, and reverse commands come from the fieldbus.

The Fire Mode Function

When Fire mode is active, the drive resets all faults that occur and continues to operate at the same speed until it is not possible. The drive ignores all commands from the keypad, fieldbuses, and the PC tool. It only obeys the signals Fire Mode Activation, Fire Mode Reverse, Run Enable, Run Interlock 1, and Run Interlock 2 from I/O.

The Fire mode function has 2 modes, the Test mode, and the Enabled mode. To select a mode, write a password in parameter P3.17.1 (Fire Mode Password). In the Test mode, the drive does not automatically reset the faults, and the drive stops when a fault occurs.

It is also possible to configure Fire mode with the Fire mode wizard, which can be activated in the Quick Setup menu with parameter B1.1.4.

When the Fire mode function is activated, an alarm shows on the display.

WARRANTY BECOMING VOIDThe warranty is void if the Fire mode function is activated.Use Test mode to test the Fire mode function and the warranty stays valid.

Feedback Supervision

Use the feedback supervision to make sure that the PID Feedback value (the process value or the actual value) stays in the set limits. Use this function, for example, to find a pipe break and stop the flooding.

These parameters set the range in which the PID Feedback signal stays in correct conditions. If the PID Feedback signal does not stay in the range, and this continues longer than the delay, a Feedback supervision fault (the fault code 101) shows.

(ID 1) Output Frequency

  • Location in the menu with default settings: V2.1.2 (In Multimonitor menu)

    This monitoring value shows the actual output frequency to the motor.

(ID 2) Motor Speed

  • Location in the menu with default settings: V2.1.4 (In Multimonitor menu)

    This monitoring value shows the actual speed of the motor in RPM (calculated value).

(ID 3) Motor Current

  • Location in the menu with default settings: V2.1.3 (In Multimonitor menu)

    This monitoring value shows the measured current of the motor.

    The scaling of the value is different for different drive sizes.

(ID 4) Motor Torque

  • Location in the menu with default settings: V2.1.5 (In Multimonitor menu)

    This monitoring value shows the actual torque of the motor (calculated value).

    When the torque is in counterclockwise direction, the value is negative.

(ID 5) Motor Shaft Power

  • Location in the menu with default settings: V2.1.6 (In Multimonitor menu)

    This monitoring value shows the actual shaft power of the motor (calculated value) as a percentage of the motor nominal power.

(ID 6) Motor Voltage

  • Location in the menu with default settings: V2.1.7 (In Multimonitor menu)

    This monitoring value shows the actual output voltage to the motor.

(ID 7) DC Link Voltage

  • Location in the menu with default settings: V2.1.8 (In Multimonitor menu)

    This monitoring value shows the measured voltage in the DC link of the drive.

(ID 8) Unit Temperature

  • Location in the menu with default settings: V2.1.9 (In Multimonitor menu)

    This monitoring value shows the measured heat sink temperature of the drive.

    The unit of measurement is degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit, depending on parameter C/F Selection (ID 1197) value.

(ID 9) Motor Temperature

Location in the menu: V2.3.12

This monitoring value shows the calculated motor temperature in percentage of the nominal working temperature.

When the value rises above 105%, motor thermal protection fault occurs.

(ID 15) SlotA DIN 1,2,3

Location in the menu: V2.4.1

This monitoring value shows the status of the digital inputs 1–3 in slot A (standard I/O).

(ID 16) SlotA DIN 4,5,6

Location in the menu: V2.4.2

This monitoring value shows the status of the digital inputs 4–6 in slot A (standard I/O).

(ID 17) SlotB RO 1,2,3

Location in the menu: V2.4.3

This monitoring value shows the status of the relay outputs 1–3 in slot B.

(ID 18) Torque Reference

Location in the menu: V2.3.14

This monitoring value shows the final torque reference for motor control.

(ID 20) PID Setpoint

Location in the menu: V2.8.1

This monitoring value shows the value of the PID setpoint signal in process units. Use the parameter P3.13.1.7 to select the process unit (See (ID 1036) Process Unit Selection > X005541).

(ID 21) PID Feedback

Location in the menu: V2.8.2

This monitoring value shows the value of the PID feedback signal in process units. Use the parameter P3.13.1.7 to select the process unit (See (ID 1036) Process Unit Selection > X005541).

(ID 22) PID Error

Location in the menu: V2.8.3

This monitoring value shows the error value of the PID controller.

The error value is the deviation of PID feedback from the PID setpoint in process unit. Use the parameter P3.13.1.7 to select the process unit (See (ID 1036) Process Unit Selection > X005541).

(ID 23) PID Output

Location in the menu: V2.8.4

This monitoring value shows the output of the PID controller as a percentage (0–100%).

Give this value to the motor control (frequency reference) or to an analog output.

(ID 24) PID Status

Location in the menu: V2.8.5

This monitoring value shows the state of the PID controller.

(ID 25) Frequency Reference

  • Location in the menu with default settings: V2.1.1 (In Multimonitor menu)

    This monitoring value shows the actual frequency reference to the motor control.

    The value is updated at 10 ms interval.

(ID 30) Motors Running

Location in the menu: V2.10.1

This monitoring value shows the actual number of motors that operate in the Multi-pump system.

(ID 37) Last Active Fault Code

Location in the menu: V2.6.9

This monitoring value shows the fault code of latest activated fault that is not reset.

(ID 43) Drive Status Word

Location in the menu: V2.6.1

This monitoring value shows the bit-coded status of the drive.

(ID 45) Motor Current 1 Deci

Location in the menu: V2.6.7

This monitoring value shows the measured current of the motor with the fixed number of decimals and that is less filtered. This monitoring value can be used, for example, with fieldbus to get the correct value so that the enclosure size does not have an effect. It can also be used for monitoring when less filtering time is needed for the motor current.

(ID 50) Temperature Input 1

Location in the menu: V2.5.1i

This monitoring value shows the measured value of the temperature. The unit of the monitoring value is degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit, depending on parameter C/F Selection (ID 1197) value.

The list of temperature inputs is made of the first 6 available temperature inputs. The list starts from slot A and ends in slot E. If an input is available but no sensor is connected, the list shows the maximum value because the measured resistance is endless. To make the value go to its minimum value, hardwire the input.

(ID 51) Temperature Input 2

Location in the menu: V2.5.2

This monitoring value shows the measured value of the temperature. The unit of the monitoring value is degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit, depending on parameter C/F Selection (ID 1197) value.

(ID 52) Temperature Input 3

Location in the menu: V2.5.3

This monitoring value shows the measured value of the temperature. The unit of the monitoring value is degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit, depending on parameter C/F Selection (ID 1197) value.

(ID 56) DIN Status Word 1

Location in the menu: V2.6.5

This monitoring value shows the bit-coded status of the digital input signals.

The monitoring value is a 16-bit word, where each bit shows the status of 1 digital input. From each slot, 6 digital inputs are read. Word 1 starts from the input 1 in slot A (bit0) and ends with input 4 in slot C (bit15).

(ID 57) DIN Status Word 2

Location in the menu: V2.6.6

This monitoring value shows the bit-coded status of the digital input signals.

The monitoring value is a 16-bit word, where each bit shows the status of 1 digital input. From each slot, 6 digital inputs are read. Word 2 starts from the input 5 in slot C (bit0) and ends with input 6 in slot E (bit13).

(ID 59) Analog Input 1

Location in the menu: V2.4.4

This monitoring value shows the value of the analog input signal as a percentage of the used range.

(ID 60) Analog Input 2

Location in the menu: V2.4.5

This monitoring value shows the value of the analog input signal as a percentage of the used range.

(ID 61) Analog Input 3

Location in the menu: V2.4.6

This monitoring value shows the value of the analog input signal as a percentage of the used range.

(ID 62) Analog Input 4

Location in the menu: V2.4.7

This monitoring value shows the value of the analog input signal as a percentage of the used range.

(ID 69) Temperature Input 4

Location in the menu: V2.5.4

This monitoring value shows the measured value of the temperature. The unit of the monitoring value is degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit, depending on parameter C/F Selection (ID 1197) value.

(ID 70) Temperature Input 5

Location in the menu: V2.5.5

This monitoring value shows the measured value of the temperature. The unit of the monitoring value is degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit, depending on parameter C/F Selection (ID 1197) value.

(ID 71) Temperature Input 6

Location in the menu: V2.5.6

This monitoring value shows the measured value of the temperature. The unit of the monitoring value is degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit, depending on parameter C/F Selection (ID 1197) value.

(ID 73) Motor Shaft Power

Location in the menu: V2.3.8

This monitoring value shows the actual shaft power of the motor (calculated value). The unit of measurement is kW or hp, depending on parameter kW/hp Selection (ID 1198) value.

The number of decimals in the value of this monitoring value varies depending on the size of the AC drive. In fieldbus control, ID 15592 can be mapped as Process Data Out to determine how many decimals are used. The last significant digit tells the amount of decimals.

(ID 74) Last Active Alarm Code

Location in the menu: V2.6.11

This monitoring value shows the alarm code of latest activated alarm that is not reset.

(ID 75) Analog Input 5

Location in the menu: V2.4.8

This monitoring value shows the value of the analog input signal as a percentage of the used range.

(ID 76) Analog Input 6

Location in the menu: V2.4.9

This monitoring value shows the value of the analog input signal as a percentage of the used range.

(ID 77) Motor Regulator Status

Location in the menu: V2.6.13

This monitoring value shows the bit-coded status of the motor limit controllers.

The values are visible as checkboxes on the graphical display. If a box is selected, the limit controller is active.

(ID 78) Ready Status

Location in the menu: V2.6.2

This monitoring value shows the bit-coded data about the Ready criteria of the drive. This data is useful for monitoring when the drive is not in the Ready state.

The values are visible as checkboxes on the graphical display. If a box is selected, the value is active.

(ID 81) SlotA AO 1

Location in the menu: V2.4.10

This monitoring value shows the value of the analog output as a percentage of the used range.

(ID 83) EXTPID Setpoint

Location in the menu: V2.9.1

This monitoring value shows the value of the PID setpoint signal in process units. Use the parameter P3.14.1.10 to select the process unit (See (ID 1666) Process Unit Decimals > X011442).

(ID 84) EXTPID Feedback

Location in the menu: V2.9.2

This monitoring value shows the value of the PID feedback signal in process units. Use the parameter P3.14.1.10 to select the process unit (See (ID 1666) Process Unit Decimals > X011442).

(ID 85) EXTPID Error

Location in the menu: V2.9.3

This monitoring value shows the error value of the PID controller. The error value is the deviation of PID feedback from the PID setpoint in process unit. Use the parameter P3.14.1.10 to select the process unit (See (ID 1666) Process Unit Decimals > X011442).

(ID 86) EXTPID Output

Location in the menu: V2.9.4

This monitoring value shows the output of the PID controller as a percentage (0–100%). Give this value to, for example, the analog output.

(ID 87) EXTPID Status

Location in the menu: V2.9.5

This monitoring value shows the state of the PID controller.

(ID 89) Application Status Word 1

Location in the menu: V2.6.3

This monitoring value shows the bit-coded statuses of the application.

The values are visible as checkboxes on the graphical display. If a box is selected, the value is active.

(ID 90) Application Status Word 2

Location in the menu: V2.6.4

This monitoring value shows the bit-coded statuses of the application.

The values are visible as checkboxes on the graphical display. If a box is selected, the value is active.

(ID 94) Last Active Alarm ID

Location in the menu: V2.6.12

This monitoring value shows the alarm ID of latest activated alarm that is not reset.

(ID 95) Last Active Fault ID

Location in the menu: V2.6.10

This monitoring value shows the fault ID of latest activated fault that is not reset.

(ID 98) Motor Shaft Power 1 Decimal

Location in the menu: V2.6.14

This monitoring value shows the actual shaft power of the motor (calculated value with one decimal). The unit of measurement is kW or hp, depending on parameter kW/hp Selection (ID 1198) value.

(ID 101) Minimum Frequency Reference

Location in the menu: P3.3.1.1

Use this parameter to set the minimum frequency reference.

Minimum and maximum frequencies set limits to other frequency-related parameters (for example, Preset Speed 1 (ID 105), Preset Speed 2 (ID 106) and 4 mA Fault Preset Speed (ID 728).

(ID 102) Maximum Frequency Reference

Location in the menu: P3.3.1.2

Use this parameter to set the maximum frequency reference.

Defines the frequency limits of the AC drive. The maximum value for these parameters is 320 Hz.

Minimum and maximum frequencies set limits to other frequency-related parameters (for example, Preset Speed 1 (ID 105), Preset Speed 2 (ID 106) and 4 mA Fault Preset Speed (ID 728).

(ID 103) Acceleration Time 1

Location in the menu: P3.4.1.2

Use this parameter to set the time that is necessary for the output frequency to increase from zero frequency to maximum frequency.

(ID 104) Deceleration Time 1

Location in the menu: P3.4.1.3

Use this parameter to set the time that is necessary for the output frequency to decrease from maximum frequency to zero frequency.

(ID 105) Preset Frequency 1

Location in the menu: P3.3.3.3

Use this parameter to set the preset frequency reference when the preset frequencies function is used. Select the preset frequencies with the digital input signals.

See more information in (ID 182) Preset Frequency Mode > #X005216.

(ID 106) Preset Frequency 2

Location in the menu: P3.3.3.4

Use this parameter to set the preset frequency reference when the preset frequencies function is used. Select the preset frequencies with the digital input signals.

See more information in (ID 182) Preset Frequency Mode > #X005216.

(ID 107) Motor Current Limit

Location in the menu: P3.1.3.1

Use this parameter to set the maximum motor current from the AC drive. The range of values for the parameter is different for each enclosure size of the drive.

When the current limit is active, the drive output frequency decreases.

The Motor Current Limit is not an overcurrent trip limit.

(ID 108) U/F Ratio

Location in the menu: P3.1.4.1

Use this parameter to set the type of the U/f curve between zero frequency and the field weakening point.

Selection numberSelection nameDescription
0LinearThe voltage of the motor changes linearly as a function of the output frequency. The voltage changes from the value of P3.1.4.6 (Zero Frequency Voltage) to the value of P3.1.4.3 (Voltage at Field Weakening Point) at a frequency set in P3.1.4.2 (Field Weakening Point Frequency). Use this default setting if a different setting is not necessary.
1SquaredThe voltage of the motor changes from the value of P3.1.4.6 (Zero Frequency Voltage) to the value of P3.1.4.2 (Field Weakening Point Frequency) at a squared curve. The motor operates undermagnetized below the field weakening point and produces less torque. Use the squared U/f ratio in applications where the torque demand is in relation to the square of the speed, for example in centrifugal fans and pumps.
2ProgrammableIt is possible to program the U/f curve with 3 different points: the zero frequency voltage (P1), the midpoint voltage/ frequency (P2), and the field weakening point (P3). Use the programmable U/f curve at low frequencies if it is necessary to have more torque. Use the identification run (P3.1.2.4) to find the optimal settings automatically.

Linear and Squared Change of the Motor Voltage

ADefault: Nominal voltage of the motor
BField weakening point
EDefault: Nominal frequency of the motor

The Programmable U/f Curve

ADefault: Nominal voltage of the motor
BField weakening point
CDefault: Nominal frequency of the motor

When the parameter Motor Type has the value PM motor (Permanent Magnet Motor), this parameter is automatically set to the value Linear.

When the parameter Motor Type has the value Induction Motor, and when this parameter is changed, these parameters are set to their default values:

  • P3.1.4.2 Field Weakening Point Frequency

  • P3.1.4.3 Voltage at Field Weakening Point

  • P3.1.4.4 U/f Midpoint Frequency

  • P3.1.4.5 U/f Midpoint Voltage

  • P3.1.4.6 Zero Frequency Voltage

(ID 109) Automatic Torque Boost

Location in the menu: P3.1.4.9

Use this parameter with a process that has a high starting torque because of friction.

The voltage to the motor changes in relation to the necessary torque. It makes the motor give more torque at the start and when the motor operates at low frequencies.

The torque boost affects the linear U/f curve. For the best result, do the identification run and activate the programmable U/f curve.

(ID 110) Motor Nominal Voltage

Location in the menu: P3.1.1.1

Find the value Un on the nameplate of the motor. Find out whether the motor connection is Delta or Star.

This parameter sets the voltage at the field weakening point (ID 603) to 100% * UnMotor.

(ID 111) Motor Nominal Frequency

Location in the menu: P3.1.1.2

Find the value fn on the nameplate of the motor.

When this parameter changes, parameters P3.1.4.2 Field Weakening Point Frequency and P3.1.4.3 Voltage at Field Weakening Point start automatically. The 2 parameters have different values for each motor type. See (ID 650) Motor Type > #X004785.

This parameter sets the field weakening point (ID 602) to the same value.

(ID 112) Motor Nominal Speed

Location in the menu: P3.1.1.3

Find the value nn on the nameplate of the motor.

(ID 113) Motor Nominal Current

Location in the menu: P3.1.1.4

Find the value In on the nameplate of the motor.

If magnetization current is provided, also set parameter ID 612 before making the Identification run (VACON NXP only).

(ID 114) Keypad Stop Button

Location in the menu: P3.2.3

Use this parameter to enable the keypad stop button. When this function is enabled, a press of keypad stop button always stops the drive (regardless of the control place). When this function is disabled, a press of keypad stop button stops the drive in local control only.

Selection numberSelection nameDescription
0YesThe keypad stop button is always enabled.
1NoLimited function of the keypad stop button.

(ID 116) Motor Nominal Power

Location in the menu: P3.1.1.6

Find the value Pn on the nameplate of the motor.

(ID 117) I/O Control Reference A Selection

Location in the menu: P3.3.1.5

Use this parameter to select the reference source when the control place is I/O A. The application set with parameter 1.2 gives the default value.

(ID 118) PID Gain

Location in the menu: P3.13.1.1

Use this parameter to adjust the gain of the PID controller. If this parameter is set to 100%, a change of 10% in the error value causes the controller output to change by 10%.

(ID 119) PID Integration Time

Location in the menu: P3.13.1.2

Use this parameter to adjust the integration time of the PID controller. If this parameter is set to 1.00 s, a change of 10% in the error value causes the controller output to change by 10.00%/s.

(ID 120) Motor Cos Phi

Location in the menu: P3.1.1.5

Find the value on the nameplate of the motor.

(ID 121) Keypad Control Reference Selection

Location in the menu: P3.3.1.7

Use this parameter to select the reference source when the control place is keypad.

For more information on selection Fieldbus Reference, see the manual of the used fieldbus option.

(ID 122) Fieldbus Control Reference Selection

Location in the menu: P3.3.1.10

Use this parameter to select the reference source when the control place is Fieldbus.

The selection of the application with parameter P1.2 Application gives the default value. See the default values in Default Values of Parameters in the Different Applications > #X004175.

(ID 123) Keypad Direction

Location in the menu: P3.3.1.9

Use this parameter to set the rotation direction of the motor when the control place is keypad.

Selection NumberSelection NameDescription
0ForwardThe rotation of the motor is forward, when the keypad is the active control place.
1ReverseThe rotation of the motor is reversed, when the keypad is the active control place.

For more information, see the User manual of the product.

(ID 126) Preset Frequency 3

Location in the menu: P3.3.3.5

Use this parameter to set the preset frequency reference when the preset frequencies function is used. Select the preset frequencies with the digital input signals.

See more information in (ID 182) Preset Frequency Mode > #X005216.

(ID 127) Preset Frequency 4

Location in the menu: P3.3.3.6

Use this parameter to set the preset frequency reference when the preset frequencies function is used. Select the preset frequencies with the digital input signals.

See more information in (ID 182) Preset Frequency Mode > #X005216.

(ID 128) Preset Frequency 5

Location in the menu: P3.3.3.7

Use this parameter to set the preset frequency reference when the preset frequencies function is used. Select the preset frequencies with the digital input signals.

See more information in (ID 182) Preset Frequency Mode > #X005216.

(ID 129) Preset Frequency 6

Location in the menu: P3.3.3.8

Use this parameter to set the preset frequency reference when the preset frequencies function is used. Select the preset frequencies with the digital input signals.

See more information in (ID 182) Preset Frequency Mode > #X005216.

(ID 130) Preset Frequency 7

Location in the menu: P3.3.3.9

Use this parameter to set the preset frequency reference when the preset frequencies function is used. Select the preset frequencies with the digital input signals.

See more information in (ID 182) Preset Frequency Mode > #X005216.

(ID 131) I/O Control Reference B Selection

Location in the menu: P3.3.1.6

Use this parameter to select the reference source when the control place is I/O B. See P3.3.1.5 for more information. It is possible to force the I/O B control place to be active only with a digital input (P3.5.1.7).

(ID 132) PID Derivation Time

Location in the menu: P3.13.1.3

Use this parameter to adjust the derivation time of the PID controller. If this parameter is set to 1.00 s, a change of 10% in the error value during 1.00 s causes the controller output to change by 10.00%.

(ID 167) Keypad Setpoint 1

Location in the menu: P3.13.2.1

Use this parameter to set the setpoint value of the PID controller when the setpoint source is 'Keypad SP'. The value of this parameter is given in the selected process unit.

(ID 168) Keypad Setpoint 2

Location in the menu: P3.13.2.2

Use this parameter to set the setpoint value of the PID controller when the setpoint source is 'Keypad SP'. The value of this parameter is given in the selected process unit.

(ID 172) Remote Control Place

Location in the menu: P3.2.1

Use this parameter to select the remote control place (start/stop). Use this parameter to change back to remote control from VACON Live, for example if the control panel is broken.

(ID 180) Preset Frequency 0

Location in the menu: P3.3.3.2

Use this parameter to set the preset frequency reference when the preset frequencies function is used. Select the preset frequencies with the digital input signals.

See more information in (ID 182) Preset Frequency Mode > #X005216.

(ID 181) Remote to Local Function

Location in the menu: P3.2.10

Use this parameter to set the selection of copy settings when going from Remote to Local (keypad) control.

Selection numberSelection nameDescription
0Keep Run
1Keep Run & Reference

(ID 182) Preset Frequency Mode

Location in the menu: P3.3.3.1

Use this parameter to set the logic of the digital input preset frequencies.

With this parameter, it is possible to set the logic which one of the preset frequencies is selected into use. There is a selection of 2 different logics. The number of preset speed digital inputs that are active defines the preset frequency.

Selection numberSelection nameDescription
0Binary codedThe mix of the inputs is binary coded. The different sets of active digital inputs determine the preset frequency.
1Number (of inputs used)The number of active inputs tells which preset frequency is used: 1, 2 or 3.
Value 0 selected

To set Preset Frequency 0 as reference, set the value 0 Preset Frequency 0 for P3.3.1.5 (see (ID 117) I/O Control Reference A Selection > #X005198).

To select a preset frequency 1–7, give digital inputs to P3.3.3.10 ((ID 419) Preset Frequency Selection 0 > #X005225), P3.3.3.11 ((ID 420) Preset Frequency Selection 1 > #X005226), and/or P3.3.3.12 ((ID 421) Preset Frequency Selection 2 > #X005227). The different sets of active digital inputs determine the preset frequency. For more data, see the following table. The values of the preset frequencies stay automatically between the minimum and maximum frequencies (P3.3.1.1 and P3.3.1.2).

Necessary stepActivated frequency
Select the value 0 for parameter P3.3.1.5.Preset frequency 0
The Selection of Preset Frequencies when Preset Frequency Mode is <uicontrol class="+ topic/ph ui-d/uicontrol ">Binary Coded</uicontrol>Digital input signal Preset Freq Sel2 (P3.3.3.12)Digital input signal Preset Freq Sel1 (P3.3.3.11)Digital input signal Preset Freq Sel0 (P3.3.3.10)Activated frequency reference

Preset frequency 0

Only if Preset Freq 0 is set as frequency reference source with P3., P3.3.1.6, P3.3.1.7 or P3.3.1.10.

ActivatedPreset frequency 1ActivatedPreset frequency 2ActivatedActivatedPreset frequency 3ActivatedPreset frequency 4ActivatedActivatedPreset frequency 5ActivatedActivatedPreset frequency 6ActivatedActivatedActivatedPreset frequency 7
Value 1 selected

It is possible to use the Preset Frequencies 1–3 with different sets of active digital inputs. The number of active inputs tells which one is used.

The Selection of Preset Frequencies when Preset Frequency Mode is <uicontrol class="+ topic/ph ui-d/uicontrol ">Number of Inputs</uicontrol>Digital input signal Preset Freq Sel2 (P3.3.3.12)Digital input signal Preset Freq Sel1 (P3.3.3.11)Digital input signal Preset Freq Sel0 (P3.3.3.10)Activated frequency reference

Preset frequency 0

Only if Preset Freq 0 is set as frequency reference source with P3., P3.3.1.6, P3.3.1.7 or P3.3.1.10.

ActivatedPreset frequency 1ActivatedPreset frequency 1ActivatedPreset frequency 1ActivatedActivatedPreset frequency 2ActivatedActivatedPreset frequency 2ActivatedActivatedPreset frequency 2ActivatedActivatedActivatedPreset frequency 3

(ID 183) Preset Alarm Frequency

Location in the menu: P3.9.1.13

Use this parameter to set the frequency of the drive when a fault is active and the response to the fault is set to 'Alarm + Preset Frequency'.

(ID 184) Keypad Reference

Location in the menu: P3.3.1.8

Use this parameter to adjust the frequency reference on the keypad.

(ID 211) Local/Remote

Location in the menu: P3.2.2

Use this parameter to switch between the local and remote control places. Local control place is always keypad control. The remote control place can be I/O or Fieldbus, depending on the 'Remote Control Place' parameter value.

(ID 212) Application

Location in the menu: P1.2

Use this parameter to select the application configuration for the drive. The applications include preset application configurations, that is, sets of predefined parameters. The selection of the application makes the commissioning of the drive easy and reduces the manual work with the parameters.

ACCIDENTAL START BECAUSE OF CHANGE OF SETTINGSRunning the Startup wizard, changing the application or the software can cause the I/O functions to change.Disconnect the motor from the drive if an accidental start can be dangerous.

When the value of this parameter changes, a parameter groups get their preset values. The value of this parameter can be changed when the starting up or commissioning the drive.

If this parameter is changed in the control panel, an application wizard starts and helps to set the basic parameters related to the application. The wizard does not start, when using the PC tool to change this parameter. For more data about the application wizards, see Application Wizards > #X004416.

These applications are available:

  • 0 = Standard

  • 1 = Local/Remote

  • 2 = Multi-step speed

  • 3 = PID control

  • 4 = Multi-purpose

  • 5 = Motor potentiometer

When the application is changed, the contents of the Quick Setup menu change.

(ID 213) Fault Reset Open

Location in the menu: P3.5.1.14

Use this parameter to select the digital input signal that resets all active faults. Active faults are reset when the state of the digital input changes from closed to open (falling edge).

(ID 229) FB Data IN 9

Location in the menu: V2.12.7.9

This monitoring value shows the raw value of process data in a 32-bit signed format.

(ID 230) FB Data IN 10

Location in the menu: V2.12.7.10

This monitoring value shows the raw value of process data in a 32-bit signed format.

(ID 231) FB Data IN 11

Location in the menu: V2.12.7.11

This monitoring value shows the raw value of process data in a 32-bit signed format.

(ID 232) FB Data IN 12

Location in the menu: V2.12.7.12

This monitoring value shows the raw value of process data in a 32-bit signed format.

(ID 233) FB Data IN 13

Location in the menu: V2.12.7.13

This monitoring value shows the raw value of process data in a 32-bit signed format.

(ID 234) FB Data IN 14

Location in the menu: V2.12.7.14

This monitoring value shows the raw value of process data in a 32-bit signed format.

(ID 235) FB Data IN 15

Location in the menu: V2.12.7.15

This monitoring value shows the raw value of process data in a 32-bit signed format.

(ID 236) FB Data IN 16

Location in the menu: V2.12.7.16

This monitoring value shows the raw value of process data in a 32-bit signed format.

(ID 245) FB Data OUT 9

Location in the menu: V2.12.8.9

This monitoring value shows the raw value of process data in a 32-bit signed format.

(ID 246) FB Data OUT 10

Location in the menu: V2.12.8.10

This monitoring value shows the raw value of process data in a 32-bit signed format.

(ID 247) FB Data OUT 11

Location in the menu: V2.12.8.11

This monitoring value shows the raw value of process data in a 32-bit signed format.

(ID 248) FB Data OUT 12

Location in the menu: V2.12.8.12

This monitoring value shows the raw value of process data in a 32-bit signed format.

(ID 249) FB Data OUT 13

Location in the menu: V2.12.8.13

This monitoring value shows the raw value of process data in a 32-bit signed format.

(ID 250) FB Data OUT 14

Location in the menu: V2.12.8.14

This monitoring value shows the raw value of process data in a 32-bit signed format.

(ID 251) FB Data OUT 15

Location in the menu: V2.12.8.15

This monitoring value shows the raw value of process data in a 32-bit signed format.

(ID 252) FB Data OUT 16

Location in the menu: V2.12.8.16

This monitoring value shows the raw value of process data in a 32-bit signed format.

(ID 300) I/O A Start/Stop Logic

Location in the menu:P3.2.6

Use this parameter to control the start and stop of the drive with the digital signals. The selections can include the word 'edge' to help preventing an accidental start.

An accidental start can occur, for example, in these conditions:

  • When the power is connected.

  • When the power is connected again after a power cut.

  • After resetting a fault.

  • After Run Enable stops the drive.

  • When changing the control place to I/O control.

Before starting the motor, the Start/Stop contact must be opened.

In all the examples of the next pages, the stop mode is coasting. CS = Control signal.

The Block Diagram of the I/O A Start/Stop Logic

Selection = 0
Selection numberSelection nameDescription

CS1 = Forward

CS2 = Backward

The functions activate when the contacts are closed.

I/O A Start/Stop Logic = 0

1Control signal (CS) 1 activates and causes the output frequency to increase. The motor operates forward.
2CS2 activates, but it does not affect the output frequency, because the direction that is set first has the highest priority.
3CS1 becomes inactive and causes the direction to start to change (FWD to REV), because CS2 is still active.
4CS2 becomes inactive and the frequency that is fed to the motor goes to 0.
5CS2 activates again and causes the motor to accelerate (REV) to the set frequency.
6CS2 becomes inactive and the frequency fed to the motor drops to 0.
7CS1 activates and the motor accelerates (FWD) to the set frequency.
8The Run enable signal is set to OPEN, which causes the frequency to go to 0. Configure the Run enable signal with parameter P3.5.1.15.
9The Run enable signal is set to CLOSED, which causes the frequency to increase to the set frequency, because CS1 is still active.
10The STOP button on the keypad is pushed, and the frequency that is fed to the motor goes to 0. (This signal only works if the value of P3.2.3 Keypad Stop Button is Yes.)
11The drive starts because the START button on the keypad was pushed.
12The STOP button on the keypad is pushed again to stop the drive.
13The attempt to start the drive with the START button is not successful, because CS1 is inactive.
Selection = 1
Selection numberSelection nameDescription

CS1 = Forward (edge)

CS2 = Inverted stop

CS3 = Backward (edge)

For a 3-wire control (pulse control)

I/O A Start/Stop Logic = 1

1Control signal (CS) 1 activates and causes the output frequency to increase. The motor operates forward.
2CS2 becomes inactive and causes the frequency to go to 0.
3CS1 activates and causes the output frequency to increase again. The motor operates forward.
4CS3 activates and causes the direction to start to change (FWD to REV).
5The Run enable signal is set to OPEN, which causes the frequency to go to 0. Configure the Run enable signal with parameter
6The start attempt with CS1 is not successful, because the Run enable signal is still OPEN.
7CS1 activates and the motor accelerates (FWD) to the set frequency, because the Run enable signal was set to CLOSED.
8The STOP button on the keypad is pushed, and the frequency that is fed to the motor goes to 0. (This signal only works if the value of P3.2.3 Keypad Stop Button is Yes.)
9CS3 activates and causes the motor to start and to operate in the reverse direction.
10CS2 becomes inactive and causes the frequency to go to 0.
Selection = 2
Selection numberSelection nameDescription

CS1 = Forward (edge)

CS2 = Backward (edge)

Use this function to prevent an accidental start. Before starting the motor again, the start/stop contact must be opened.

I/O A Start/Stop Logic = 2

1Control signal (CS) 1 activates and causes the output frequency to increase. The motor operates forward.
2CS2 activates, but it does not affect the output frequency, because the direction that is set first has the highest priority.
3CS1 becomes inactive and causes the direction to start to change (FWD to REV), because CS2 is still active.
4CS2 becomes inactive and the frequency that is fed to the motor goes to 0.
5CS2 activates again and causes the motor to accelerate (REV) to the set frequency.
6CS2 becomes inactive and the frequency that is fed to the motor goes to 0.
7CS1 activates and the motor accelerates (FWD) to the set frequency.
8The Run enable signal is set to OPEN, which causes the frequency to go to 0. Configure the Run enable signal with parameter P3.5.1.15.
9The Run enable signal is set to CLOSED, which does not affect, because a rising edge is necessary for the start, even if CS1 is active.
10The STOP button on the keypad is pushed and the frequency that is fed to the motor goes to 0. (This signal only works if the value of P3.2.3 Keypad Stop Button is Yes.)
11CS1 is opened and closed again, which causes the motor to start.
12CS1 becomes inactive and the frequency that is fed to the motor goes to 0.
Selection = 3
Selection numberSelection nameDescription

CS1 = Start

CS2 = Reverse

I/O A Start/Stop Logic = 3

1Control signal (CS) 1 activates and causes the output frequency to increase. The motor operates forward.
2CS2 activates and causes the direction to start to change (FWD to REV).
3CS2 becomes inactive, which causes the direction to start to change (REV to FWD), because CS1 is still active.
4CS1 becomes inactive and the frequency goes to 0.
5CS2 activates, but the motor does not start because CS1 is inactive.
6CS1 activates and causes the output frequency to increase again. The motor operates forward because CS2 is inactive.
7The Run enable signal is set to OPEN, which causes the frequency to go to 0. Configure the Run enable signal with parameter P3.5.1.15.
8The Run enable signal is set to CLOSED, which causes the frequency to increase to the set frequency, because CS1 is still active.
9The STOP button on the keypad is pushed and the frequency that is fed to the motor goes to 0. (This signal only works if the value of P3.2.3 Keypad Stop Button is Yes.)
10The drive starts because the START button on the keypad was pushed.
11The drive is stopped again with the STOP button on the keypad.
12The attempt to start the drive with the START button is not successful, because CS1 is inactive.
Selection = 4
Selection numberSelection nameDescription

CS1 = Start (edge)

CS2 = Reverse

Use this function to prevent an accidental start. Before starting the motor again, the start/stop contact must be opened.

I/O A Start/Stop Logic = 4

1Control signal (CS) 1 activates and causes the output frequency to increase. The motor operates forward because CS2 is inactive.
2CS2 activates, which causes the direction to start to change (FWD to REV).
3CS2 becomes inactive, which causes the direction to start to change (REV to FWD), because CS1 is still active.
4CS1 becomes inactive and the frequency goes to 0.
5CS2 activates, but the motor does not start because CS1 is inactive.
6CS1 activates and causes the output frequency to increase again. The motor operates forward, because CS2 is inactive.
7The Run enable signal is set to OPEN, which causes the frequency to go to 0. Configure the Run enable signal with parameter P3.5.1.15.
8Before the drive can start, CS1 must be opened and closed again.
9The STOP button on the keypad is pushed and the frequency that is fed to the motor goes to 0. (This signal only works if the value of P3.2.3 Keypad Stop Button is Yes.)
10Before the drive can start, CS1 must be opened and closed CS1 again.
11CS1 becomes inactive and the frequency goes to 0.

(ID 331) Motor Potentiometer Ramp Time

Location in the menu: P3.3.4.3

Use this parameter to set the rate of change in the motor potentiometer reference when it is increased or decreased.

The parameter value is entered as Hz/second.

Motor control ramp times are still active.

(ID 332) Setpoint Source 1 Selection

Location in the menu: P3.13.2.6

Use this parameter to select the source of the PID setpoint signal. The AIs and the ProcessDataIn are handled as percentages (0.00–100.00%) and scaled according to the setpoint minimum and maximum.

The ProcessDataIn signals use 2 decimals.

If temperature inputs are selected, the values of parameters P3.13.1.5 Process Unit Min and P3.13.1.6 Process Unit Max must be set to correspond to the scale of the temperature measurement board: ProcessUnitMin = -50 °C and ProcessUnitMax = 200 °C.

(ID 333) Feedback Function

Location in the menu: P3.13.3.1

Use this parameter to select if the feedback value is taken from a single signal or combined from two signals. It is possible to select the mathematical function that is used when the two feedback signals are combined.

(ID 334) Feedback 1 Source Selection

Location in the menu: P3.13.3.3

Use this parameter to select the source of the PID feedback signal. The AIs and the ProcessDataIn are handled as percentages (0.00–100.00%) and scaled according to the feedback minimum and maximum.

The ProcessDataIn signals use 2 decimals.

If temperature inputs are selected, the values of parameters P3.13.1.5 Process Unit Min and P3.13.1.6 Process Unit Max must be set to correspond to the scale of the temperature measurement board: ProcessUnitMin = -50 °C and ProcessUnitMax = 200 °C.

(ID 335) Feedback 2 Source Selection

Location in the menu: P3.13.3.6

Use this parameter to select the source of the PID feedback signal. The AIs and the ProcessDataIn are handled as percentages (0.00–100.00%) and scaled according to the feedback minimum and maximum.

The ProcessDataIn signals use 2 decimals.

If temperature inputs are selected, the values of parameters P3.13.1.5 Process Unit Min and P3.13.1.6 Process Unit Max must be set to correspond to the scale of the temperature measurement board: ProcessUnitMin = -50 °C and ProcessUnitMax = 200 °C.

(ID 336) Feedback 1 Minimum

Location in the menu: P3.13.3.4

Use this parameter to set the minimum value of the feedback signal.

(ID 337) Feedback 1 Maximum

Location in the menu: P3.13.3.5

Use this parameter to set the maximum value of the feedback signal.

(ID 338) Feedback 2 Minimum

Location in the menu: P3.13.3.7

Use this parameter to set the minimum value of the feedback signal.

(ID 339) Feedback 2 Maximum

Location in the menu: P3.13.3.8

Use this parameter to set the maximum value of the feedback signal.

(ID 340) Error Inversion

Location in the menu: P3.13.1.8

Use this parameter to invert the error value of the PID controller.

(ID 343) I/O B Reference Force

Location in the menu: P3.5.1.8

Use this parameter to select the digital input signal that switches the frequency reference source from I/O A to I/O B.

(ID 352) Brake Fault Delay

Location in the menu: P3.20.6

Use this parameter to set the brake fault delay time. If the correct brake feedback signal is not received during this delay, a fault shows. This delay is only used if the value of P3.20.1 is set to 2.

(ID 363) I/O B Start/Stop Logic

Location in the menu: P3.2.7

Use this parameter to control the start and stop of the drive with the digital signals. The selections can include the word 'edge' to help to prevent an accidental start. See P3.2.6 for more information.

(ID 367) Motor Potentiometer Reset

Location in the menu: P3.3.4.4

Use this parameter to set the logic for the resetting of the frequency reference of the motor potentiometer.

This parameter defines when the reference of the motor potentiometer is set to 0. There are 3 selections in the reset function: no reset, reset when the drive stops, or reset when the drive is powered down.

Selection numberSelection nameDescription
0No resetThe last motor potentiometer frequency reference is kept through the stop state and kept in memory when a power-down occurs.
1Stop stateThe motor potentiometer frequency reference is set to 0 when the drive goes to the stop state, or when the drive is powered down.
2Powered downThe motor potentiometer frequency reference is set to 0 only when a power-down occurs.

(ID 377) AI1 Signal Selection

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to connect the AI signal to the analog input of your selection.

This parameter is programmable. See Default Functions of Programmable Inputs > #X006418.

TTF programming method must be applied to this parameter see "Terminal to Function" (TTF) Programming Principle > X009453).

(ID 378) AI1 Signal Filter Time

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to filter out disturbances in the analog input signal. To activate this parameter, enter a value greater than 0.

A long filter time makes the regulation response slow.

The AI1 Signal Filtering

AAnalog input signal
BUnfiltered signal
CFiltered signal

(ID 379) AI1 Signal Range

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to change the range of the analog signal. The value of this parameter is bypassed if the custom scaling parameters are used.

Use the DIP switches on the control board to set the type of the analog input signal (current or voltage). For more information, see the Installation manual. It is also possible to use the analog input signal as frequency reference. The selection of the value 0 or 1 change the scaling of the analog input signal.

Selection numberSelection nameDescription
00...10 V/0...20 mAThe range of the analog input signal is 0...10 V or 0...20 mA (the DIP switch settings on the control board tell which one). The input signal is 0...100%.
12...10 V/4...20 mAThe range of the analog input signal is 2...10 V or 4...20 mA (the DIP switch settings on the control board tell which one). The input signal is 20...100%.

The Analog Input Signal Range, Selection 0

AFrequency reference
BMax freq reference
CMin freq reference
DAnalog input signal

The Analog Input Signal Range, Selection 1

AFrequency reference
BMax freq reference
CMin freq reference
DAnalog input signal

(ID 380) AI1 Custom. MIN

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to adjust the range of the analog input signal between -160% and 160%.

(ID 381) AI1 Custom. MAX

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to adjust the range of the analog input signal between -160% and 160%.

Use the analog input signal, for example, as frequency reference, and set the parameters P3. and P3. between 40 and 80%. In these conditions, the frequency reference changes between the Minimum frequency reference and the Maximum frequency reference, and the analog input signal changes between 8 and 16 mA.

AI1 Signal Custom. Min/Max

AFrequency reference
BMax freq reference
CMin freq reference
DAnalog input signal
EAI custom min
FAI custom max

(ID 384) Joystick Dead Zone

Location in the menu: P3.3.5.2

Use this parameter to set the joystick dead zone. To ignore small values of the reference around the midpoint, set this value to be bigger than 0%. When the analog input signal is 50% ± the value of this parameter, the joystick reference is set to 0%.

The Joystick Function

AAI joystick dead zone = 10%
CMaximum Frequency
D- Maximum Frequency

(ID 385) Joystick Sleep Zone

Location in the menu: P3.3.5.3

Use this parameter to set the joystick sleep zone. The AC drive stops if the joystick reference stays in the sleep zone for longer than the time period defined in parameter P3.3.5.4 Joystick Sleep Delay.

The Sleep function is available only if using the joystick to control the frequency reference.

(ID 386) Joystick Sleep Delay

Location in the menu: P3.3.5.4

Use this parameter to set the joystick sleep delay. If the joystick reference stays in the set sleep zone for longer than the sleep delay, the drive stops and the sleep mode is activated.

The Joystick sleep function is disabled when the value of this parameter is set to 0.

(ID 387) AI1 Signal Inversion

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to invert the analog input signal. When the analog input signal is inverted, the curve of the signal becomes the opposite.

It is possible to use the analog input signal as frequency reference. The selection of the value 0 or 1 change scaling of the analog input signal.

Selection numberSelection nameDescription
0NormalNo inversion. The value 0% of the analog input signal agrees to the Minimum Frequency Reference. The value 100% of the analog input signal agrees to the Maximum Frequency Reference.
1InvertedSignal inversion. The value 0% of the analog input signal agrees to the Maximum Frequency Reference. The value 100% of the analog input signal agrees to the Minimum Frequency Reference.

AI1 Signal Inversion, Selection 0

AFrequency reference
BMaximum frequency reference
CMinimum frequency reference
DAnalog input signal

AI1 Signal Inversion, Selection 1

AFrequency reference
BMaximum frequency reference
CMinimum frequency reference
DAnalog input signal

(ID 403) Control Signal 1 A

Location in the menu: P3.5.1.1

Use this parameter to select the digital input signal (Control Signal 1) that starts and stops the drive when the control place is I/O A (FWD).

(ID 404) Control Signal 2 A

Location in the menu: P3.5.1.2

Use this parameter to select the digital input signal (Control Signal 2) that starts and stops the drive when the control place is I/O A (REV).

(ID 405) External Fault Close

Location in the menu: P3.5.1.11

Use this parameter to select the digital input signal that activates an external fault.

TTF programming method must be applied to this parameter (see "Terminal to Function" (TTF) Programming Principle > X009453).

Contact closed: Fault (F51) is shown and motor stopped.

(ID 406) External Fault Open

Location in the menu: P3.5.1.12

Use this parameter to select the digital input signal that activates an external fault.

TTF programming method must be applied to this parameter (see "Terminal to Function" (TTF) Programming Principle > X009453).

Contact open: Fault (F51) is shown and motor stopped.

(ID 407) Run Enable

Location in the menu: P3.5.1.15

Use this parameter to select the digital input signal that sets the drive to Ready state. When the contact is OPEN, the start of the motor is disabled. When the contact is CLOSED, the start of the motor is enabled.

The state of the drive remains in 'Not Ready' if the state of this signal is 'opened'. If the Run Enable signal is used for stopping the drive, the drive will always coast to stop regardless of the selection in parameter P3.2.5 Stop Function.

(ID 408) Ramp 2 Selection

Location in the menu: P3.5.1.19

Use this parameter to select the digital input signal that selects the ramp time to be used.

(ID 408) Ramp 2 Selection

Location in the menu: P3.4.2.4

Use this parameter to select either ramp 1 or ramp 2.

Selection numberSelection nameDescription
0OPENRamp 1 Shape, Acceleration Time 1, and Deceleration Time 1
1CLOSEDRamp 2 Shape, Acceleration Time 2, and Deceleration Time 2

(ID 410) Keypad Control Force

Location in the menu: P3.5.1.10

Use this parameter to select the digital input signal that switches the control place and the frequency reference source to Keypad (from any control place).

(ID 411) Fieldbus Control Force

Location in the menu: P3.5.1.9

Use this parameter to select the digital input signal that switches the control place and the frequency reference source to Fieldbus (from I/O A, I/O B or Local control).

(ID 414) Fault Reset Close

Location in the menu: P3.5.1.13

Use this parameter to select the digital input signal that resets all active faults. Active faults are reset when the state of the digital input changes from open to closed (rising edge).

(ID 415) Acc/Dec Prohibit

Location in the menu: P3.5.1.20

Use this parameter to select the digital input signal that prevents the acceleration and the deceleration of the drive. No acceleration or deceleration is possible until the contact is open.

TTF programming method must be applied to this parameter (see "Terminal to Function" (TTF) Programming Principle > X009453).

(ID 417) Motor Potentiometer DOWN

Location in the menu: P3.3.4.2

Use this parameter to decrease the output frequency with a digital input signal. With a motor potentiometer, it is possible to increase and decrease the output frequency. When a digital input is connected to parameter Motor Potentiometer DOWN, and the digital input signal is active, the output frequency falls. The motor potentiometer reference DECREASES until the contact is opened.

3 different parameters affect how the output frequency rises or falls when Motor Potentiometer UP or DOWN is active. These parameters are Motor Potentiometer Ramp Time (P3.3.4.3), Acceleration Time (P3.4.1.2), and Deceleration Time (P3.4.1.3).

The Motor Potentiometer Parameters

AFrequency Reference
BMax Frequency
CMin Frequency
DMotor potentiometer ramp time
FMotor potentiometer UP
GMotor potentiometer DOWN

(ID 417) Motor Potentiometer Down

Location in the menu: P3.5.1.25

Use this parameter to decrease the output frequency with a digital input signal. The motor potentiometer reference DECREASES until the contact is open.

TTF programming method must be applied to this parameter (see "Terminal to Function" (TTF) Programming Principle > X009453).

(ID 418) Motor Potentiometer UP

Location in the menu: P3.3.4.1

Use this parameter to increase the output frequency with a digital input signal. With a motor potentiometer, it is possible to increase and decrease the output frequency. When a digital input is connected to parameter Motor Potentiometer UP, and the digital input signal is active, the output frequency rises. The motor potentiometer reference INCREASES until the contact is opened.

(ID 418) Motor Potentiometer Up

Location in the menu: P3.5.1.24

Use this parameter to increase the output frequency with a digital input signal. The motor potentiometer reference INCREASES until the contact is open.

TTF programming method must be applied to this parameter (see "Terminal to Function" (TTF) Programming Principle > X009453).

(ID 419) Preset Frequency Selection 0

Location in the menu: P3.3.3.10

Use this parameter to select the digital input signal that is used as a selector for the preset frequencies. This parameter is a binary selector for Preset speeds (0–7). See parameters P3.3.3.2 to P3.3.3.9.

(ID 419) Preset Frequency Selection 0

Location in the menu: P3.5.1.21

Use this parameter to set the digital input signal that selects the preset frequencies.

(ID 420) Preset Frequency Selection 1

Location in the menu: P3.5.1.22

Use this parameter to set the digital input signal that selects the preset frequencies.

(ID 420) Preset Frequency Selection 1

Location in the menu: P3.3.3.11

Use this parameter to select the digital input signal that is used as a selector for the preset frequencies. This parameter is a binary selector for Preset speeds (0–7). See parameters P3.3.3.2 to P3.3.3.9.

(ID 421) Preset Frequency Selection 2

Location in the menu: P3.3.3.12

Use this parameter to select the digital input signal that is used as a selector for the preset frequencies. This parameter is a binary selector for Preset speeds (0–7). See parameters P3.3.3.2 to P3.3.3.9.

To apply Preset frequencies 1–7, connect a digital input to these functions with the instructions in Programming of Digital Inputs > #X006451. See more data in (ID 182) Preset Frequency Mode > X005216, and also in Group 3.3: References > #X002617 > table_bsf_ggm_j1b, and Group 3.5: I/O Configuration > #X002668 > table_yjr_rgx_k1b.

(ID 421) Preset Frequency Selection 2

Location in the menu: P3.5.1.23

Use this parameter to set the digital input signal that selects the preset frequencies.

(ID 423) Control Signal 1 B

Location in the menu: P3.5.1.4

Use this parameter to select the digital input signal (Control Signal 1) that starts and stops the drive when the control place is I/O B.

(ID 424) Control Signal 2 B

Location in the menu: P3.5.1.5

Use this parameter to select the digital input signal (Control Signal 2) that starts and stops the drive when the control place is I/O B.

(ID 425) I/O B Control Force

Location in the menu: P3.5.1.7

Use this parameter to select the digital input signal that switches the control place from I/O A to I/O B.

(ID 426) Motor 1 Interlock

Location in the menu: P3.15.10

Use this parameter to select the digital input signal that is used as interlock signal for the multi-pump system.

(ID 426) Motor 1 Interlock

Location in the menu: P3.5.1.34

Use this parameter to select the digital input signal that is used as interlock signal for the multi-pump system.

(ID 427) Motor 2 Interlock

Location in the menu: P3.5.1.35

Use this parameter to select the digital input signal that is used as interlock signal for the multi-pump system.

(ID 428) Motor 3 Interlock

Location in the menu: P3.5.1.36

Use this parameter to select the digital input signal that is used as interlock signal for the multi-pump system.

(ID 429) Motor 4 Interlock

Location in the menu: P3.5.1.37

Use this parameter to select the digital input signal that is used as interlock signal for the multi-pump system.

(ID 430) Motor 5 Interlock

Location in the menu: P3.5.1.38

Use this parameter to select the digital input signal that is used as interlock signal for the multi-pump system.

(ID 431) Setpoint Source 2 Selection

Location in the menu: P3.13.2.10

Use this parameter to select the source of the PID setpoint signal. The AIs and the ProcessDataIn are handled as percentages (0.00–100.00%) and scaled according to the setpoint minimum and maximum.

The ProcessDataIn signals use 2 decimals.

If temperature inputs are selected, the values of parameters P3.13.1.5 Process Unit Min and P3.13.1.6 Process Unit Max must be set to correspond to the scale of the temperature measurement board: ProcessUnitMin = -50 °C and ProcessUnitMax = 200 °C.

(ID 434) Control Signal 3 A

Location in the menu: P3.5.1.3

Use this parameter to select the digital input signal (Control Signal 3) that starts and stops the drive when the control place is I/O A.

(ID 435) Control Signal 3 B

Location in the menu: P3.5.1.6

Use this parameter to select the digital input signal (Control Signal 3) that starts and stops the drive when the control place is I/O B.

(ID 447) Timer 1

Location in the menu: P3.5.1.27

Use this parameter to select the digital input signal that starts the timer. The timer starts when this signal is deactivated (falling edge). The output is deactivated when the time defined in the duration parameter has elapsed.

(ID 447) Timer 1

Location in the menu: P3.12.6.2

Use this parameter to select the digital input signal that starts the timer. The output of the timer is activated when this signal is activated. The timer starts to count when this signal is deactivated (falling edge). The output is deactivated when the time that is set with the duration parameter has elapsed. The rising edge starts Timer 1 that is programmed in Group 3.12.

(ID 448) Timer 2

Location in the menu: P3.5.1.28

Use this parameter to select the digital input signal that starts the timer. The timer starts when this signal is deactivated (falling edge). The output is deactivated when the time defined in the duration parameter has elapsed.

(ID 449) Timer 3

Location in the menu: P3.5.1.29

Use this parameter to select the digital input signal that starts the timer. The timer starts when this signal is deactivated (falling edge). The output is deactivated when the time defined in the duration parameter has elapsed.

(ID 451) Joystick Signal Selection

Location in the menu: P3.3.5.1

Use this parameter to set the analog input signal that controls the Joystick function. Use the Joystick function to control the frequency reference of the drive or the torque reference.

(ID 486) Motor 6 Interlock

Location in the menu: P3.5.1.39

Use this parameter to select the digital input signal that is used as interlock signal for the multi-pump system.

(ID 490) Counter 1 DI Reset

Location in the menu: P3.16.5

Use this parameter to select the digital input that resets the value of the Maintenance Counter.

(ID 490) Reset Maintenance Counter

Location in the menu: P3.5.1.40

Use this parameter to select the digital input that reset the value of the Maintenance Counter.

(ID 496) Parameter Set 1/2 Selection

Location in the menu: P3.5.1.49

Use this parameter to set the digital input that selects the parameter set to be used. This function is enabled if any other slot than ‘DigIN Slot0’ is selected to this parameter. The parameter set selection is allowed only when the drive is stopped.

  • Contact Open = Parameter Set 1 is loaded as the active set

  • Contact Closed = Parameter Set 2 is loaded as the active set

Parameter values are stored to Set 1 and Set 2 by parameters B6.5.4 Save to Set 1 and B6.5.4 Save to Set 2. These parameters can be used either from keypad or VACON Live PC tool.

(ID 500) Ramp 1 Shape

Location in the menu: P3.4.1.1

Use this parameter to make the start and the end of the acceleration and deceleration ramps smoother.

With the parameters Ramp 1 Shape and Ramp 2 Shape, it is possible to make smoother the start and the end of the acceleration and deceleration ramps. The value is set to 0.0% gives a linear ramp shape. The acceleration and deceleration act immediately to the changes in the reference signal.

The value set between 1.0% and 100.0% gives an S-shaped acceleration or deceleration ramp. Use this function to reduce mechanical erosion of the parts and current spikes when the reference changes. The acceleration time can be modified with parameters P3.4.1.2 (Acceleration Time 1) and P3.4.1.3 (Deceleration Time 1).

The Acceleration/Deceleration Curve (S-shaped)

(ID 501) Ramp 2 Shape

Location in the menu: P3.4.2.1

Use this parameter to make the start and the end of the acceleration and deceleration ramps smoother.

With the parameters Ramp 1 Shape and Ramp 2 Shape, it is possible to make smoother the start and the end of the acceleration and deceleration ramps. The value set to 0.0% gives a linear ramp shape. The acceleration and deceleration act immediately to the changes in the reference signal.

The value set between 1.0% and 100.0% gives an S-shaped acceleration or deceleration ramp. Use this function to reduce mechanical erosion of the parts and current spikes when the reference changes. The acceleration time can be modified with parameters P3.4.2.2 (Acceleration Time 2) and P3.4.2.3 (Deceleration Time 2).

The Acceleration/Deceleration Curve (S-shaped)

(ID 502) Acceleration Time 2

Location in the menu: P3.4.2.2

Use this parameter to set the time that is necessary for the output frequency to increase from zero frequency to maximum frequency.

These values correspond to the time required for the output frequency to accelerate from the zero frequency to the set maximum frequency (parameter ID 102). These parameters give the possibility to set two different acceleration/deceleration times sets for one application. The active set can be selected with the programmable signal DIN 3 (parameter ID 301).

(ID 503) Deceleration Time 2

Location in the menu: P3.4.2.3

Use this parameter to set the time that is necessary for the output frequency to decrease from maximum frequency to zero frequency.

See (ID 502) Acceleration Time 2 > X005263.

(ID 505) Start Function

Location in the menu: P3.2.4

Use this parameter to select the type of the start function.

Selection numberSelection nameDescription
0RampingThe drive accelerates from 0 frequency to frequency reference.
1Flying startThe drive detects the actual speed of the motor and accelerates from that speed to frequency reference.

(ID 506) Stop Function

Location in the menu: P3.2.5

Use this parameter to select the type of the stop function.

Selection numberSelection nameDescription
0CoastingThe motor stops on its inertia. When the stop command is given, the control by the drive stops and the current from the drive goes to 0.
1RampAfter the stop command, the speed of the motor is decreased to zero speed according to the deceleration parameters.
Ramp stop cannot be guaranteed in all situations. If ramp stop is selected and the net voltage changes over 20%, the voltage estimation fails. In such case, ramp stop is not possible.

(ID 507) DC Brake Current

Location in the menu: P3.4.4.1

Use this parameter to set the current that is fed into the motor during DC braking. If the value of this parameter is set to 0, the DC brake function is disabled.

(ID 508) DC Braking Time at Stop

Location in the menu: P3.4.4.2

Use this parameter to set the braking is ON or OFF and to give the braking time when the motor stops. If the value of this parameter is set to 0, the DC brake function is disabled.

(ID 509) Prohibit Frequency Range 1 Low Limit

Location in the menu: P3.7.1

Use this parameter to prevent the drive operating on the prohibited frequencies.

In some processes, it can be necessary to avoid some frequencies because they cause mechanical resonance.

With this parameter, it is possible to set limits for the "skip frequency" region.

(ID 510) Prohibit Frequency Range 1 High Limit

Location in the menu: P3.7.2

Use this parameter to prevent the drive operating on the prohibited frequencies. In some processes, it can be necessary to avoid some frequencies because they cause mechanical resonance.

With this parameter, it is possible to set limits for the "skip frequency" region.

(ID 511) Prohibit Frequency Range 2 Low Limit

Location in the menu: P3.7.3

Use this parameter to prevent the drive operating on the prohibited frequencies. In some processes, it can be necessary to avoid some frequencies because they cause mechanical resonance.

With this parameter, it is possible to set limits for the "skip frequency" region.

(ID 512) Prohibit Frequency Range 2 High Limit

Location in the menu: P3.7.4

Use this parameter to prevent the drive operating on the prohibited frequencies. In some processes, it can be necessary to avoid some frequencies because they cause mechanical resonance.

With this parameter, it is possible to set limits for the "skip frequency" region.

(ID 513) Prohibit Frequency Range 3 Low Limit

Location in the menu: P3.7.5

Use this parameter to prevent the drive operating on the prohibited frequencies. In some processes, it can be necessary to avoid some frequencies because they cause mechanical resonance.

With this parameter, it is possible to set limits for the "skip frequency" region.

(ID 514) Prohibit Frequency Range 3 High Limit

Location in the menu: P3.7.6

Use this parameter to prevent the drive operating on the prohibited frequencies. In some processes, it can be necessary to avoid some frequencies because they cause mechanical resonance.

With this parameter, it is possible to set limits for the "skip frequency" region.

The Prohibited Frequencies

AActual Reference
BHigh Limit
CLow Limit
DRequested Reference

(ID 515) Frequency to Start DC Braking at Ramp Stop

Location in the menu: P3.4.4.3

Use this parameter to set the output frequency at which the DC-braking starts.

See (ID 514) Prohibit Frequency Range 3 High Limit > #X005306 > fig_wct_bnl_5cb.

(ID 516) Start Magnetizing Time

Location in the menu: P3.4.3.2

Use this parameter to set the time during which the DC current is fed to the motor before the acceleration starts.

DC brake current is used at start to premagnetize the motor before running. It improves the torque performance at start. Varying between 100 ms to 3 s, the time needed depends on motor size. A bigger motor requires a longer time. See parameter ID 507.

When Flying Start (see parameter ID 505) is used as start function, DC-braking at start is disabled.

(ID 517) Start Magnetizing Current

Location in the menu: P3.4.3.1

Use this parameter to set the DC current that is fed into the motor at the start. If the value of this parameter is set to 0, the Start Magnetizing function is disabled.

(ID 518) Ramp Time Factor

Location in the menu: P3.7.7

Use this parameter to set the multiplier of the selected ramp times when the output frequency of the drive is between the prohibited frequency limits. The Ramp Time Factor sets the acceleration and the deceleration time when the output frequency is in a prohibited frequency range. The value of the Ramp Time Factor is multiplied by the value of P3.4.1.2 (Acceleration Time 1) or P3.4.1.3 (Deceleration Time 1). For example, the value 0.1 makes the acceleration/deceleration time ten times shorter.

The Parameter Ramp Time Factor

AOutput Frequency
BHigh Limit
CLow Limit
DRamp Time Factor = 0.3
ERamp Time Factor = 2.5

(ID 519) Flux Braking Current

Location in the menu: P3.4.5.2

Use this parameter to set the current level for the flux braking.

The value setting range depends on the used application.

(ID 520) Flux Braking

Location in the menu: P3.4.5.1

Use this parameter to enable Flux Braking. It is possible to use flux braking as an alternative to DC-braking. Flux braking increases the braking capacity in conditions where extra brake resistors are not necessary.

When braking is necessary, the system decreases the frequency and increases the flux in the motor. It increases the capacity of the motor to brake. The motor speed is controlled during braking.

Use the braking only intermittently. Flux braking converts energy into heat and can damage the motor.

(ID 524) Start Delay

Location in the menu: P3.2.9

Use this parameter to set the delay between the start command and the actual start of the drive.

(ID 530) Jogging Reference 1 Activation

Location in the menu: P3.5.1.42

Use this parameter to set the digital input signals that activate the Jogging function.

If the input is activated, the drive starts.

(ID 530) Jogging reference 1 Activation

Location in the menu: P3.3.6.2

Use this parameter to set the digital input signals for the Jogging function activation. This parameter gives the digital input signal that is used to set the frequency reference for Jogging function and make the drive start. It is possible to use this digital input signal only when Enable DI Jogging is active.

If both Enable DI Jogging and this digital input are activated, the drive starts.If the 2 activation signals are active at the same time, the drive stops.

(ID 531) Jogging Reference 2 Activation

Location in the menu: P3.5.1.43

Use this parameter to set the digital input signals that activate the Jogging function.

If the input is activated, the drive starts.

(ID 531) Jogging reference 2 Activation

Location in the menu: P3.3.6.3

Use this parameter to set the digital input signals for the Jogging function activation. This parameter gives the digital input signal that is used to set the frequency reference for Jogging function and make the drive start. It is possible to use this digital input signal only when Enable DI Jogging is active.

If both Enable DI Jogging and this digital input are activated, the drive starts.If the 2 activation signals are active at the same time, the drive stops.

(ID 532) Enable DI Jogging

Location in the menu: P3.5.1.41

Use this parameter to enable the jogging commands from digital inputs. This parameter does not affect the jogging from fieldbus.

(ID 532) Enable DI Jogging

Location in the menu: P3.3.6.1

Use this parameter to enable the jogging commands from digital inputs. This parameter gives the digital input signal that is used to enable jogging commands from digital inputs. This signal does not affect the jogging commands that come from Fieldbus.

(ID 534) I/f Start

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to enable the I/f start function.

When the I/f start function is activated, the drive starts to operate in the current control mode. A constant current is led to the motor until the output frequency increases above the level that is set in P3. When the output frequency increases above I/f Start Frequency level, the operation mode changes back to the normal U/f control mode.

(ID 535) I/f Start Frequency

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set the output frequency limit below which the set I/f start current is fed to motor.

When the output frequency of the drive is below the limit of this parameter, I/f start function activates. When the output frequency is more than the limit, the drive operation mode changes back to the normal U/f control mode.

(ID 536) I/f Start Current

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set the current that is used when the I/f start function is enabled.

(ID 600) Control Mode

Location in the menu: P3.1.2.1

Use this parameter to set the AC drive control mode.

Selection numberSelection nameDescription
0Frequency controlThe frequency reference of the drive is set to the output frequency without slip compensation. The actual speed of the motor is specified by the motor load.
1Speed controlThe frequency reference of the drive is set to the motor speed reference. The motor load does not have an effect on the motor speed. There is slip compensation.
2Torque controlThe motor torque is controlled. The motor produces torque in the set speed limits to achieve torque reference. P3.3.2.7 (Torque Control Frequency Limit) controls the motor speed limit.

(ID 601) Switching Frequency

Location in the menu: P3.1.2.3

Use this parameter to set the switching frequency of the AC drive.

If the switching frequency is increased, the capacity of the AC drive reduces. To reduce capacitive currents in the motor cable, when the cable is long, we recommend using a low switching frequency. To reduce the motor noise, use a high switching frequency.

(ID 602) Field Weakening Point Frequency

Location in the menu: P3.1.4.2

Use this parameter to set the output frequency at which the output voltage reaches the field weakening point voltage.

(ID 603) Voltage at Field Weakening Point

Location in the menu: P3.1.4.3

Use this parameter to set the voltage at the field weakening point as a percentage of the motor nominal voltage.

Above the frequency at the field weakening point, the output voltage stays at the set maximum value. Below the frequency at the field weakening point, the U/f curve parameters control the output voltage. See the U/f parameters P3.1.4.1, P3.1.4.4 and P3.1.4.5.

When setting the parameters P3.1.1.1 (Motor nominal voltage) and P3.1.1.2 (Motor nominal frequency), the parameters P3.1.4.2 and P3.1.4.3 automatically receive related values. To have different values for P3.1.4.2 and P3.1.4.3, change these parameters only after setting the parameters P3.1.1.1 and P3.1.1.2.

Above the frequency at the field weakening point, the output voltage stays at the set maximum value. Below the frequency at the field weakening point, the U/f curve parameters control the output voltage. See the parameters ID 109, ID 108, ID 604, and ID 605.

When setting the parameters ID 110 and ID 111 (nominal voltage and nominal frequency of the motor), the parameters ID 602 and ID 603 automatically receive related values. To have different values for the field weakening point and the maximum output voltage, change these parameters only after setting the parameters P3.1.1.1 and P3.1.1.2.

(ID 605) U/f Midpoint Voltage

Location in the menu: P3.1.4.5

Use this parameter to set the middle point voltage of the U/f curve.

This parameter gives the middle point voltage of the curve if the value of P3.1.4.1 is programmable.

If the value of ID 108 is programmable, this parameter gives the middle point voltage of the curve. See (ID 108) U/F Ratio Selection > X010323.

(ID 606) Zero Frequency Voltage

Location in the menu: P3.1.4.6

Use this parameter to set the zero frequency voltage of the U/f curve. The default value for the parameter is different for each unit size.

(ID 607) Overvoltage Control

Location in the menu: P3.1.2.10

Use this parameter to set the overvoltage controller out of operation.

The function is necessary when

  • the supply voltage changes, for example, between -15% and +10%, and

  • the controlled process does not have the tolerance for the changes that the undervoltage controller and the overvoltage controller make to the output frequency of the drive.

The overvoltage controller increases the output frequency of the drive

  • to keep the DC link voltage in the permitted limits, and

  • to make sure that the drive does not trip because of an overvoltage fault.

The drive can trip when the overvoltage and undervoltage controllers are disabled.

(ID 608) Undervoltage Control

Location in the menu: P3.1.2.11

Use this parameter to set the undervoltage controller out of operation.

The function is necessary when

  • the supply voltage changes, for example, between -15% and +10%, and

  • the controlled process does not have the tolerance for the changes that the undervoltage controller and the overvoltage controller make to the output frequency of the drive.

The undervoltage controller decreases the output frequency of the drive

  • to get energy from the motor to keep the DC-link voltage at a minimum level when the voltage is near the lowest permitted limit, and

  • to make sure that the drive does not trip because of an undervoltage fault.

The drive can trip when the overvoltage and undervoltage controllers are disabled.

(ID 612) Magnetizing Current

Location in the menu: P3.1.2.5

Use this parameter to set the magnetizing current of the motor.

The magnetizing current (no-load current) of the motor identifies the values of the U/f parameters when they are given before the identification run. If the value is set to 0, the magnetizing current is calculated internally.

In VACON NXP, the values of the U/f parameters are identified according to the magnetizing current if given before identification. See Closed Loop Parameters (IDs 612 to 621) > X011094.

(ID 620) Load Drooping

Location in the menu: P3.1.2.7

Use this parameter to enable the Load Drooping function. The Load drooping function enables a speed drop as a function of load. Use this function when a balanced load is necessary for mechanically connected motors. This is called static drooping. The function can also be used when a dynamic drooping is necessary because the load changes. In static drooping, the Load Drooping Time is set to 0, so that the drooping cannot decay. In dynamic drooping, the Load Drooping Time is set. The load is momentarily drooped with energy from the system inertia. This decreases the current torque spikes when the load changes suddenly.

If the motor has a nominal frequency of 50 Hz, the motor is loaded with the nominal load (100% of the torque), and Load Drooping is set to 10%, the output frequency is let to decrease 5 Hz from the frequency reference.

The Load Drooping Function

ALoad Drooping Time (ID 656)
BOutput Frequency

(ID 631) Identification

Location in the menu: P3.1.2.4

Use this parameter to find the parameter values that are optimal for the operation of the drive.

The identification run calculates or measures the motor parameters that are necessary for a good control of the motor and speed. The identification run helps to adjust the motor-specific and the drive-specific parameters. It is a tool for the commissioning and the servicing of the drive.

Before the identification run, set the motor nameplate parameters.
Selection numberSelection nameDescription
0No actionNo identification requested.
1Identification at standstillThe drive operates without speed when doing the identification run for the motor parameters. The motor receives current and voltage, but the frequency is zero. The U/f ratio and start magnetization parameters are identified.
2Identification with rotation

The drive operates with speed when doing the identification run for the motor parameters. The U/f ratio, the magnetization current and start magnetization parameters are identified.

To get accurate results, do this identification run with no load on the motor shaft.

To activate the Identification function, set the parameter P3.1.2.4 and give a start command. The start command must be given in 20 s. If there is no start command in that time, the identification run does not start. The parameter P3.1.2.4 is reset to the default value and an identification alarm shows.

To stop the identification run before it is completed, give a stop command. This resets the parameter to the default value. If the identification run is not completed, an identification alarm shows.

To start the drive after the identification, a new start command is necessary.

(ID 636) Open Loop Torque Control Minimum Frequency

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set the output frequency limit below which the drive operates in the frequency control mode.

Because of the nominal slip of the motor, the internal torque calculation is inaccurate at low speeds where is it recommended to use the frequency control mode.

(ID 639) Open Loop Torque Control P Gain

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set the P gain for the torque controller in the open loop control mode.

The P Gain value 1.0 causes a 1 Hz change in the output frequency when the torque error is 1% of the motor nominal torque.

(ID 640) Open Loop Torque Control I Gain

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set the I gain for the torque controller in the open loop control mode.

The I Gain value 1.0 causes the integration to reach 1.0 Hz in 1 second when the torque error is 1% of the motor nominal torque.

(ID 641) Torque Reference Selection

Location in the menu: P3.3.2.1

Use this parameter to select the torque reference.

The torque reference is scaled between the values of P3.3.2.2. and P3.3.2.3. When using a fieldbus protocol where the torque reference can be given in Nm units, set ProcessDataIn1 as the value to this parameter.

See Fieldbus Control Parameters (IDs 850 to 859) > X010759.

(ID 642) Torque Maximum Reference

Location in the menu: P3.3.2.3

Use this parameter to set the maximum torque reference of the positive and negative values.

These parameters define the scaling of selected torque reference signal. For instance, the analog input signal is scaled between the Torque Reference Minimum and the Torque Reference Maximum.

Scaling of the Torque Reference Signal

ATorque reference
BTorque reference maximum
CTorque reference minimum
DAnalog input signal

(ID 643) Torque Minimum Reference

Location in the menu: P3.3.2.2

Use this parameter to set the minimum torque reference. This parameter defines the minimum torque reference of the positive and negative values.

This value is not applied when torque reference source is Joystick.

(ID 650) Motor Type

Location in the menu: P3.1.2.2

Use this parameter to set the type of motor in the process.

Selection numberSelection nameDescription
0Induction motor (IM)Make this selection if an induction motor is in use.
1Permanent Magnet Motor (PM)Make this selection if permanent magnet motor is in use.
2Reluctance MotorMake this selection if a reluctance motor is in use.

When the value of parameter P3.1.2.2 Motor Type is changed, the values of parameters P3.1.4.2 Field Weakening Point Frequency and P3.1.4.3 Voltage at Field Weakening Point change automatically. See the following table. The 2 parameters have different values for each motor type.

ParameterInduction motor (IM)Permanent magnet motor (PM)
P3.1.4.2 (Field Weakening Point Frequency)Motor nominal frequencyInternally calculated
P3.1.4.3 (Voltage at Field Weakening Point)100.0%Internally calculated

See Settings for Different Motor Types > #X011794 for more information.

(ID 653) Motor Switch

Location in the menu: P3.1.2.6

Use this parameter to enable the Motor Switch function. Use the Motor Switch function, if the cable that connects the motor and the drive has a motor switch. The operation of the motor switch makes sure that the motor is isolated from the voltage source and does not start during the servicing.

To activate the function, set the parameter P3.1.2.6 to the value Enabled. The drive stops automatically when the motor switch is opened, and the drive starts automatically when the motor switch is closed. The drive does not trip when using the Motor switch function.

The Motor Switch Between the Drive and the Motor

AThe motor switch

(ID 656) Load Drooping Time

Location in the menu: P3.1.2.8

Use this parameter to set the drooping time of the motor. Use load drooping to get a dynamic speed drooping when the load changes. This parameter gives the time during which the speed is restored 63% of the change.

(ID 659) Stator Voltage Adjust

Location in the menu: P3.1.2.13

Use this parameter to adjust the stator voltage in permanent magnet motors.

The identification run sets a value for this parameter automatically. We recommend the identification run, if it is possible. Make the identification run with the parameter P3.1.2.4.

It is possible to use this parameter only when the parameter P3.1.2.2 Motor Type has the value PM motor. If induction motor is selected as the motor type, the value is automatically set to 100%, and the value cannot be changed.

When changing the value of P3.1.2.2 (Motor type) to PM Motor, the parameters P3.1.4.2 (Field Weakening Point Frequency) and P3.1.4.3 (Voltage at Field Weakening Point) increase automatically to be equal with output voltage of the drive. The set U/f ratio does not change. This is done to prevent the operation of the PM motor in the field weakening area. The nominal voltage of the PM motor is much lower than the full output voltage of the drive.

The nominal voltage of the PM motor agrees to the back EMF voltage of the motor at nominal frequency. But in a different motor manufacturer, it can be equal to, for example, the stator voltage at nominal load.

Stator Voltage Adjust helps to adjust the U/f curve of the drive near the back EMF curve. It is not necessary to change the values of many U/f curve parameters.

The parameter P3.1.2.13 gives the output voltage of the drive in percentage of the nominal voltage of the motor at the nominal frequency of the motor. Adjust the U/f curve of the drive above the back EMF curve of the motor. The motor current increases the more the U/f curve is different from the back EMF curve.

The Stator Voltage Adjustment

(ID 662) Stator Resistance Voltage Drop

Location in the menu: P3.1.2.15

Use this parameter to set the motor stator phase-resistance value (in star-connection equivalent circuit). The resistance is essential for an accurate motor control.

The value is given as a percentage of voltage drop at nominal current.

The identification run sets a value for this parameter automatically. We recommend the identification run, if it is possible. Make the identification run with the parameter P3.1.2.4.

(ID 665) Torque Boost Generator Gain

Location in the menu: P3.1.4.11

Use this parameter to set the scaling factor for the generating side IR-compensation when the torque boost is used.

(ID 666) Energy Optimization

Location in the menu: P3.1.2.12

Use this parameter to enable the Energy Optimization function. To save energy and to lower the motor noise, the drive searches for the minimum motor current. Use this function, for example in fan and pump processes. Do not use the function with fast PID controlled processes.

(ID 667) Torque Boost Motor Gain

Location in the menu: P3.1.4.10

Use this parameter to set the scaling factor for the motoring side IR-compensation when the torque boost is used.

(ID 673) Stator Inductance Voltage Drop

Location in the menu: P3.1.2.16

Use this parameter to set the motor stator phase-inductance value (in star-connection equivalent circuit). The value is the transient inductance (for induction motors) or the line-to-neutral inductance (for permanent magnet and reluctance motors).

The value is given as a percentage of voltage drop at nominal current and nominal frequency.

The identification run sets a value for this parameter automatically. We recommend the identification run, if it is possible. Make the identification run with the parameter P3.1.2.4.

(ID 674) Motor BEM Voltage

Location in the menu: P3.1.2.17

Use this parameter to set the back electromotive force (back EMF) voltage of a permanent magnet motor. The value of this parameter is the motor terminal voltage when the motor current is zero.

The value is given as line-to-line RMS voltage at nominal operating frequency. Identification at standstill uses this parameter to set U/f curve in open loop control mode. The back EMF value that is identified in Identification with rotation overwrites the existing parameter value.

(ID 700) Analog Input Low Fault

Location in the menu: P3.9.8.2

Use this parameter to select the response of the drive to an 'AI Low' fault. If the analog input signal becomes less than 50% of the minimum signal for 500 ms, an AI Low fault occurs.

If AI Low Protection is enabled with parameter P3.9.8.1, this parameter gives a response for the fault code 50 (Fault ID 1050).

The AI low protection function monitors the signal level of the analog inputs 1–6. If the analog input signal becomes less than 50% of the minimum signal for 500 ms, an AI Low fault, or alarm shows.

It is possible to use the value Alarm + previous frequency only when using analog input 1 or analog input 2 as frequency reference.
Selection numberSelection nameDescription
0No ActionAI Low Protection is not used.
2Alarm, preset frequencyThe frequency reference is set as in P3.9.1.13 Preset Alarm Frequency.
3Alarm, previous frequencyThe last valid frequency is kept as frequency reference.
4FaultThe drive stops as is set in P3.2.5 Stop Mode.
5Fault, coastingThe drive stops by coasting.

(ID 701) Response to External Fault

Location in the menu: P3.9.1.2

Use this parameter to select the response of the drive to an 'External Fault'.

If a fault occurs, the drive can show a notification of it on the display of the drive. An external fault is activated with a digital input signal. The default digital input is DI3. It is also possible to program the response data into a relay output.

A warning or a fault action and message is generated from the external fault signal in the programmable digital inputs DIN 3 or with parameters ID 405 and ID 406. The information can be also programmed into digital output DO1 and relay outputs RO1 and RO2.

(ID 702) Response to Output Phase Fault

Location in the menu: P3.9.1.5

Use this parameter to select the response of the drive to an 'Output Phase' fault. If the measurement of the motor current detects that there is no current in 1 motor phase, an output phase fault occurs. See P3.9.1.2.

(ID 703) Earth Fault

Location in the menu: P3.9.1.12

Use this parameter to select the response of the drive to an 'Earth Fault'.

If the measurement of the current detects that the sum of the motor phase currents is not 0, an earth fault occurs. See P3.9.1.2.

It is possible configure this fault only in enclosure sizes MR7, MR8, MR9, MR10, MR11, and MR12, and also MR6 600 V & 690 V.

Earth fault protection ensures that the sum of the motor phase currents is zero. The overcurrent protection is always working and protects the AC drive from earth faults with high currents.

(ID 704) Motor Thermal Protection

Location in the menu: P3.9.2.1

Use this parameter to select the response of the drive to a 'Motor Overtemperature' fault. If the motor thermal protection function detects that the temperature of the motor is too high, a motor overtemperature fault occurs.

If possible, use a motor thermistor to protect the motor. Set the value of this parameter to 0.

(ID 705) Ambient Temperature

Location in the menu: P3.9.2.2

Use this parameter to set the ambient temperature where the motor is installed. The temperature value is given in Celsius or Fahrenheit degrees.

The factor can be set between -100.0%...100.0% where

  • -100.0% = 0 °C

  • 0.0% = 40 °C

  • 100.0% = 80 °C

See Parameters of Motor Thermal Protection (IDs 704 to 708) > X008705.

(ID 706) Zero Speed Cooling Factor

Location in the menu: P3.9.2.3

Use this parameter to set the cooling factor at 0 speed in relation to the point where the motor operates at nominal speed without external cooling.

The default value is set for conditions where there is no external fan. When using an external fan, the value can be set higher than without the fan, for example at 90%.

When changing parameter P3.1.1.4 (Motor Nominal Current), parameter P3.9.2.3 is automatically set to its default value.

When changing the parameter Motor Nominal Current, this parameter is automatically set to its default value.

Changing this parameter does not affect the maximum output current of the drive. Only parameter P3.1.3.1 Motor Current Limit can change the maximum output current.

The corner frequency for the thermal protection is 70% of the value of the parameter P3.1.1.2 Motor Nominal Frequency.

Changing this parameter does not affect the maximum output current of the drive. See Parameters of Motor Thermal Protection (IDs 704 to 708) > X008705.

The corner frequency for the thermal protection is 70% of the value of the parameter Motor Nominal Frequency (ID 111).

The Motor Thermal Current IT Curve

BOverload area
CCorner frequency

(ID 707) Motor Thermal Time Constant

Location in the menu: P3.9.2.4

Use this parameter to set the motor thermal time constant.

This time can be set between 1–200 minutes.

The time constant is the time within which the calculated thermal stage has reached 63% of its final value. The final thermal stage equals to running the motor continuously with nominal load at nominal speed. The length of the time constant is in relation with the dimension of the motor. The bigger the motor, the longer the time constant.

In different motors, the motor thermal time constant is different. It also changes between different motor manufacturers. The default value of the parameter changes from dimension to dimension.

The t6-time is the time in seconds that the motor can safely operate at 6 times the rated current. It is possible that the motor manufacturer gives the data with the motor. Use this information to set the time constant parameter. Usually, the motor thermal time constant in minutes is 2*t6. When the drive is in the STOP state, the time constant is internally increased to 3 times the set parameter value, because the cooling operates based on convection.

The Motor Thermal Time Constant

BMotor thermal time constant

(ID 708) Motor Thermal Loadability

Location in the menu: P3.9.2.5

Use this parameter to set the thermal loadability of the motor. For example, if the value is set to 130%, the motor goes to the nominal temperature with 130% of the motor nominal current.

The Calculation of the Motor Temperature

CTrip area

(ID 709) Motor Stall Fault

Location in the menu: P3.9.3.1

Use this parameter to select the response of the drive to a 'Motor Stall' fault. If the stall protection detects that the shaft of the motor is stalled, a motor stall fault occurs.

(ID 710) Stall Current

Location in the menu: P3.9.3.2

Use this parameter to set the limit above which the current of the motor must stay for a stall stage to occur.

It is possible to set the value of this parameter between 0.0 and 2*IL. For a stall status to occur, the current must be higher than this limit. If parameter P3.1.3.1 Motor Current Limit changes, this parameter is automatically calculated to 90% of the current limit.

The value of this parameter can be set between 0.0 and 2*IH. For a stall status to occur, the current must be higher than this limit. If parameter ID 107 Nominal current limit of motor changes, this parameter is automatically calculated to 90% of the current limit. See Parameters of Stall Protection (IDs 709 to 712) > X011141.

The value of the Stall Current must be below the motor current limit.

The Stall Characteristics Settings

AStall area

(ID 711) Stall Time Limit

Location in the menu: P3.9.3.3

Use this parameter to set the maximum time for a stall stage.

This parameter is the maximum time for the stall stage to be active before a motor stall fault occurs. The value of this parameter can be set between 1.0 s and 120.0 s. An internal counter counts the stall time. If the stall time counter value goes above this limit, the protection causes the drive to trip.

See Parameters of Stall Protection (IDs 709 to 712) > X011141.

Stall Time Count

(ID 712) Stall Frequency Limit

Location in the menu: P3.9.3.4

Use this parameter to set the limit below which the output frequency of the drive must stay for a stall stage to occur.

The frequency can be set between 1-fmax(ID 102).

For a stall state to occur, the output frequency must be below this limit for a certain time.

See Parameters of Stall Protection (IDs 709 to 712) > X011141.

(ID 713) Underload Fault

Location in the menu: P3.9.4.1

Use this parameter to select the response of the drive to an 'Underload' fault. If the underload protection function detects that there is not a sufficient load on the motor, an underload fault occurs.

(ID 714) Underload Protection: Field Weakening Area Load

Location in the menu: P3.9.4.2

Use this parameter to set the minimum torque that the motor needs when the output frequency of the drive is higher than the frequency of the weakening point. It is possible set the value of this parameter between 10.0% and 150.0% x TnMotor. This value is the limit for the minimum torque when the output frequency is above the field weakening point.

Changing parameter P3.1.1.4 (Motor Nominal Current) restores this parameter automatically to its default value. See Underload Protection > #X005388.

Changing parameter ID 113 (Motor nominal current) restores this parameter automatically to its default value. See Parameters of Underload Protection (IDs 713 to 716) > X011142.

Setting of the Minimum Load

BUnderload area
CField weakening point

(ID 715) Underload Protection: Zero Frequency Load

Location in the menu: P3.9.4.3

Use this parameter to set the minimum torque that the motor needs when the output frequency of the drive is 0.

Changing the value of parameter P3.1.1.4 restores this parameter automatically to the default value.

The torque limit can be set between 5.0–150.0% x TnMotor. See (ID 714) Underload Protection: Field Weakening Area Load > #X005423 > fig_ogf_h45_vcb. Changing the value of parameter ID 113 (Motor nominal current), restores this parameter automatically to the default value. See Parameters of Underload Protection (IDs 713 to 716) > X011142.

(ID 716) Underload Protection: Time Limit

Location in the menu: P3.9.4.4

Use this parameter to set the maximum time for an underload state. It is the maximum time for the underload state to be active before an underload fault occurs.

It is possible to set the time limit between 2.0 s and 600.0 s.

An internal counter counts the underload time. If the value of the counter goes above this limit, the protection causes the drive to trip. The drive trips as is set in parameter P3.9.4.1 Underload Fault. If the drive stops, the underload counter goes back to 0.

An internal counter counts the underload time. If the value of the counter goes above this limit, the protection causes the drive to trip. The drive trips as is set in parameter ID 713. If the drive stops, the underload counter goes back to 0. See (ID 716) Underload Protection: Time Limit > #X005425 > fig_egm_445_vcb and Parameters of Underload Protection (IDs 713 to 716) > X011142.

The Underload Time Counter Function

AUnderload time counter
BTrip area
CTrip/warning ID 713
FNo underload

(ID 717) Wait Time

Location in the menu: P3.10.3

Use this parameter to set the wait time before the first reset is done.

(ID 718) Trial Time

Location in the menu: P3.10.4

Use this parameter to set the trial time for the automatic reset function. During the trial time, the automatic reset function tries to reset the faults that occur.

The time count starts from the first automatic reset. The next fault starts the trial time count again.

If the number of faults during the trial time exceed the value of the respective parameter set with ID 720 to ID 725, a permanent fault is generated.

Example of Automatic Restarts with Two Restarts

Parameters ID 720 to ID 725 determine the maximum number of automatic restarts during the trial time set by parameter ID 718. The time count starts from the first auto reset. If the number of faults occurring during the trial time exceeds the values of parameters ID 720 to ID 725, the fault state becomes active. Otherwise the fault is cleared after the trial time has elapsed and the next fault start the trial time count again.

If a single fault remains during the trial time, a fault state is true.

(ID 719) Restart Function

Location in the menu: P3.10.2

Use this parameter to select the start mode for the Automatic reset function.

(ID 720) Autoreset: Undervoltage

Location in the menu: P3.10.6

Use this parameter to enable the automatic reset after an undervoltage fault.

(ID 721) Autoreset: Overvoltage

Location in the menu: P3.10.7

Use this parameter to enable the automatic reset after an overvoltage fault.

(ID 722) Autoreset: Overcurrent

Location in the menu: P3.10.8

Use this parameter to enable the automatic reset after an overcurrent fault.

(ID 723) Autoreset: AI Low

Location in the menu: P3.10.9

Use this parameter to enable the automatic reset after a fault caused by low AI signal.

(ID 724) Autoreset: Unit Overtemperature

Location in the menu: P3.10.10

Use this parameter to enable the automatic reset after a fault caused by unit overtemperature.

(ID 725) Autoreset: Motor Overtemperature

Location in the menu: P3.10.11

Use this parameter to enable the automatic reset after a fault caused by motor overtemperature.

(ID 726) Autoreset: External Fault

Location in the menu: P3.10.12

Use this parameter to enable the automatic reset after an external fault.

(ID 727) Undervoltage Fault

Location in the menu: P3.9.1.4

Use this parameter to select if undervoltage faults are saved to the fault history or not.

(ID 730) Input Phase Fault

Location in the menu: P3.9.1.3

Use this parameter to select the supply phase configuration of the drive.

If the 1-phase supply is used, the value of this parameter must be set to 1-phase support.

(ID 731) Automatic Reset

Location in the menu: P3.10.1

Use this parameter to enable the Automatic reset function. To select the faults that are reset automatically, enter the value 0 or 1 to parameters from P3.10.6 to P3.10.13.

The automatic reset function is available only for some fault types.

(ID 732) Thermistor Fault

Location in the menu: P3.9.1.8

Use this parameter to select the response of the drive to a 'Thermistor' fault. If the thermistor detects too high temperature, a thermistor fault occurs. See P3.9.1.2.

(ID 733) Response to Fieldbus Communication Fault

Location in the menu: P3.9.1.6

Use this parameter to select the response of the drive to a fieldbus communication fault. If the data connection between the master and the fieldbus board is defective, a fieldbus fault occurs.

(ID 734) Slot Communication Fault

Location in the menu: P3.9.1.7

Use this parameter to select the response of the drive to a 'Slot Communication' fault. If the drive detects a defective option board, a slot communication fault occurs. See P3.9.1.2.

(ID 735) Enable Feedback Supervision

Location in the menu: P3.13.6.1

Use this parameter to enable the feedback supervision function. Use the feedback supervision to make sure that the PID feedback value stays in the set limits.

The Feedback Supervision Function

AUpper limit (ID 736)
BLower limit (ID 758)
CActual value
EDelay (ID 737)
FRegulating mode
GAlarm or fault

(ID 736) Upper Limit

Location in the menu: P3.13.6.2

Use this parameter to set the high limit for the PID feedback signal. If the value of the PID feedback signal goes above this limit for longer than the set time, a feedback supervision fault occurs.

(ID 737) Delay

Location in the menu: P3.13.6.4

Use this parameter to set the maximum time for the PID feedback signal to stay outside the supervision limits before the feedback supervision fault occurs. If the target value is not reached in this time, a fault or alarm shows.

(ID 738) Autoreset: Underload Fault

Location in the menu: P3.10.13

Use this parameter to enable the automatic reset after an underload fault.

(ID 739) Temperature Signal 1

Location in the menu: P3.9.6.1

Use this parameter to select the temperature input signals that are supervised.

The maximum value is taken from the set signals and used for alarm and fault triggering.

Only the 6 first temperature inputs are supported (the boards from slot A to slot E).

(ID 740) Fault Limit Response 1

Location in the menu: P3.9.6.4

Use this parameter to select the response of the drive to 'Temperature' fault.

(ID 741) Alarm Limit 1

Location in the menu: P3.9.6.2

Use this parameter to set the temperature alarm limit.

Only the inputs that are set with parameter P3.9.6.1 are compared.

(ID 742) Fault Limit 1

Location in the menu: P3.9.6.3

Use this parameter to set the temperature fault limit.

Only the inputs that are set with parameter P3.9.6.1 are compared.

(ID 744) Response to Quick Stop Fault

Location in the menu: P3.9.5.4

Use this parameter to select the response of the drive to a 'Quick Stop' fault. If the quick stop command is given from DI or Fieldbus, a quick stop fault occurs.

With the quick stop function, it is possible stop the drive in an unusual procedure from I/O or Fieldbus in unusual conditions. When the quick stop function is active, it is possible make the drive decelerate and stop. It is possible to program an alarm or fault to put a mark in the fault history that there was a request for a quick stop.

Do not use the quick stop function as an emergency stop. An emergency stop must stop the power supply to the motor. The quick stop function does not do this.

The Quick Stop Logic

(ID 748) PID Soft Fill Fault

Location in the menu: P3.9.1.9

Use this parameter to select the response of the drive to a 'PID Soft Fill' fault. If the PIDFeedback value does not reach the set level within the time limit, a soft fill fault occurs. See P3.9.1.2.

(ID 748) PID Soft Fill Timeout Response

Location in the menu: P3.13.8.5.

Use this parameter to select the response of the drive to a 'PID Soft Fill' fault. If the PIDFeedback value does not reach the set level in the time limit, a soft fill fault occurs.

(ID 749) Response to PID Supervision Fault

Location in the menu: P3.13.6.5

Use this parameter to select the response of the drive to a 'PID Supervision' fault. If the PID feedback value is not in the supervision limits for longer than the supervision delay, a PID supervision fault occurs.

(ID 749) Response to PID Supervision Fault

Location in the menu: P3.9.1.10

Use this parameter to select the response of the drive to a 'PID Supervision' fault. If the PID feedback value is not within the supervision limits for longer than the supervision delay, a PID supervision fault occurs. See P3.9.1.2.

(ID 750) Response to Fieldbus Redundant Control Switchover

Location in the menu: P3.9.1.16

Use this parameter to select the response of the AC drive to a "Fieldbus redundant control switchover" indication.

(ID 751) Fieldbus Communication Fault Force Delay

Location in the menu: P3.9.1.17

Use this parameter to set a delay for temporarily forcing the fault response for a fieldbus communication fault from "No Action", "Alarm", or "Alarm + Preset Fault Frequency" to fault. When a timeout occurs, the drive responds as selected with P3.9.1.6 ((ID 733) Response to Fieldbus Communication Fault > #X005398) and keeps running. After the delay time set by this parameter, the drive goes to a fault state and stops running.

If this parameter is set to 0.00 s, the fault response stays as it is set with P3.9.1.6 and the drive runs indefinitely. If the fault response is "Fault (Stop according to stop function)" or "Fault (Stop by coasting)", this delay has no effect.

(ID 752) Fieldbus Communication Fault Clear Delay

Location in the menu: P3.9.1.18

Use this parameter to set a delay for accepting new fieldbus start commands, fieldbus reverse commands, and fieldbus refence commands after a fieldbus communication fault has been cleared. The delay does not start after clearing a fieldbus communication fault, but after the connection has been re-established.

(ID 753) Unbalance Current Alarm

Location in the menu: P3.9.1.19

Use this parameter to set the response of the drive to an unbalance current alarm. The available values are "No action" and "Alarm".

This parameter is only available for the enclosure sizes MR11 and MR12.

(ID 757) Response to External PID Supervision Fault

Location in the menu: P3.9.1.11

Use this parameter to select the response of the drive to a 'PID Supervision' fault. If the PID feedback value is not within the supervision limits for longer than the supervision delay, a PID supervision fault occurs. See P3.9.1.2.

(ID 757) Response to External PID Supervision Fault

Location in the menu: P3.14.4.5

Use this parameter to select the response of the drive to a 'PID Supervision' fault. If the PID feedback value is not in the supervision limits for longer than the supervision delay, a PID supervision fault occurs.

(ID 758) Lower Limit

Location in the menu: P3.13.6.3

Use this parameter to set the low limit for the PID feedback signal. If the value of the PID feedback signal goes below this limit for longer than the set time, a feedback supervision fault occurs.

Set the upper limit and the lower limit around the reference. When the actual value is less or more than the limits, a counter starts to count up. When the actual value is between the limits, the counter counts down. When the counter gets a value that is higher than the value of P3.13.6.4 Delay, an alarm, or a fault shows. It is possible to select the response with parameter P3.13.6.5 (Response to PID1 Supervision Fault).

(ID 759) Number of Trials

Location in the menu: P3.10.5

Use this parameter to set the total number of auto reset trials. If the number of trials during the trial time is more than the value of this parameter, a permanent fault shows. If not, the fault goes out of view after the trial time is completed. The fault type does not affect the maximum number of trials.

The Automatic Reset Function

(ID 763) Temperature Signal 2

Location in the menu: P3.9.6.5

Use this parameter to select the temperature input signals that are supervised.

The maximum value is taken from the set signals and used for alarm and fault triggering.

Only the 6 first temperature inputs are supported (the boards from slot A to slot E).

(ID 764) Alarm Limit 2

Location in the menu: P3.9.6.6

Use this parameter to set the temperature alarm limit.

Only the inputs that are set with parameter P3.9.6.5 are compared.

(ID 765) Fault Limit 2

Location in the menu: P3.9.6.7

Use this parameter to set the temperature fault limit.

Only the inputs that are set with parameter P3.9.6.5 are compared.

(ID 766) Fault Limit Response 2

Location in the menu: P3.9.6.8

Use this parameter to select the response of the drive to 'Temperature' fault.

Temperature input settings are only available if an OPTB8 or OPTBH option board is installed.

(ID 767) Analog Input Low Protection

Location in the menu: P3.9.8.1

Use this parameter to select when the AI Low supervision is enabled. For example, the AI Low supervision can be enabled only when the drive is in run state.

Use the AI Low Protection to find failures in the analog input signals. This function gives protection only to the analog inputs that are used as frequency reference, torque reference, or in the PID/ExtPID controllers.

It is possible to have the protection on when the drive is in the RUN status, or in the RUN and STOP statuses.

Selection numberSelection nameDescription
0Protection disabled
1Protection enabled in RUN statusThe protection is enabled only when the drive is in the RUN status.
2Protection enabled in RUN and STOP statusThe protection is enabled in the 2 statuses, RUN, and STOP.

(ID 775) Response to Safe Torque Off (STO) Fault

Location in the menu: P3.9.1.14

Use this parameter to select the response of the drive to a 'STO Fault'.

This parameter defines drive operation when Safe Torque Off (STO) function is activated (for example, emergency stop button has been pressed or some other STO operation has been activated). See P3.9.1.2.

(ID 776) Autoreset: PID Supervision Fault

Location in the menu: P3.10.14

Use this parameter to enable the automatic reset after a PID supervision fault.

(ID 777) Autoreset: EXT PID Supervision Fault

Location in the menu: P3.10.15

Use this parameter to enable the automatic reset after an external PID supervision fault.

(ID 778) Motor Thermal Memory Adjust

Location in the menu: P3.9.2.6

Use this parameter to set the motor thermal memory adjust value.

(ID 852) FB DataOut 1 Selection

Location in the menu: P3.6.1

Use this parameter to select the data that is sent to the fieldbus with the ID number of the parameter or monitor value.

The data is scaled to an unsigned 16-bit format according to the format on the control panel. For example, value 25.5 on the display equals 255.

(ID 853) FB DataOut 2 Selection

Location in the menu: P3.6.2

Use this parameter to select the data that is sent to the fieldbus with the ID number of the parameter or monitor value.

The data is scaled to an unsigned 16-bit format according to the format on the control panel. For example, value 25.5 on the display equals 255.

(ID 854) FB DataOut 3 Selection

Location in the menu: P3.6.3

Use this parameter to select the data that is sent to the fieldbus with the ID number of the parameter or monitor value.

The data is scaled to an unsigned 16-bit format according to the format on the control panel. For example, value 25.5 on the display equals 255.

(ID 855) FB DataOut 4 Selection

Location in the menu: P3.6.4

Use this parameter to select the data that is sent to the fieldbus with the ID number of the parameter or monitor value.

The data is scaled to an unsigned 16-bit format according to the format on the control panel. For example, value 25.5 on the display equals 255.

(ID 856) FB DataOut 5 Selection

Location in the menu: P3.6.5

Use this parameter to select the data that is sent to the fieldbus with the ID number of the parameter or monitor value.

The data is scaled to an unsigned 16-bit format according to the format on the control panel. For example, value 25.5 on the display equals 255.

(ID 857) FB DataOut 6 Selection

Location in the menu: P3.6.6

Use this parameter to select the data that is sent to the fieldbus with the ID number of the parameter or monitor value.

The data is scaled to an unsigned 16-bit format according to the format on the control panel. For example, value 25.5 on the display equals 255.

(ID 858) FB DataOut 7 Selection

Location in the menu: P3.6.7

Use this parameter to select the data that is sent to the fieldbus with the ID number of the parameter or monitor value.

The data is scaled to an unsigned 16-bit format according to the format on the control panel. For example, value 25.5 on the display equals 255.

(ID 859) FB DataOut 8 Selection

Location in the menu: P3.6.8

Use this parameter to select the data that is sent to the fieldbus with the ID number of the parameter or monitor value.

The data is scaled to an unsigned 16-bit format according to the format on the control panel. For example, value 25.5 on the display equals 255.

(ID 861) Fieldbus General Control Word

Location in the menu: V2.12.5

This monitoring value shows the fieldbus general control word value.

The value is shown in hexadecimal format.

(ID 862) Fieldbus General Status Word

Location in the menu: V2.12.6

This monitoring value shows the fieldbus general status word value.

The value is shown in hexadecimal format.

(ID 864) FB Status Word

Location in the menu: V2.12.2

This monitoring value shows the status of the fieldbus status word that the application uses in bypass mode. Depending on the fieldbus type or profile, the data can be modified before it is sent to the fieldbus.

BitValue = 0 (FALSE)Value = 1 (TRUE)
Bit 0Not ready to operateReady to operate
Bit 1Not runningRunning
Bit 2Behavior depends on P3.6.17Behavior depends on P3.6.17
Bit 3No faultFault is active
Bit 4No alarmAlarm is active
Bit 5Requested speed not reachedRunning at requested speed
Bit 6Actual speed of the drive not zeroActual speed of the drive is zero
Bit 7Motor not magnetized (flux not ready)Motor magnetized (flux ready)
Bit 8No actionReserved
Bit 9ReservedReserved
Bit 10ReservedReserved
Bit 11ReservedReserved
Bit 12ReservedReserved
Bit 13ReservedReserved
Bit 14ReservedReserved
Bit 15ReservedReserved

(ID 865) FB Speed Actual

Location in the menu: V2.12.4

This monitoring value shows the actual speed of the drive as a percentage of minimum frequency and maximum frequency. The value 0% indicates the minimum frequency and the value 100% indicates the maximum frequency. This monitoring value is continuously updated depending on the momentary min and max frequencies and the output frequency.

(ID 866) FB Data OUT 1

Location in the menu: V2.12.8.1

This monitoring value shows the raw value of process data in a 32-bit signed format.

(ID 867) FB Data OUT 2

Location in the menu: V2.12.8.2

This monitoring value shows the raw value of process data in a 32-bit signed format.

(ID 868) FB Data OUT 3

Location in the menu: V2.12.8.3

This monitoring value shows the raw value of process data in a 32-bit signed format.

(ID 869) FB Data OUT 4

Location in the menu: V2.12.8.4

This monitoring value shows the raw value of process data in a 32-bit signed format.

(ID 870) FB Data OUT 5

Location in the menu: V2.12.8.5

This monitoring value shows the raw value of process data in a 32-bit signed format.

(ID 871) FB Data OUT 6

Location in the menu: V2.12.8.6

This monitoring value shows the raw value of process data in a 32-bit signed format.

(ID 872) FB Data OUT 7

Location in the menu: V2.12.8.7

This monitoring value shows the raw value of process data in a 32-bit signed format.

(ID 873) FB Data OUT 8

Location in the menu: V2.12.8.8

This monitoring value shows the raw value of process data in a 32-bit signed format.

(ID 874) FB Control Word

Location in the menu: V2.12.1

This monitoring value shows the status of the fieldbus control word that the application uses in bypass mode. Depending on the fieldbus type or profile, the data that is received from the fieldbus can be modified before it is sent to the application.

BitValue = 0 (FALSE)Value = 1 (TRUE)
Bit 0Stop request from FieldbusStart request from Fieldbus
Bit 1Forward direction requestReverse direction request
Bit 2No actionReset active faults and alarms (on rising edge 0=>1)
Bit 3No actionForce stop mode to Coasting
Bit 4No actionForce stop mode to Ramping
Bit 5No action (normal deceleration ramp time)Force drive to use fast deceleration ramp time (1/3 of normal deceleration time)
Bit 6No actionFreeze drive frequency reference
Bit 7No actionForce Fieldbus frequency reference to zero
Bit 8No actionForce drive control place to Fieldbus control
Bit 9No actionForce drive reference source to Fieldbus reference
Bit 10No action

Jogging Reference 1 activation

NOTE! This starts the drive.

Bit 11No action

Jogging Reference 2 activation

NOTE! This starts the drive.

Bit 12No action

Activate Quick Stop function

NOTE! This stops the drive according to setting in parameter menu M3.9.5.

Bit 13ReservedReserved
Bit 14ReservedReserved
Bit 15ReservedReserved

(ID 875) FB Speed Reference

Location in the menu: V2.12.3

This monitoring value shows the fieldbus frequency reference as a percentage of minimum frequency to maximum frequency.

The speed reference information is scaled between the minimum and the maximum frequency at the moment when the application received it. The minimum and the maximum frequencies can be changed after the application received the reference without an effect on the reference.

(ID 876) FB Data IN 1

Location in the menu: V2.12.7.1

This monitoring value shows the raw value of process data in a 32-bit signed format.

(ID 877) FB Data IN 2

Location in the menu: V2.12.7.2

This monitoring value shows the raw value of process data in a 32-bit signed format.

(ID 878) FB Data IN 3

Location in the menu: V2.12.7.3

This monitoring value shows the raw value of process data in a 32-bit signed format.

(ID 879) FB Data IN 4

Location in the menu: V2.12.7.4

This monitoring value shows the raw value of process data in a 32-bit signed format.

(ID 880) FB Data IN 5

Location in the menu: V2.12.7.5

This monitoring value shows the raw value of process data in a 32-bit signed format.

(ID 881) FB Data IN 6

Location in the menu: V2.12.7.6

This monitoring value shows the raw value of process data in a 32-bit signed format.

(ID 882) FB Data IN 7

Location in the menu: V2.12.7.7

This monitoring value shows the raw value of process data in a 32-bit signed format.

(ID 883) FB Data IN 8

Location in the menu: V2.12.7.8

This monitoring value shows the raw value of process data in a 32-bit signed format.

(ID 888) Fieldbus Sign of Actual

Location in the menu: P3.6.17

Use this parameter to select the behavior for the sign of the fieldbus Speed Actual.

Selection numberSelection nameDescription


The sign of the actual is always positive.

The running direction is visible from the status word bit 2. A TRUE value corresponds to reversing actual speed.


Actual direction

The sign of the actual follows the running direction. Forward is positive, reverse is negative.

A TRUE value for status word bit 2 indicates if the direction of the actual differs from the direction requested from FB control commands.


Follow reference

A negative sign of the actual indicates if the direction of the actual differs from the direction requested from FB control commands.

The status word bit 2 corresponds to the direction requested from FB control commands. A TRUE value corresponds to requested reversing.

(ID 889) Fieldbus Start Logic

Location in the menu: P3.2.8

Use this parameter to set the fieldbus start logic. The selections can include the word 'edge' to help to prevent an accidental start.

Selection numberSelection nameDescription
0A rising edge is necessary

(ID 890) FB DataOut 9 Selection

Location in the menu: P3.6.9

Use this parameter to select the data that is sent to the fieldbus with the ID number of the parameter or monitor value.

The data is scaled to an unsigned 16-bit format according to the format on the control panel. For example, value 25.5 on the display equals 255.

(ID 891) FB DataOut 10 Selection

Location in the menu: P3.6.10

Use this parameter to select the data that is sent to the fieldbus with the ID number of the parameter or monitor value.

The data is scaled to an unsigned 16-bit format according to the format on the control panel. For example, value 25.5 on the display equals 255.

(ID 892) FB DataOut 11 Selection

Location in the menu: P3.6.11

Use this parameter to select the data that is sent to the fieldbus with the ID number of the parameter or monitor value.

The data is scaled to an unsigned 16-bit format according to the format on the control panel. For example, value 25.5 on the display equals 255.

(ID 893) FB DataOut 12 Selection

Location in the menu: P3.6.12

Use this parameter to select the data that is sent to the fieldbus with the ID number of the parameter or monitor value.

The data is scaled to an unsigned 16-bit format according to the format on the control panel. For example, value 25.5 on the display equals 255.

(ID 894) FB DataOut 13 Selection

Location in the menu: P3.6.13

Use this parameter to select the data that is sent to the fieldbus with the ID number of the parameter or monitor value.

The data is scaled to an unsigned 16-bit format according to the format on the control panel. For example, value 25.5 on the display equals 255.

(ID 895) FB DataOut 14 Selection

Location in the menu: P3.6.14

Use this parameter to select the data that is sent to the fieldbus with the ID number of the parameter or monitor value.

The data is scaled to an unsigned 16-bit format according to the format on the control panel. For example, value 25.5 on the display equals 255.

(ID 896) FB DataOut 15 Selection

Location in the menu: P3.6.15

Use this parameter to select the data that is sent to the fieldbus with the ID number of the parameter or monitor value.

The data is scaled to an unsigned 16-bit format according to the format on the control panel. For example, value 25.5 on the display equals 255.

(ID 897) FB DataOut 16 Selection

Location in the menu: P3.6.16

Use this parameter to select the data that is sent to the fieldbus with the ID number of the parameter or monitor value.

The data is scaled to an unsigned 16-bit format according to the format on the control panel. For example, value 25.5 on the display equals 255.

(ID 1001) Number of Motors

Location in the menu: P3.15.1

Use this parameter to set the total number of motors/pumps used with the multi-pump system.

(ID 1016) SP1 Sleep Frequency

Location in the menu: P3.13.5.1

Use this parameter to set the limit below which the output frequency of the drive must stay for a set time before the drive goes to the sleep state.

The value of this parameter is used when the signal of the PID controller setpoint is taken from the setpoint source 1.

Criteria for going to sleep mode:

  • Output frequency remains below sleep frequency for longer than defined sleep delay time.

  • PID feedback signal remains above defined wake-up level.

Criteria for waking from sleep

  • PID feedback signal falls below defined wake-up level.

An incorrectly set wake-up level can prevent the drive from going into sleep mode.

(ID 1017) SP1 Sleep Delay

Location in the menu: P3.13.5.2

Use this parameter to set the minimum duration that the output frequency of the drive must stay below the set limit before the drive goes to the sleep state. The value of this parameter is used when the signal of the PID controller setpoint is taken from the setpoint source 1.

(ID 1018) SP1 Wake-Up Level

Location in the menu: P3.13.5.3

Use this parameter to set the level at which the drive wakes up from the sleep state. When the PID feedback value goes below the level that is set with this parameter, drive wakes up from the sleep state. The operation of this parameter is selected with wake-up mode parameter.

This parameter automatically changes its sign based on the parameter P3.13.1.8 Error Inversion if parameter P3.13.5.4 was previously set to 1 = Relative setpoint. After a possible automatic sign change, the value of this parameter can be controlled freely.

(ID 1019) SP1 Wake-Up Mode

Location in the menu: P3.13.5.4

Use this parameter to select the operation for the wake-up level parameter. The drive wakes up from the sleep mode when the value of PID Feedback goes below the Wake-up level.

This parameter defines if Wake-up level is used as a static absolute level or as a relative level which follows PID setpoint value.

Selection numberSelection nameDescription
0Absolute levelThe wake-up level is a static level that does not follow the setpoint value.
1Relative setpointThe wake-up level is an offset below the actual setpoint value. The wake-up level follows the actual setpoint.

Wake-up Mode: Absolute Level

BPID Setpoint
CWake-up level

Wake-up Mode: Relative Setpoint

BPID Setpoint
CWake-up level

(ID 1020) SP2 Wake-Up Mode

Location in the menu: P3.13.5.8

Use this parameter to select the operation for the wake-up level parameter. The drive wakes up from the sleep mode when the value of PID Feedback goes below the Wake-up level.

This parameter defines if Wake-up level is used as a static absolute level or as a relative level which follows PID setpoint value.

Selection numberSelection nameDescription
0Absolute levelThe wake-up level is a static level that does not follow the setpoint value.
1Relative setpointThe wake-up level is an offset below the actual setpoint value. The wake-up level follows the actual setpoint.

Wake-up Mode: Absolute Level

BPID Setpoint
CWake-up level

Wake-up Mode: Relative Setpoint

BPID Setpoint
CWake-up level

(ID 1027) Autochange

Location in the menu: P3.15.4

Use this parameter to enable or disable the rotation of the start sequence and the priority of motors.

Selection numberSelection nameDescription
0DisabledIn normal operation, the sequence of the motors is always 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. The sequence can change during the operation if interlocks are added or removed. After the drive stops, the sequence always changes back.
1EnabledThe system changes the sequence at intervals to wear the motors equally. It is possible to adjust the intervals of the autochange.

To adjust the intervals of the autochange, use P3.15.5 Autochange Interval. It is possible to set the maximum number of motors that can operate with parameter Autochange: Motor Limit (P3.15.7). It is also possible to set the maximum frequency of the regulating motor (Autochange: Frequency Limit P3.15.6).

When the process is in the limits that are set with parameters P3.15.6 and P3.15.7, the autochange occurs. If process is not in these limits, the system waits until the process is in the limits, and do the autochange after that. This prevents sudden pressure drops during the autochange when a high capacity at a pump station is necessary.

After an autochange, the first motor is put last. The other motors move up 1 position.

The start sequence of the motors: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

--> Autochange -->

The start sequence of the motors: 2, 3, 4, 5, 1

--> Autochange -->

The start sequence of the motors: 3, 4, 5, 1, 2

(ID 1028) Include FC

Location in the menu: P3.15.3

Use this parameter to include the controlled motor/pump in the autochange and interlock system. If the controlled motor/pump is not included, the controlling motor always is motor number 1. Refer to the manual for wiring diagrams in both cases.

Selection numberSelection nameDescription
0DisabledThe drive is always connected to Motor 1. The interlocks do not affect Motor 1. Motor 1 is not included in the autochange logic.
1EnabledIt is possible to connect the drive to any of the motors in the system. The interlocks affect all the motors. All the motors are included in the autochange logic.

The connections are different for the parameter values 0 and 1.


The drive is directly connected to Motor 1. The other motors are auxiliary motors. They are connected to the mains by contactors, and controlled by relays of the drive. The autochange or the interlock logic does not affect Motor 1.

Selection 0

BMotor 1 control from relay
CMotor 2 control from relay
DMotor 3 control from relay
ENot used

To include the regulating motor in the autochange or in the interlock logic, obey the instructions in the following figure. 1 relay controls each motor. The contactor logic always connects the first motor to the drive, and the next motors to the mains.

Selection 1

BMotor 1 control from relay
CMotor 2 control from relay
DMotor 3 control from relay

(ID 1029) Autochange Interval

Location in the menu: P3.15.5

Use this parameter to adjust the autochange intervals. This parameter defines how often to rotate the starting order of the motors/pumps. The autochange is done when the number of running motors is below the autochange motor limit and the frequency is below the autochange freq limit. When the autochange interval has elapsed, the autochange occurs if the capacity is below the level set with P3.15.6 and P3.15.7.

(ID 1030) Autochange: Motor Limit

Location in the menu: P3.15.7

Use this parameter to set the number of pumps used in Multi-pump function. An autochange is done when the autochange interval has elapsed, the number of running motors is less than autochange motor limit and the controlling drive is running below autochange frequency limit.

(ID 1031) Autochange: Frequency Limit

Location in the menu: P3.15.6

Use this parameter to set the autochange frequency limit. An autochange is done when the autochange interval has elapsed, the number of running motors is less than autochange motor limit and the controlling drive is running below autochange frequency limit.

(ID 1032) Interlock Function

Location in the menu: P3.15.2

Use this parameter to enable or disable the interlocks. The interlocks tell the Multi-pump system that a motor is not available. It can occur when the motor is removed from the system for maintenance or bypassed for manual control.

To use the interlocks, enable the parameter P3.15.2. Select the status for each motor with a digital input (the parameters from P3.5.1.34 to P3.5.1.39). If the value of the input is CLOSED, that is, active, the motor is available for the Multi-pump system. If not, the Multi-pump logic does not connect it.

The Interlock Logic 1

AStarting order of motors

The sequence of the motors is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. If the interlock of Motor 3, is removed, that is, the value of P3.5.1.36 is set to OPEN, the sequence changes to 1, 2, 4, 5.

The Interlock Logic 2, ID 428 = FALSE

AStarting order of motors

If Motor 3 is added again (the value of P3.5.1.36 is set to CLOSED), the system puts Motor 3 last in the sequence: 1, 2, 4, 5, 3. The system does not stop, but continues to operate.

The Interlock Logic 3, ID 428 = TRUE

ANew starting order of motors

When the system stops or goes to sleep mode for the next time, the sequence changes back to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

(ID 1033) Process Unit MIN

Location in the menu: P3.13.1.5

Use this parameter to set the minimum value of the PID feedback signal. For example, an analog signal of 4...20 mA corresponds to the pressure of 0...10 bar. The value in process units at a 0% feedback or setpoint. This scaling is done for monitoring purposes only. The PID controller still uses the percentage internally for feedbacks and setpoints.

(ID 1034) Process Unit MAX

Location in the menu: P3.13.1.6

Use this parameter to set the maximum value of the PID feedback signal. For example, an analog signal of 4...20 mA corresponds to the pressure of 0...10 bar. The value in process units at a 0% feedback or setpoint. This scaling is done for monitoring purposes only. The PID controller still uses the percentage internally for feedbacks and setpoints.

(ID 1035) Process Unit Decimals

Location in the menu: P3.13.1.7

Use this parameter to set the number of decimals for the process unit values. For example, an analog signal of 4...20 mA corresponds to the pressure of 0...10 bar. The value in process units at a 0% feedback or setpoint. This scaling is done for monitoring purposes only. The PID controller still uses the percentage internally for feedbacks and setpoints.

(ID 1036) Process Unit Selection

Location in the menu: P3.13.1.4

Use this parameter to select the unit for the feedback and the setpoint signals of the PID controller. Select the unit for the actual value.

(ID 1041) Run Interlock 1

Location in the menu: P3.5.1.16

Use this parameter to select the digital input signal that prevents to start the drive. The drive can be ready but start is not possible when the state of the interlock signal is 'open' (damper interlock).

(ID 1042) Run Interlock 2

Location in the menu: P3.5.1.17

Use this parameter to select the digital input signal that prevents starting the drive. The drive can be ready but start is not possible when the state of the interlock signal is 'open' (damper interlock).

If an interlock is active, the drive cannot start.

It is possible to use this function to prevent the start of the drive when the damper is closed. If an interlock is activated during the operation of the drive, the drive stops.

(ID 1044) Motor Preheat ON

Location in the menu: P3.18.4

Use this parameter to select the digital input signal that activates Motor Preheat function. This parameter is used when P3.18.1 is set to 2. When the value for P3.18.1 is 2, it is also possible to connect time channels to this parameter.

(ID 1044) Motor Preheat ON

Location in the menu: P3.5.1.18

Use this parameter to select the digital input signal that activates Motor Preheat function. The Motor Preheat function feeds DC-current to the motor when the drive is in the stop state.

(ID 1045) Preheat Motor Temperature

Location in the menu: P3.18.5

Use this parameter to select the temperature signal that is used to measure the motor temperature for motor preheat function.

This parameter is not available if there is no option board for temperature measurement.

(ID 1046) PID Setpoint Boost Activation

Location in the menu: P3.13.2.4

Use this parameter to select the digital input signal that activates the boost for the PID setpoint value.

(ID 1046) PID Setpoint Boost

Location in the menu: P3.5.1.30

Use this parameter to select the digital input signal that activates the boost for the PID setpoint value. The timer starts when this signal is deactivated (falling edge). The output is deactivated when the time defined in the duration parameter has elapsed.

(ID 1047) PID Setpoint Selection

Location in the menu: P3.13.2.5

Use this parameter to set the digital input signal that selects the PID setpoint value to be used.

(ID 1047) PID Setpoint Selection

Location in the menu: P3.5.1.31

Use this parameter to set the digital input signal that selects the PID setpoint value to be used.

(ID 1048) Select Setpoint

Location in the menu: P3.14.2.4

Use this parameter to set the digital input signal that selects the PID setpoint value to be used.

(ID 1048) External PID Setpoint Selection

Location in the menu: P3.5.1.33

Use this parameter to set the digital input signal that selects the PID setpoint value to be used.

(ID 1049) External PID Start Signal

Location in the menu: P3.5.1.32

Use this parameter to select the digital input signal that starts and stops the external PID controller.

This parameter has no effect if the external PID controller is not enabled in Group 3.14.

(ID 1049) Start Signal

Location in the menu: P3.14.1.2

Use this parameter to set the signal for starting and stopping the PID controller 2 for external usage.

If the PID2 controller is not enabled in the Basic menu for PID2, this parameter has no effect.

(ID 1055) Soft Fill Frequency

Location in the menu: P3.13.8.2

Use this parameter to set the frequency reference of the drive when the Soft Fill function is used. The drive accelerates to this frequency before it starts to control. After this, the drive goes to normal PID control mode.

(ID 1056) Dead Band

Location in the menu: P3.13.1.9

Use this parameter to set the dead band area around the PID setpoint value. The value of this parameter is given in the selected process unit. The output of the PID controller is locked if the feedback value stays in the dead band area for the set time.

(ID 1057) Dead Band Delay

Location in the menu: P3.13.1.10

Use this parameter to set the time that the feedback value must stay in the dead band area before the output of the PID controller is locked. If the actual value stays in the dead band area for a time set in Dead Band Delay, the PID controller output is locked. This function prevents wear and unwanted movements of the actuators, for example valves.

The Dead Band Function

ADead band (ID1056)
BDead band delay (ID1057)
DActual value
EOutput locked

(ID 1058) Feedback Function Gain

Location in the menu: P3.13.3.2

Use this parameter to adjust the gain of the feedback signal. This parameter is used, for example, with the value 2 in Feedback Function.

(ID 1059) Feedforward Function

Location in the menu: P3.13.4.1

Use this parameter to select if the feedforward value is taken from a single signal or combined from two signals. It is possible to select the mathematical function that is used when the two feedforward signals are combined.

Accurate process models are necessary for the Feedforward function. In some conditions, a gain and offset type of feedforward is sufficient. The feedforward part does not use the feedback measurements of the actual controlled process value. The feedforward control uses other measurements that affect the controlled process value.

It is possible to control the water level of a tank with flow control. The target water level is set as a setpoint, and the actual level as feedback. The control signal monitors the flow that comes in.

The outflow is like a disturbance that can be measured. With the measurements of the disturbance, it is possible to try to adjust this disturbance with a feedforward control (gain and offset) added to the PID output. The PID controller reacts much faster to changes in the outflow than if the level is only measured.

The Feedforward Control

ALevel ref
BLevel control
COutflow control

(ID 1060) Feedforward Gain

Location in the menu: P3.13.4.2

Use this parameter to adjust the gain of the feedforward signal.

(ID 1061) Feedforward 1 Source Selection

Location in the menu: P3.13.4.3

Use this parameter to select the source of the PID feedforward signal.

(ID 1062) Feedforward 1 Minimum

Location in the menu: P3.13.4.4

Use this parameter to set the minimum value of the feedforward signal.

(ID 1063) Feedforward 1 Maximum

Location in the menu: P3.13.4.5

Use this parameter to set the maximum value of the feedforward signal.

(ID 1064) Feedforward 2 Source Selection

Location in the menu: P3.13.4.6

Use this parameter to select the source of the PID feedforward signal.

(ID 1065) Feedforward 2 Minimum

Location in the menu: P3.13.4.7

Use this parameter to set the minimum value of the feedforward signal.

(ID 1066) Feedforward 2 Maximum

Location in the menu: P3.13.4.8

Use this parameter to set the maximum value of the feedforward signal.

(ID 1068) Setpoint Ramp Time

Location in the menu: P3.13.2.3

Use this parameter to set the rising and falling ramp times for the setpoint changes. Ramp time is the time that is necessary for the setpoint value to change from minimum to maximum. If the value of this parameter is set to 0, no ramps are used.

(ID 1069) Setpoint 1 Minimum

Location in the menu: P3.13.2.7

Use this parameter to set the minimum value of the setpoint signal.

(ID 1070) Setpoint 1 Maximum

Location in the menu: P3.13.2.8

Use this parameter to set the maximum value of the setpoint signal.

(ID 1071) Setpoint 1 Boost

Location in the menu: P3.13.2.9

Use this parameter to set the multiplier for the setpoint boost function. When the setpoint boost command is given, the setpoint value is multiplied by the factor that is set with this parameter.

(ID 1073) Setpoint 2 Minimum

Location in the menu: P3.13.2.11

Use this parameter to set the minimum value of the setpoint signal.

(ID 1074) Setpoint 2 Maximum

Location in the menu: P3.13.2.12

Use this parameter to set the maximum value of the setpoint signal.

(ID 1075) SP2 Sleep Frequency

Location in the menu: P3.13.5.5

Use this parameter to set the limit below which the output frequency of the drive must stay for a set time before the drive goes to the sleep state.

The value of this parameter is used when the signal of the PID controller setpoint is taken from the setpoint source 1.

Criteria for going to sleep mode:

  • Output frequency remains below sleep frequency for longer than defined sleep delay time.

  • PID feedback signal remains above defined wake-up level.

Criteria for waking from sleep

  • PID feedback signal falls below defined wake-up level.

An incorrectly set wake-up level can prevent the drive from going into sleep mode.

(ID 1076) SP2 Sleep Delay

Location in the menu: P3.13.5.6

Use this parameter to set the minimum duration that the output frequency of the drive must stay below the set limit before the drive goes to the sleep state. The value of this parameter is used when the signal of the PID controller setpoint is taken from the setpoint source 1.

(ID 1077) SP2 Wake-Up Level

Location in the menu: P3.13.5.7

Use this parameter to set the level at which the drive wakes up from the sleep state. When the PID feedback value goes below the level that is set with this parameter, drive wakes up from the sleep state. The operation of this parameter is selected with wake-up mode parameter.

(ID 1078) Setpoint 2 Boost

Location in the menu: P3.13.2.13

Use this parameter to set the multiplier for the setpoint boost function. When the setpoint boost command is given, the setpoint value is multiplied by the factor that is set with this parameter.

(ID 1085) Brake Current Limit

Location in the menu: P3.20.5

Use this parameter to set the brake current limit. The Mechanical brake closes immediately if the motor current is below the limit set in parameter Brake Current Limit.

We recommend setting the value to approximately half of the magnetization current.

When the drive operates on the field weakening area, the brake current limit decreases automatically as a function of output frequency.

Internal Reduction of the Brake Current Limit

BBrake current limit (ID 1085)
CField weakening point (ID 602)
DField weakening area
EOutput frequency

(ID 1094) Enable Soft Fill

Location in the menu: P3.13.8.1

Use this parameter to enable the Soft Fill function. It is possible to use the function to fill an empty pipe slowly and prevent strong currents of fluid that could break the pipe.

(ID 1095) Soft Fill Level

Location in the menu: P3.13.8.3

Use this parameter to set the level below which the soft fill control is enabled when starting the drive. The drive operates at the PID start frequency until the feedback reaches the set value. Then the PID controller starts to control the drive. This parameter is applied if the soft fill function is set to 'Enabled, Level'.

(ID 1096) Soft Fill Timeout

Location in the menu: P3.13.8.4.

Use this parameter to set the timeout time for the Soft Fill function. When the soft fill function is set to 'Enabled, Level', this parameter gives the timeout for the soft fill level, after which the soft fill fault occurs. When the soft fill function is set to 'Enabled, Timeout', the drive operates at the soft fill frequency until the time set by this parameter expires.

The drive operates at the soft fill frequency until the feedback value is equal with the soft fill level. If the feedback value does not become equal with the soft fill level during the timeout, an alarm, or fault shows. It is possible to select the response with parameter P3.13.8.5 (PID Soft Fill Timeout Response).

If the value is set to 0, no fault shows.

The Soft Fill Function

BActual value
CSoft fill level
ESoft fill frequency
FSoft fill mode
GRegulating mode

(ID 1097) Bandwidth

Location in the menu: P3.15.8

Use this parameter to set the bandwidth area around the PID setpoint for starting and stopping of the auxiliary motors. When the PID feedback value stays in the bandwidth area, the auxiliary motors do not start or stop. The value of this parameter is given as a percentage of the setpoint. For example, if setpoint = 5 bar, bandwidth = 10%. When the feedback value stays between 4.5 bar and 5.5 bar, the motor is not disconnected or removed.

(ID 1098) Bandwidth Delay

Location in the menu: P3.15.9

Use this parameter to set the duration before the auxiliary motors start or stop. When the PID feedback is outside the bandwidth area, the time that is set with this parameter must elapse before pumps can be added or removed.

(ID 1100) Output in Stop

Location in the menu: P3.14.1.3

Use this parameter to set the output value of the PID controller as a percentage of its maximum output value when it is stopped from a digital output. If the value of this parameter is set to 100%, a 10% change in the error value causes a 10% change in the controller output.

(ID 1101) Maintenance Counter 1

Location in the menu: V2.11.1

This monitoring value shows the status of the maintenance counter. The status of the maintenance counter is shown as revolutions multiplied by 1000, or in hours. For the configuration and activation of this counter, see The Maintenance Counters > #X005732.

(ID 1104) Counter 1 Mode

Location in the menu: P3.16.1

Use this parameter to enable the maintenance counter. A maintenance counter tells that the maintenance must be done when the counter value goes above the set limit.

(ID 1105) Counter 1 Alarm Limit

Location in the menu: P3.16.2

Use this parameter to set the alarm limit for the maintenance counter. When the value of the counter goes above this limit, a maintenance alarm occurs.

(ID 1106) Counter 1 Fault Limit

Location in the menu: P3.16.3

Use this parameter to set the fault limit for the maintenance counter. When the value of the counter goes above this limit, a maintenance fault occurs.

(ID 1107) Counter 1 Reset

Location in the menu: P3.16.4

Use this parameter to reset the maintenance counter.

(ID 1114) Autochange

Location in the menu: V2.10.2

This monitoring value shows the status of the autochange requested.

(ID 1189) Enable Setpoint 1

Location in the menu: P3.13.7.1

Use this parameter to enable the pressure loss compensation in the pump system. In a pressure-controlled system, this function compensates the pressure loss that occurs at the end of the pipe line due to the liquid flow.

(ID 1190) Setpoint 1 Max Compensation

Location in the menu: P3.13.7.2

Use this parameter to set the maximum compensation for PID setpoint value that is applied when the output frequency of the drive is at the maximum frequency. The compensation value is added to the actual setpoint value as a function of the output frequency. Setpoint compensation = max compensation * (FreqOut-MinFreq)/(MaxFreq-MinFreq).

The sensor is put in position 1. The pressure in the pipe stays constant when there is no flow. But with flow, the pressure decreases farther in the pipe. To compensate for this, lift the setpoint as the flow increases. Then the output frequency makes an estimate of the flow, and the setpoint increases linearly with the flow.

Enable Setpoint 1 for Pressure Loss Compensation

(ID 1191) Enable Setpoint 2

Location in the menu: P3.13.7.3

Use this parameter to enable the pressure loss compensation in the pump system. In a pressure-controlled system, this function compensates the pressure loss that occurs at the end of the pipe line due to the liquid flow.

(ID 1192) Setpoint 2 Max Compensation

Location in the menu: P3.13.7.4

Use this parameter to set the maximum compensation for PID setpoint value that is applied when the output frequency of the drive is at the maximum frequency. The compensation value is added to the actual setpoint value as a function of the output frequency. Setpoint compensation = max compensation * (FreqOut-MinFreq)/(MaxFreq-MinFreq).

The sensor is put in position 1. The pressure in the pipe stays constant when there is no flow. But with flow, the pressure decreases farther in the pipe. To compensate for this, lift the setpoint as the flow increases. Then the output frequency makes an estimate of the flow, and the setpoint increases linearly with the flow.

Enable Setpoint 1 for Pressure Loss Compensation

(ID 1195) [FUNCT] Button Configuration

Location in the menu: P3.11.5

Use this parameter to set the values of the [FUNCT] button. The values set with this parameter are available when pushing the [FUNCT] button on the keypad.

(ID 1196) Multimonitor View

Location in the menu: P3.11.4

Use this parameter to set the division of the display of the control panel into sections in the multimonitor view.

(ID 1197) C/F Selection

Location in the menu: P3.11.2

Use this parameter to set the temperature measuring unit. The system shows all the temperature-related parameters and monitoring values in the set unit.

(ID 1198) kW/HP Selection

Location in the menu: P3.11.3

Use this parameter to set the power measuring unit. The system shows all the power-related parameters and monitoring values in the set unit.

(ID 1210) Mechanical Brake Feedback

Location in the menu: P3.5.1.44

Use this parameter to set the brake status feedback signal from mechanical brake. Connect this input signal to the auxiliary contact of the mechanical brake. If the contact is not closed within the given time, the drive shows a fault.

(ID 1210) Brake Feedback

Location in the menu: P3.20.8 (P3.5.1.44)

Use this parameter to set the brake status feedback signal from mechanical brake. The Brake feedback signal is used if the value for parameter P3.20.1 is Enabled with brake status supervision.

Connect this digital input signal to an auxiliary contact of the mechanical brake.

  • The contact is open = the mechanical brake is closed.

  • The contact is closed = the mechanical brake is open.

If the brake opening command is given, but the contact of the brake feedback signal does not close in given time, a mechanical brake fault shows (fault code 58).

(ID 1213) Quick Stop Activation

Location in the menu: P3.5.1.26

Use this parameter to select the digital input signal that activates a Quick Stop function. The Quick Stop function stops the drive regardless of the control place or the state of the control signals.

(ID 1213) Quick Stop Activation

Location in the menu: P3.9.5.2

Use this parameter to select the digital input signal that activates a Quick Stop function. The Quick Stop function stops the drive regardless of the control place or the state of the control signals.

(ID 1225) Motor Preheat Function

Location in the menu: P3.18.1

Use this parameter to enable or disable the Motor Preheat function. The motor preheat function keeps the drive and the motor warm during the STOP status. In the motor preheat, the system gives the motor a DC current. The motor preheat prevents, for example, condensation.

Selection numberSelection nameDescription
0Not usedThe motor preheat function is disabled.
1Always in Stop stateThe motor preheat function is activated always when the drive is in the Stop state.
2Controlled by digital inputThe motor preheat function is activated by a digital input signal, when the drive is in the Stop state. It is possible to make the selection of the digital input for the activation with parameter P3.5.1.18.
3Temperature limit (heat sink)The motor preheat function is activated if the drive is in the Stop state, and the temperature of the heat sink of the drive goes below the temperature limit that was set with parameter P3.18.2.
4Temperature limit (measured motor temperature)

The motor preheat function is activated if the drive is in the Stop state, and the measured motor temperature goes below the temperature limit that was set with parameter P3.18.2. It is possible to set the measurement signal of the motor temperature with parameter P3.18.5.

NOTE! To use this operation mode, an option board for temperature measurement (for example OPTBH) is needed.

(ID 1226) Preheat Temperature Limit

Location in the menu: P3.18.2

Use this parameter to set the temperature limit of the Motor Preheat function. The motor preheat becomes active when the heat sink temperature or the measured motor temperature goes below this level, and when P3.18.1 is set to 3 or 4.

(ID 1227) Motor Preheat Current

Location in the menu: P3.18.3

Use this parameter to set the DC current of the Motor Preheat function. The DC current for the pre-heating of the motor and the drive in stop state. Activated as in P3.18.1.

(ID 1228) Motor Preheat

Location in the menu: V2.3.13

This monitoring value shows the status of the motor preheat function.

(ID 1239) Jogging reference 1

Location in the menu: P3.3.6.4

Use this parameter to set the frequency references for the jogging function. With the parameters P3.3.6.4 and P3.3.6.5, it is possible set the frequency references for the jogging function. The references are bi-directional. A reverse command does not affect the direction of the jogging references. The reference for the forward direction has a positive value, and the reference for the reverse direction has a negative value. The jogging function can be activated with digital input signals or from Fieldbus in bypass mode with Control Word bits 10 and 11.

(ID 1240) Jogging reference 2

Location in the menu: P3.3.6.5

Use this parameter to set the frequency references for the jogging function. With the parameters P3.3.6.4 and P3.3.6.5, it is possible to set the frequency references for the jogging function. The references are bi-directional. A reverse command does not affect the direction of the jogging references. The reference for the forward direction has a positive value, and the reference for the reverse direction has a negative value. The jogging function can be activated with digital input signals or from Fieldbus in bypass mode with Control Word bits 10 and 11.

(ID 1244) Torque Reference Filter Time

Location in the menu: P3.3.2.4

Use this parameter to set the filtering time for the final torque reference.

(ID 1246) Torque Reference Dead Zone

Location in the menu: P3.3.2.5

Use this parameter to set the torque reference dead zone.

To ignore the small values around 0 of the torque reference, set this value to be bigger than 0. When the reference signal is between 0 and 0 ± the value of this parameter, the torque reference is set to 0.

(ID 1250) Flux Reference

Location in the menu: P3.1.6.14

Use this parameter to adjust the flux reference. The value 100% means a nominal flux.

(ID 1256) Quick Stop Deceleration Time

Location in the menu: P3.9.5.3

Use this parameter to set the time that is necessary for the output frequency to decrease from maximum frequency to 0 when a quick stop command is given. The value of this parameter is applied only when the quick stop mode parameter is set to 'Quick Stop Deceleration time'.

(ID 1257) Jogging Ramp

Location in the menu: P3.3.6.6

Use this parameter to set the ramp time when jogging is active. This parameter gives the acceleration and deceleration times when the Jogging function is active.

(ID 1276) Quick Stop Mode

Location in the menu: P3.9.5.1

Use this parameter to select how the drive stops when the quick stop command is given from DI or Fieldbus.

(ID 1278) Torque Control Frequency Limit

Location in the menu: P3.3.2.7

Use this parameter to select the output frequency limit mode for the torque control. In the torque control mode, the drive output frequency is always limited between MinFreqReference and MaxFreqReference (P3.3.1.1 and P3.3.1.2).

Also the selection of 2 other modes is possible with this parameter.

Selection 0 = Pos/Neg Freq Limits, that is, the positive/negative frequency limits.

The frequency is limited between Positive Frequency Reference Limit (P3.3.1.3) and Negative Frequency Reference Limit (P3.3.1.4) (if these parameters are set lower than the value of P3.3.1.2 Maximum Frequency).

Torque Control Frequency Limit, Selection 0

Selection 1 = Freq Reference, that is, the frequency reference for both directions.

The frequency is limited by the actual frequency reference (after the ramp generator) for both directions. That is, the output frequency increases within the set ramp time until the actual torque is equal to the referenced torque.

Torque Control Frequency Limit, Selection 1

(ID 1285) Positive Frequency Reference Limit

Location in the menu: P3.3.1.3

Use this parameter to set the final frequency reference limit for the positive direction.

(ID 1286) Negative Frequency Reference Limit

Location in the menu: P3.3.1.4

Use this parameter to set the final frequency reference limit for the negative direction. Use this parameter for example to prevent the motor from running in the reverse direction.

(ID 1287) Motor Torque Limit

Location in the menu: P3.1.3.2

Use this parameter to set the maximum torque limit of the motoring side.

The range of values for the parameter is different for each enclosure size of the drive.

(ID 1288) Generator Torque Limit

Location in the menu: P3.1.3.3

Use this parameter to set the maximum torque limit of the generating side.

The range of values for the parameter is different for each enclosure size of the drive.

(ID 1289) Motor Power Limit

Location in the menu: P3.1.3.4

Use this parameter to set the maximum power limit of the motoring side.

The range of values for the parameter is different for each enclosure size of the drive.

For Closed Loop control mode only.

(ID 1290) Generator Power Limit

Location in the menu: P3.1.3.5

Use this parameter to set the maximum power limit of the generating side.

The range of values for the parameter is different for each enclosure size of the drive.

For Closed Loop control mode only.

(ID 1316) Response to Brake Fault

Location in the menu: P3.20.7

Use this parameter to set the response type to a brake fault.

(ID 1412) Torque Stabilator Gain

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set the gain of the torque stabilator in an open loop control operation.

Extra gain for the torque stabilizer at zero frequency.

(ID 1413) Torque Stabilator Damping Time Constant

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set the damping time constant of the torque stabilizer.

The greater the parameter value, the shorter the time constant. If a PMS motor is used in Open Loop control mode, it is recommended to use value 980 in this parameter instead of 1000.

(ID 1414) Torque Stabilator Gain at Field Weakening Point

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set the gain of the torque stabilator at field weakening point in an open loop control operation. The torque stabilizer stabilizes the possible oscillations in the estimated torque.

Two gains are used. TorqStabGainFWP is a constant gain at all the output frequencies. TorqStabGain changes linearly between the zero frequency and the field weakening point frequency. The full gain is at 0 Hz and the gain is zero at the field weakening point. The figure shows the gains as a function of output frequency.

The Torque Stabilator Gain

(ID 1431) Supervision #1 Item Selection

Location in the menu: P3.8.1

Use this parameter to select the supervision item. The output of the supervision function can be selected to the relay output.

(ID 1432) Supervision #1 Mode

Location in the menu: P3.8.2

Use this parameter to set the supervision mode.

When the 'Low limit' mode is selected, the output of the supervision function is active when the signal is below the supervision limit.

When the 'High limit' mode is selected, the output of the supervision function is active when the signal is above the supervision limit.

(ID 1433) Supervision #1 Limit

Location in the menu: P3.8.3

Use this parameter to set the supervision limit for the selected item. The unit shows automatically.

(ID 1434) Supervision #1 Limit Hysteresis

Location in the menu: P3.8.4

Use this parameter to set the supervision limit hysteresis for the selected item. The unit shows automatically.

(ID 1435) Supervision #2 Item Selection

Location in the menu: P3.8.5

Use this parameter to select the supervision item. The output of the supervision function can be selected to the relay output.

(ID 1436) Supervision #2 Mode

Location in the menu: P3.8.6

Use this parameter to set the supervision mode.

(ID 1437) Supervision #2 Limit

Location in the menu: P3.8.7

Use this parameter to set the supervision limit for the selected item. The unit shows automatically.

(ID 1438) Supervision #2 Limit Hysteresis

Location in the menu: P3.8.8

Use this parameter to set the supervision limit hysteresis for the selected item. The unit shows automatically.

(ID 1439) Keypad Torque Reference

Location in the menu: P3.3.2.6

Use this parameter to set the keypad torque reference. This parameter is used when P3.3.2.1. is set to 1. The value of this parameter is limited between P3.3.2.3. and P3.3.2.2.

(ID 1441) TC 1, TC 2, TC 3

Location in the menu: V2.7.1

This monitoring value shows the status of the time channels 1, 2 and 3.

(ID 1442) Interval 1

Location in the menu: V2.7.2

This monitoring value shows the status of the interval function.

(ID 1443) Interval 2

Location in the menu: V2.7.3

This monitoring value shows the status of the interval function.

(ID 1444) Interval 3

Location in the menu: V2.7.4

This monitoring value shows the status of the interval function.

(ID 1445) Interval 4

Location in the menu: V2.7.5

This monitoring value shows the status of the interval function.

(ID 1446) Interval 5

Location in the menu: V2.7.6

This monitoring value shows the status of the interval function.

(ID 1447) Timer 1

Location in the menu: V2.7.7

The monitoring value shows the remaining time on the timer if the timer is active.

(ID 1448) Timer 2

Location in the menu: V2.7.8

The monitoring value shows the remaining time on the timer if the timer is active.

(ID 1449) Timer 3

Location in the menu: V2.7.9

The monitoring value shows the remaining time on the timer if the timer is active.

(ID 1450) Real-time Clock

Location in the menu: V2.7.10

This monitoring value shows the actual time of the real-time clock in a format of hh:mm:ss.

(ID 1464) ON Time

Location in the menu: P3.12.1.1

Use this parameter to set the time of day when the output of the interval function is activated.

(ID 1465) OFF Time

Location in the menu: P3.12.1.2

Use this parameter to set the time of day when the output of the interval function is deactivated.

(ID 1466) Days

Location in the menu: P3.12.1.3

Use this parameter to select the days of the week when the interval function is enabled.

(ID 1468) Assign to Channel

Location in the menu: P3.12.1.4

Use this parameter to select the time channel where the output of the interval function is assigned. It is possible to use the time channels to control the on/off type functions, for example relay outputs or any functions that can be controlled by a DI signal.

(ID 1489) Duration

Location in the menu:P3.12.6.1

Use this parameter to set the duration that the timer runs when the activation signal is removed (Off-delay).

(ID 1490) Assign to Channel

Location in the menu: P3.12.6.3

Use this parameter to select the time channel where the output of the timer function is assigned. It is possible to use the time channels to control the on/off type functions, for example relay outputs or any functions that can be controlled by a DI signal.

(ID 1495) Frequency Reference Source

Location in the menu: V2.6.8

This monitoring value shows the momentary frequency reference source.

(ID 1515) Overmodulation

Location in the menu: P3.1.2.14

Use this parameter to disable the overmodulation of the AC drive. Overmodulation maximizes the output voltage of the drive, but increases the motor current harmonics.

(ID 1534) Load Drooping Mode

Location in the menu: P3.1.2.9

Use this parameter to set the load drooping mode.

Selection numberSelection nameDescription
0NormalThe load drooping factor is constant through the frequency range.
1Linear removalThe load drooping is removed linearly from the nominal frequency to zero frequency.

(ID 1535) Brake Opening Frequency Limit

Location in the menu: P3.20.3

Use this parameter to set the frequency limit for opening the mechanical brake. The value of the parameter P3.20.3 is the output frequency limit of the drive to open the mechanical brake. In open loop control, we recommend using a value that is equal to the nominal slip of the motor.

The output frequency of the drive stays at this level until the brake mechanical delay is expired, and the system receives the correct brake feedback signal.

(ID 1539) Brake Closing Frequency Limit

Location in the menu: P3.20.4

Use this parameter to set the frequency limit for closing the mechanical brake. The value of the parameter P3.20.4 is the output frequency limit of the drive to close the mechanical brake. The drive stops and the output frequency goes near 0. It is possible to use the parameter for the 2 directions, positive and negative.

(ID 1541) Brake Control

Location in the menu: P3.20.1

Use this parameter to set the operation mode of the mechanical brake. Mechanical brake status can be supervised via digital input when mode 2 is selected.

The Selection of the Operation Mode of the Mechanical Brake
Selection numberSelection nameDescription
0DisabledThe mechanical brake control is not used.
1EnabledThe mechanical brake control is used, but there is no supervision of the brake status.
2Enabled with brake status supervisionThe mechanical brake control is used, and a digital input signal monitors the brake status (P3.20.8).

The Mechanical Brake Function

1.A Start command is given.
2.We recommend using start magnetization to build rotor flux fast and to decrease the time when the motor can produce nominal torque.
3.When the start magnetization time is over, the system lets the frequency reference go to the open frequency limit.
4.The mechanical brake opens. The frequency reference stays at the open frequency limit until the brake mechanical delay is over, and the correct brake feedback signal is received.
5.The output frequency of the drive follows the normal frequency reference.
6.A Stop command is given.
7.The mechanical brake becomes closed when the output frequency goes below the close frequency limit.

The Mechanical Brake Opening Logic

(ID 1544) Brake Mechanical Delay

Location in the menu: P3.20.2

Use this parameter to set the mechanical delay that is necessary to open the brake. After the brake opening command is given, the speed stays at the value of the parameter P3.20.3 (Brake Opening Frequency Limit) until the brake mechanical delay is expired. Set the delay time to agree with the reaction time of the mechanical brake.

The Brake mechanical delay function is used to prevent current and/or torque spikes. It prevents the motor from operating at full speed against the brake. If P3.20.2 is used at the same time with P3.20.8, it is necessary to have the expired delay and the feedback signal to release the speed reference.

(ID 1569) Fault Simulation

Location in the menu: P3.10.16

With this parameter it is possible to simulate the different faults without them being actually active. For example simulating an over current situation. In the drive interface point of view the behavior is identical to actual fault situations.

B00110Over current fault (F1)
B01210Over voltage fault (F2)
B02410Under voltage fault (F9)
B03810Output phase supervision fault (F11)
B041610Earth voltage fault (F3)
B053210System fault (F8)
B066410Over temperature warning (W14)
B0712810Over temperature fault (F14)The warning bit needs to be high also for this fault simulation to work.
B10102410Fan cooling fault (F32)

(ID 1590) Flying Start Options

Location in the menu: P3.1.4.7

Use this parameter to set the flying start options. The parameter Flying Start Options has a checkbox selection of values.

The bits can receive these values.

  • Search the shaft frequency only from the same direction as the frequency reference

  • Disable the AC scanning

  • Use the frequency reference for an initial guess

  • Disable the DC pulses

  • Flux build with current control

The bit B0 controls the search direction. With the bit set to 0, the shaft frequency is searched in 2 directions, the positive and the negative. With the bit set to 1, the shaft frequency is searched only in the frequency reference direction. It prevents the shaft movements for the other direction.

The bit B1 controls the AC scanning that premagnetizes the motor. In the AC scanning, the system sweeps the frequency from the maximum towards zero frequency. The AC scanning stops when an adaptation to the shaft frequency occurs. To disable the AC scanning, set the bit B1 to 1. If the value of Motor Type is permanent magnet motor, the AC scanning is disabled automatically.

Use the bit B5 to disable the DC pulses. The primary function of the DC pulses is to premagnetize the motor and examine the rotation of the motor. If the DC pulses and the AC scanning are enabled, the slip frequency tells which procedure is applied. If the slip frequency is less than 2 Hz, or the motor type is PM motor, the DC pulses are disabled automatically.

The bit B7 controls the rotation direction of the injected high frequency signal, which is used in the flying start of synchronous reluctance machines. Signal injection is used to detect the frequency of the rotor. If the rotor is in a blind angle when the signal is injected, the rotor frequency is undetectable. Reversing the rotation direction of the injection signal solves this problem.

(ID 1596) Fire Mode Activation on Open

Location in the menu: P3.17.4

Use this parameter to select the digital input signal that activates the Fire Mode function. If this digital input signal is activated, an alarm shows on the display, and the warranty becomes void. The type of this digital input signal is NC (normally closed).

It is possible to try the Fire mode with the password that activates the Test mode. Then the warranty stays valid.

If Fire mode is enabled, and the correct password is given to the parameter Fire Mode Password, all the Fire mode parameters become locked. To change the Fire mode parameters, change the value of P3.17.1 Fire Mode Password to 0 first.

The Fire Mode Function

(ID 1596) Fire Mode Activation OPEN

Location in the menu: P3.5.1.45

Use this parameter to select the digital input signal that activates the Fire Mode function. This parameter activates the Fire Mode if it is enabled with a correct password.

(ID 1597) Fire Mode Status

Location in the menu: V3.17.7

This monitoring value shows the status of the fire mode function.

(ID 1598) Fire Mode Frequency

Location in the menu: P3.17.3

Use this parameter to set the frequency that is used when Fire mode is active. The drive uses this frequency when the value of parameter P3.17.2 Fire Mode Frequency Source is Fire Mode Frequency.

(ID 1599) Fire Mode Password

Location in the menu: P3.17.1

Use this parameter to enable the fire mode function.

All other fire mode parameters are locked when the fire mode is enabled and correct password is set in this parameter.
Selection numberSelection nameDescription
1001Enabled modeThe drive resets all the faults and continues to operate at the same speed until it is not possible.
1234Test modeThe drive does not automatically reset the faults, and the drive stops when a fault occurs.

(ID 1610) Flying Start Scan Current

Location in the menu: P3.1.4.8

Use this parameter to set the flying start scan current as a percentage of the motor nominal current.

(ID 1617) Fire Mode Frequency Source

Location in the menu: P3.17.2

Use this parameter to select the frequency reference source when the fire mode is active. This parameter enables the selection of, for example, the AI1, or the PID controller as the reference source when operating the fire mode.

(ID 1618) Fire Mode Reverse

Location in the menu: P3.5.1.47

Use this parameter to select the digital input signal that gives a command for reverse rotation direction during the Fire Mode. This function has no effect in normal operation.

(ID 1618) Fire Mode Reverse

Location in the menu: P3.17.6

Use this parameter to select the digital input signal that gives a command for reverse rotation direction during the Fire Mode. The parameter does not affect normal operation.

If it is necessary for the motor to operate always FORWARD or always REVERSE in Fire Mode, select the correct digital input.

DigIn Slot0.1 = always FORWARD

DigIn Slot0.2 = always REVERSE

(ID 1619) Fire Mode Activation on Close

Location in the menu: P3.17.5

Use this parameter to select the digital input signal that activates the Fire Mode function. The type of this digital input signal is NO (normally open). See the description for P3.17.4 Fire Mode Activation on Open.

(ID 1619) Fire Mode Activation CLOSE

Location in the menu: P3.5.1.46

Use this parameter to select the digital input signal that activates the Fire Mode function. This parameter activates the Fire Mode if it is enabled with a correct password.

(ID 1630) Enable External PID

Location in the menu: P3.14.1.1

Use this parameter to enable the PID controller.

This controller is for external use only. It can be used with an analog output.

(ID 1631) PID Gain

Location in the menu: P3.14.1.4

Use this parameter to adjust the gain of the external PID controller. If this parameter is set to 100%, a change of 10% in the error value causes the controller output to change by 10%.

(ID 1632) PID Integration Time

Location in the menu: P3.14.1.5

Use this parameter to adjust the integration time of the external PID controller. If this parameter is set to 1.00 s, a change of 10% in the error value causes the controller output to change by 10.00%/s.

(ID 1633) PID Derivation Time

Location in the menu: P3.14.1.6

Use this parameter to adjust the derivation time of the external PID controller. If this parameter is set to 1.00 s, a change of 10% in the error value during 1.00 s causes the controller output to change by 10.00%.

(ID 1635) Process Unit Selection

Location in the menu: P3.14.1.7

Use this parameter to select the unit for the feedback and the setpoint signals of the external PID controller. Select the unit for the actual value.

(ID 1636) Error Inversion

Location in the menu: P3.14.1.11

Use this parameter to invert the error value of the external PID controller.

(ID 1637) Dead Band

Location in the menu: P3.14.1.12

Use this parameter to set the dead band area around the PID setpoint value. The value of this parameter is given in the selected process unit. The output of the external PID controller is locked if the feedback value stays in the dead band area for the set time.

(ID 1638) Dead Band Delay

Location in the menu: P3.14.1.13

Use this parameter to set the time that the feedback value must stay in the dead band area before the output of the PID controller is locked. If the actual value stays in the dead band area for a time set in Dead Band Delay, the PID controller output is locked. This function prevents wear and unwanted movements of the actuators, for example valves.

The Dead Band Function

ADead band (ID 1637)
BDead band delay (ID 1638)
DActual value
EOutput locked

(ID 1640) Keypad Setpoint 1

Location in the menu: P3.14.2.1

Use this parameter to set the setpoint value of the PID controller when the setpoint source is 'Keypad SP'. The value of this parameter is given in the selected process unit.

(ID 1641) Keypad Setpoint 2

Location in the menu: P3.14.2.2

Use this parameter to set the setpoint value of the PID controller when the setpoint source is 'Keypad SP'. The value of this parameter is given in the selected process unit.

(ID 1642) Setpoint Ramp Time

Location in the menu: P3.14.2.3

Use this parameter to set the rising and falling ramp times for the setpoint changes. Ramp time is the time that is necessary for the setpoint value to change from minimum to maximum. If the value of this parameter is set to 0, no ramps are used.

(ID 1643) Setpoint Source 1 Selection

Location in the menu: P3.14.2.5

Use this parameter to select the source of the PID setpoint signal. The AIs and the ProcessDataIn are handled as percentages (0.00– 100.00%) and scaled according to the setpoint minimum and maximum.

The ProcessDataIn signals use 2 decimals.

If temperature inputs are selected, the values of parameters P3.14.1.8 Process Unit Min and P3.14.1.9 Process Unit Max must be set to correspond to the scale of the temperature measurement board.

(ID 1644) Setpoint 1 Minimum

Location in the menu: P3.14.2.6

Use this parameter to set the minimum value of the setpoint signal.

(ID 1645) Setpoint 1 Maximum

Location in the menu: P3.14.2.7

Use this parameter to set the maximum value of the setpoint signal.

(ID 1646) Setpoint Source 2 Selection

Location in the menu: P3.14.2.8

Use this parameter to select the source of the PID setpoint signal. The AIs and the ProcessDataIn are handled as percentages (0.00– 100.00%) and scaled according to the setpoint minimum and maximum.

The ProcessDataIn signals use 2 decimals.

If temperature inputs are selected, the values of parameters P3.14.1.8 Process Unit Min and P3.14.1.9 Process Unit Max must be set to correspond to the scale of the temperature measurement board.

(ID 1647) Setpoint 2 Minimum

Location in the menu: P3.14.2.9

Use this parameter to set the minimum value of the setpoint signal.

(ID 1648) Setpoint 2 Maximum

Location in the menu: P3.14.2.10

Use this parameter to set the maximum value of the setpoint signal.

(ID 1650) Feedback Function

Location in the menu: P3.14.3.1

Use this parameter to select if the feedback value is taken from a single signal or combined from two signals. It is possible to select the mathematical function that is used when the two feedback signals are combined.

(ID 1651) Feedback Function Gain

Location in the menu: P3.14.3.2

Use this parameter to adjust the gain of the feedback signal. This parameter is used, for example, with the value 2 in Feedback Function.

(ID 1652) Feedback 1 Source Selection

Location in the menu: P3.14.3.3

Use this parameter to select the source of the PID feedback signal. The AIs and the ProcessDataIn are handled as percentages (0.00– 100.00%) and scaled according to the feedback minimum and maximum.

The ProcessDataIn signals use 2 decimals.

If temperature inputs are selected, the values of parameters P3.13.1.5 Process Unit Min and P3.13.1.6 Process Unit Max must be set to correspond to the scale of the temperature measurement board: ProcessUnitMin = -50 °C and ProcessUnitMax = 200 °C.

(ID 1653) Feedback 1 Minimum

Location in the menu: P3.14.3.4

Use this parameter to set the minimum value of the feedback signal.

(ID 1654) Feedback 1 Maximum

Location in the menu: P3.14.3.5

Use this parameter to set the maximum value of the feedback signal.

(ID 1655) Feedback 2 Source Selection

Location in the menu: P3.14.3.6

Use this parameter to select the source of the PID feedback signal. The AIs and the ProcessDataIn are handled as percentages (0.00– 100.00%) and scaled according to the feedback minimum and maximum.

The ProcessDataIn signals use 2 decimals.

If temperature inputs are selected, the values of parameters P3.13.1.5 Process Unit Min and P3.13.1.6 Process Unit Max must be set to correspond to the scale of the temperature measurement board: ProcessUnitMin = -50 °C and ProcessUnitMax = 200 °C.

(ID 1656) Feedback 2 Minimum

Location in the menu: P3.14.3.7

Use this parameter to set the minimum value of the feedback signal.

(ID 1657) Feedback 2 Maximum

Location in the menu: P3.14.3.8

Use this parameter to set the maximum value of the feedback signal.

(ID 1659) Enable Supervision

Location in the menu: P3.14.4.1

Use this parameter to enable the feedback supervision function. Use the feedback supervision to make sure that the PID feedback value stays in the set limits.

The Supervision Function

AUpper limit (ID 1660)
BLower limit (ID 1661)
CActual value
EDelay (ID 1662)
FRegulating mode
GAlarm or fault

(ID 1660) Upper Limit

Location in the menu: P3.14.4.2

Use this parameter to set the high limit for the PID feedback signal. If the value of the PID feedback signal goes above this limit for longer than the set time, a feedback supervision fault occurs.

(ID 1661) Lower Limit

Location in the menu: P3.14.4.3

Use this parameter to set the low limit for the PID feedback signal. If the value of the PID feedback signal goes below this limit for longer than the set time, a feedback supervision fault occurs.

Set the upper limit and the lower limit around the reference. When the actual value is less or more than the limits, a counter starts to count up. When the actual value is between the limits, the counter counts down. When the counter gets a value that is higher than the value of P3.14.4.4 Delay, an alarm or a fault shows. It is possible to select the response with parameter P3.14.4.5 (Response to External PID Supervision Fault).

(ID 1662) Delay

Location in the menu: P3.14.4.4

Use this parameter to set the maximum time for the PID feedback signal to stay outside the supervision limits before the feedback supervision fault occurs. If the target value is not reached in this time, a fault or alarm shows.

(ID 1664) Process Unit Min

Location in the menu: P3.14.1.8

Use this parameter to set the minimum value of the PID feedback signal. For example, an analog signal of 4...20 mA corresponds to the pressure of 0...10 bar. The value in process units at a 0% feedback or setpoint. This scaling is done for monitoring purposes only. The external PID controller still uses the percentage internally for feedbacks and setpoints.

(ID 1665) Process Unit Max

Location in the menu: P3.14.1.9

Use this parameter to set the maximum value of the PID feedback signal. For example, an analog signal of 4...20 mA corresponds to the pressure of 0...10 bar. The value in process units at a 0% feedback or setpoint. This scaling is done for monitoring purposes only. The external PID controller still uses the percentage internally for feedbacks and setpoints.

(ID 1666) Process Unit Decimals

Location in the menu: P3.14.1.10

Use this parameter to set the number of decimals for the process unit values. For example, an analog signal of 4...20 mA corresponds to the pressure of 0...10 bar. The value in process units at a 0% feedback or setpoint. This scaling is done for monitoring purposes only. The external PID controller still uses the percentage internally for feedbacks and setpoints.

(ID 1674) Jockey Function

Location in the menu: P3.21.2.1

Use this parameter to control the Jockey pump function. A Jockey pump is a smaller pump that keeps the pressure in the pipeline, when the main pump is in the sleep mode. It can occur, for example, in the night.

The Jockey pump function controls a jockey pump with a digital output signal. A jockey pump can be used if a PID controller is used to control the main pump. The function has 3 operation modes.

Selection numberSelection nameDescription
0Not used
1PID sleep

The jockey pump starts when the PID Sleep of the main pump activates. The jockey pump stops when the main pump wakes up from the sleep mode.

2PID sleep (level)

The jockey pump starts when the PID Sleep activates, and the PID feedback signal is less than the level set by parameter P3.21.2.2.

The jockey pump stops when the PID feedback signal is more than the level set in parameter P3.21.2.3 or the main pump wakes up from the sleep mode.

The Jockey Pump Function

(ID 1675) Jockey Start Level

Location in the menu: P3.21.2.2

Use this parameter to set the level of the PID feedback signal at which the jockey pump starts when the main pump is in the sleep state. The jockey pump starts when PID Sleep is active and the PID feedback signal goes below the level set in this parameter.

This parameter is used only if P3.21.2.1 = 2 PID sleep (level).

(ID 1676) Jockey Stop Level

Location in the menu: P3.21.2.3

Use this parameter to set the level of the PID feedback signal at which the jockey pump stops when the main pump is in the sleep state.

The jockey pump stops when PID Sleep is active and the PID feedback signal goes above the level set in this parameter, or when the PID controller wakes up from sleep mode.

This parameter is used only if P3.21.2.1 = 2 PID sleep (level).

(ID 1677) Priming Function

Location in the menu: P3.21.3.1

Use this parameter to enable the Priming pump function. A priming pump is a smaller pump that primes the inlet of the main pump to prevent the suction of air. The priming pump function controls a priming pump with a relay output signal.

(ID 1678) Priming Time

Location in the menu: P3.21.3.2

Use this parameter to set the time that the priming pump operates before the main pump starts.

(ID 1679) Fire Mode Counter

Location in the menu: V3.17.8

This monitoring value shows the number of the fire mode activations.

The counter cannot be reset.

(ID 1685) Enable Supervision

Location in the menu: P3.13.9.1

Use this parameter to enable the Input Pressure Supervision function. Use this function to make sure that there is enough fluid in the inlet of the pump.

(ID 1686) Supervision Signal

Location in the menu: P3.13.9.2

Use this parameter to select the source of the input pressure signal.

(ID 1687) Supervision Unit Selection

Location in the menu: P3.13.9.3

Use this parameter to select the unit for the input pressure signal. It is possible to scale the supervision signal (P3.13.9.2) to process units on the panel.

(ID 1688) Supervision Unit Decimals

Location in the menu: P3.13.9.4

Use this parameter to set the number of decimals for the input pressure signal unit. It is possible to scale the supervision signal (P3.13.9.2) to process units on the panel.

(ID 1689) Supervision Unit Minimum Value

Location in the menu: P3.13.9.5

Use this parameter to set the minimum value of the input pressure signal. Enter the value in the selected process unit. For example, an analog signal of 4...20 mA corresponds to the pressure of 0...10 bar.

(ID 1690) Supervision Unit Maximum Value

Location in the menu: P3.13.9.6

Use this parameter to set the maximum value of the input pressure signal. Enter the value in the selected process unit. For example, an analog signal of 4...20 mA corresponds to the pressure of 0...10 bar.

(ID 1691) Supervision Alarm Level

Location in the menu: P3.13.9.7

Use this parameter to set the limit for the input pressure alarm. If the measured input pressure goes below this limit, an input pressure alarm occurs.

(ID 1692) Supervision Fault Level

Location in the menu: P3.13.9.8

Use this parameter to set the limit for the input pressure fault. If the measured input pressure stays below this level for longer than the set time, an input pressure fault occurs.

(ID 1693) Supervision Fault Delay

Location in the menu: P3.13.9.9

Use this parameter to set the maximum duration for the input pressure to stay below the fault limit before an input pressure fault occurs.

(ID 1694) PID Setpoint Reduction

Location in the menu: P3.13.9.10

Use this parameter to set the rate of the reduction of the PID setpoint value when the measured input pressure is below the alarm limit.

(ID 1695) Input Pressure

Location in the menu: V3.13.9.11

This monitoring value shows the actual value of the pump input pressure.

(ID 1698) Enable Overpressure Supervision

Location in the menu: P3.15.16.1

Use this parameter to enable the Overpressure supervision. If the PID feedback becomes higher than the set overpressure limit, all auxiliary motors stop immediately. Only the regulating motor continues to operate.

It is possible to use the Overpressure supervision function in a Multi-pump system. For example, when closing the primary valve of the pump system quickly, the pressure in the pipe lines increases. The pressure can increase too quickly for the PID controller. To prevent that the pipes break, the overpressure supervision stops the auxiliary motors in the Multi-pump system.

The overpressure supervision monitors the feedback signal of the PID controller, that is, the pressure. If the signal becomes higher than the overpressure level, it stops all the auxiliary pumps immediately. Only the regulating motor continues to operate. When the pressure decreases, the system continues to operate, and connects the auxiliary motors again one at a time.

The Overpressure Supervision Function

BSupervision Alarm Level (ID1699)
CPID Setpoint (ID167)
DPID Feedback (ID21)

(ID 1699) Supervision Alarm Level

Location in the menu: P3.15.16.2

Use this parameter to set the overpressure limit for the Overpressure supervision. If the PID feedback becomes higher than the set overpressure limit, all auxiliary motors stop immediately. Only the regulating motor continues to operate.

(ID 1704) Frost Protection

Location in the menu: P3.13.10.1

Use this parameter to enable the Frost Protection function. If the measured temperature of the pump goes below the set level and the drive is in sleep state, the frost protection starts the pump to operate at a constant frequency.

(ID 1705) Temperature Signal

Location in the menu: P3.13.10.2

Use this parameter to select the source of the temperature signal that is used for the Frost Protection function.

(ID 1706) Temperature Signal Minimum

Location in the menu: P3.13.10.3

Use this parameter to set the minimum value of the temperature signal. For example, a temperature signal range of 4...20 mA corresponds to the temperature of -50...200 °C.

(ID 1707) Temperature Signal Maximum

Location in the menu: P3.13.10.4

Use this parameter to set the maximum value of the temperature signal. For example, a temperature signal range of 4...20 mA corresponds to the temperature of -50...200 °C.

(ID 1708) Frost Protection Temperature

Location in the menu: P3.13.10.5

Use this parameter to set the temperature limit at which the drive starts. If the temperature of the pump goes below this limit and the drive is in the sleep state, the frost protection function starts the drive.

(ID 1710) Frost Protection Frequency

Location in the menu: P3.13.10.6

Use this parameter to set the frequency reference of the drive that is used when the frost protection function is activated.

(ID 1711) Frost Temperature Monitoring

Location in the menu: P3.13.10.7

The monitoring value for the measured temperature signal in the Frost protection function. Scaling value: 0.1.

(ID 1714) Cleaning Function

Location in the menu: P3.21.1.1

Use this parameter to enable the Auto-cleaning function. If the parameter Cleaning Function is enabled, the auto-cleaning starts, and activates the digital input signal in parameter P3.21.1.2.

(ID 1715) Cleaning Activation

Location in the menu: P3.21.1.2

Use this parameter to select the digital input signal that starts the Auto-cleaning sequence. The auto-cleaning stops if the activation signal is removed before the sequence is complete.

If the input is activated, the drive starts.

(ID 1715) Auto-Cleaning Activation

Location in the menu: P3.5.1.48

Use this parameter to select the digital input signal that starts the Auto-cleaning. The Auto-cleaning stops if the activation signal is removed before the process is complete.

If the input is activated, the drive starts.

(ID 1716) Cleaning Cycles

Location in the menu: P3.21.1.3

Use this parameter to set the number of forward or reverse cleaning cycles.

(ID 1717) Clean Forward Frequency

Location in the menu: P3.21.1.4

Use this parameter to set the frequency reference of the drive for the forward direction in the Auto-cleaning cycle.

Set the frequency and time of the cleaning cycle with the parameters P3.21.1.4, P3.21.1.5, P3.21.1.6, and P3.21.1.7.

(ID 1718) Clean Forward Time

Location in the menu: P3.21.1.5

Use this parameter to set the operation time for the forward direction frequency in the Autocleaning cycle. See parameter (ID 1717) Clean Forward Frequency > #X006344.

(ID 1719) Clean Reverse Frequency

Location in the menu: P3.21.1.6

Use this parameter to set the frequency reference of the drive for the reverse direction in the Auto-cleaning cycle. See parameter (ID 1717) Clean Forward Frequency > #X006344.

(ID 1720) Clean Reverse Time

Location in the menu: P3.21.1.7

Use this parameter to set the operation time for the reverse direction frequency in the Autocleaning cycle. See parameter (ID 1717) Clean Forward Frequency > #X006344.

(ID 1721) Cleaning Acceleration Time

Location in the menu: P3.21.1.8

Use this parameter to set the motor acceleration time when the Auto-cleaning is active. It is possible to set acceleration and deceleration ramps for the Auto-cleaning function with parameters P3.21.1.8 and P3.21.1.9.

(ID 1722) Cleaning Deceleration Time

Location in the menu: P3.21.1.9

Use this parameter to set the motor deceleration time when the Auto-cleaning is active. It is possible to set acceleration and deceleration ramps for the Auto-cleaning function with parameters P3.21.1.8 and P3.21.1.9.

The Auto-cleaning Function

(ID 1724) Sensorless Control

Location in the menu: P3.1.6.1

Use this parameter to enable the sensorless control function.

(ID 1726) Sensorless Control Options

Location in the menu: P3.1.6.3

Use this parameter to set the options of the advanced sensorless control. The parameter has a checkbox selection of values.

Selection numberSelection nameDescription
B0Stator resistance identificationIdentify the stator resistance during the start magnetization.
B3Limit frequency polarity
B6Enable IR compensation adjustment
B8Voltage-based current limit
B14Ramp anti-windupUse the ramp anti-windup control.
Bit B0

The bit B0 enables stator resistance identification at each start. It is recommended when a start is always made from standstill. It cannot be used when a start is made to a rotating motor.

The temperature affects the stator resistance value. A correct resistance value is necessary for the advanced sensorless control, especially at low frequencies. The temperature effect is mitigated, when instead of using a value that was identified in the first identification run, the resistance is identified at each start.

With the bit set to 1, the stator resistance is identified during the start magnetization. Enable the start magnetization function with P3.4.3.1 Start Magnetizing Current and P3.4.3.2 Start Magnetizing Time. For induction motors, start magnetizing is already enabled when the identification run is made.

Bit B3

Bit B3 can be used to improve the robustness in applications that require high torque at low speeds but that do not require speed reversals with full load and also do not operate with substantial load on the generator side at low frequencies. An example of a suitable application is an extruder.

When selecting bit B3, the sign (+ or -) of the output frequency is limited according to the sign of the user frequency reference. When positive frequency reference is used, the output frequency is limited to positive values. When negative frequency reference is used, only negative output frequency is allowed. As a result, the operation is limited in an area where any parameter fault has the most significant effect. It improves the robustness of the control.

Bit B6

Bit B6 is targeted to enable robustness improvement in applications that do not require high torque at low frequencies. The selection is only suitable for applications that do not operate on the generator side.

When bit B6 is activated, the IR compensation can be adjusted in the same way as in a normal open loop control using parameter P3.1.4.10 Torque Boost Motor Gain. When the gain value is reduced, sensitivity against parameter faults is also reduced and robustness is improved. Reducing the gain value also reduces torque capability at low frequencies.

Bit B8

Bit B8 activates a function that reduces the risk of the control system getting stuck in the current limit at low frequencies by limiting the motor voltage. It could occur because of errors in the parameter settings. The function is active only when the output frequency is less than 1.0 Hz.

Use the bit B8 only if the nature of the process allows it, because otherwise it can lead to loss of performance due to limited voltage. Bit B8 can be used if there is no need to run against current or torque limit or handle high loads at low frequencies in normal operation. An example of a situation when the bit must not be used is operation against a locked rotor.

Bit B14

Bit B14 defines the reaction of the ramp output during the limit control functions. By default, the limit controls have no effect on the ramp output. It causes the motor to accelerate with maximum torque (against the current limit) to the speed reference when the limit control deactivates.

By activating bit B14, the ramp output follows the actual frequency/speed with a defined gap. Thus, when the limit control deactivates, the motor accelerates to the speed reference with the defined ramp time. The default value of the gap frequency is 3.0 Hz.

(ID 1731) Sensorless Torque Control P Gain

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set the P gain for the torque controller in the sensorless control mode. The P Gain value 1.0 causes a 1 Hz change in the output frequency when the torque error is 1% of the motor nominal torque.

This parameter is always active in sensorless torque control.

(ID 1732) Sensorless Torque Control I Gain

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set the I gain for the torque controller in the sensorless control mode. The I Gain value 1.0 causes the integration to reach 1.0 Hz in 1 second when the torque error is 1% of the motor nominal torque.

This parameter is always active in sensorless torque control.

(ID 1733) Speed Control Gain

Location in the menu: P3.1.6.8

The speed controller is always active in advanced sensorless control. Depending on the desired response and the total inertia, it is possible that the speed controller requires some tuning.

(ID 1734) Speed Control Time

Location in the menu: P3.1.6.9

The speed controller is always active in advanced sensorless control. Depending on the desired response and the total inertia, it is possible that the speed controller requires some tuning.

(ID 1735) Torque Stabilator Damping Time Constant for PM Motors

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set the damping time constant of the torque stabilizer for permanent magnet or reluctance motors.

(ID 1806) Password

Location in the menu: P3.11.1

Use this parameter to set the administrator password.

(ID 1807) Set Parameter Lock

Location in the menu: P3.11.6

Use this parameter to set a password for edit-locking all parameters. Parameters are locked if value is set greater than zero. To disable the lock, open the lock with a correct key, and set the lock-password back to zero.

NOTE! After setting this parameter to larger than zero (0), the lock is immediately active. Setting a lock also locks and hide this parameter itself. Control place cannot be changed over to Local, when the lock is in place.

(ID 1808) Parameter Lock Key

Location in the menu: P3.11.7

Use this parameter to enter a password for opening the parameter edit-lock. The lock is opened if the values of the Key- and Lock-passwords are equal.

(ID 1913) Line Freq

Location in the menu: P3.24.3.1

Use this parameter to set the grid Nominal Frequency.

(ID 1914) Line Freq Hysteresis

Location in the menu: P3.24.3.2

Use this parameter to set the hysteresis of the grid Nominal Frequency. Stator winding monitoring is not used in the hysteresis area.

(ID 2368) Sampling Interval

Location in the menu: P2.2.2

Use this parameter to set the sampling interval.

(ID 2369) Channel 1 MIN

Location in the menu: P2.2.3

This parameter is used in scaling by default. Adjustments can be necessary.

(ID 2370) Channel 1 MAX

Location in the menu: P2.2.4

This parameter is used in scaling by default. Adjustments can be necessary.

(ID 2371) Channel 2 MIN

Location in the menu: P2.2.5

This parameter is used in scaling by default. Adjustments can be necessary.

(ID 2372) Channel 2 MAX

Location in the menu: P2.2.6

This parameter is used in scaling by default. Adjustments can be necessary.

(ID 2373) Autoscale

Location in the menu: P2.2.7

Use this parameter to set autoscaling on or off. If autoscaling is enabled, the signal is automatically scaled between the minimum and maximum values.

(ID 2606) Redundancy Mode

Location in the menu: P5.13.3.1

Use this parameter to select the mode for the fieldbus redundancy control.

(ID 2607) Primary Fieldbus Connection

Location in the menu: P5.13.3.2

Use this parameter to select the primary controlling fieldbus connection.

(ID 2608) Secondary Fieldbus Connection

Location in the menu: P5.13.3.3

Use this parameter to select the secondary controlling fieldbus connection.

(ID 2609) Switchover Timeout

Location in the menu: P5.13.3.4

Use this parameter to set a timeout delay for switching over from the current fieldbus connection to another connection when current fieldbus fails.

(ID 2611) Switchover Counter

Location in the menu: V5.13.3.6

This monitoring value shows the number of times the redundancy logic has changed the controlling fieldbus. The value is reset when the redundant control is disabled.

(ID 2612) Switchback Timeout

Location in the menu: P5.13.3.5

Use this parameter to set a timeout delay for switching back from the secondary fieldbus connection to the primary connection. If the value of this parameter is zero, the controlling fieldbus connection is not changed until it is failing.

(ID 3501) BaselineRun Start

Location in the menu: P3.24.2.1

Use this parameter to activate baseline run.

Baseline run is made before normal operation. Idea is to compare actual measurements with measurements taken when the system was in healthy/normal condition. The measurements from healthy condition are called “baseline”.

In baseline run, the measurements of the motor current unbalance for stator winding, vibration, and motor torque are collected.

The baseline run goes through 10 frequency points including 10 steady and 9 ramp states. It collects the minimum, maximum, mean, and standard deviation values, and stores the statistical baseline data in arrays. Normal start command is required after baseline run start.

BaselineRun Start

(ID 3502) BaselineRun MinFreq

Location in the menu: P3.24.2.2

Use this parameter to set frequency point where baseline run is started.

(ID 3503) BaselineRun MaxFreq

Location in the menu: P3.24.2.3

Use this parameter to set frequency point where baseline run is ended.

(ID 3504) BaselineRun Duration

Location in the menu: P3.24.2.4

Use this parameter to set the duration of the baseline run.

(ID 3505) Modified Activation

Location in the menu: P3.24.2.8

Before or after the baseline run, each measurement point can be modified. Use this parameter to activate the Modified value (ID 3508) of the Modified point (ID 3507).

(ID 3506) Modified Array

Location in the menu: P3.24.2.5

Use this parameter to select a modified array.

(ID 3507) Modified Point

Location in the menu: P3.24.2.6

Use this parameter to select which measurement point to modify in the array. Steady array includes 10 points and ramp array includes 9 points. First point has value 0.

(ID 3508) Modified Value

Location in the menu: P3.24.2.7

Use this parameter to give new value to the point selected with ID 3507.

(ID 3509) Baseline Data Selector

Location in the menu: P3.24.2.9

Use this parameter to select which array points can be monitored in monitor group M2.16.1 Baseline data.

(ID 3511) Current Mean Factor

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set the mean factor in the threshold value. If the threshold value is zero, the mean factor is not used.

(ID 3512) Current Min Factor

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set min factor in the threshold value. If the threshold value is zero, the min factor is not used.

(ID 3513) Current Max Factor

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set the max factor in the threshold value. If the threshold value is zero, the max factor is not used.

(ID 3514) Current Std Factor

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set the std factor in the threshold value. If the threshold value is zero, the std factor is not used.

(ID 3515) Current Interpolation Type

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to select interpolation type for the notification threshold values across frequency points.

(ID 3516) Current Warning S1 Mode

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to select the warning S1 mode which is used for calculating warning S1 notification threshold.

Selection numberSelection nameDescription

Absolute value is considered as threshold


Calculates threshold as sum of the computed baseline data and the offset values


Calculates threshold as baseline data factor

(ID 3517) Current Warning S1 High

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set the threshold value for computing the warning 1 high notification threshold. Threshold value range varies based on warning mode selection. This limit is not used when value is zero.

(ID 3518) Current Warning S1 Delay

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to define how long time the actual value must be above the warning S1 notification level to trigger the warning S1. This level is not used when delay is zero.

(ID 3519) Current Warning S2 Mode

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to select the warning S2 mode which is used for calculating warning S2 notification threshold.

Selection numberSelection nameDescription

Absolute value is considered as threshold


Calculates threshold as sum of the computed baseline data and the offset values


Calculates threshold as baseline data factor

(ID 3520) Current Warning S2 High

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set the threshold value for computing the warning 2 high notification threshold. Threshold value range varies based on warning mode selection. This limit is not used when value is zero.

(ID 3521) Current Warning S2 Delay

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to define how long time the actual value must be above the warning S2 notification level to trigger the warning S2. This level is not used when delay is zero.

(ID 3522) Current Alarm/Fault Mode

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to select the alarm/fault mode which is used for calculating alarm/fault notification threshold.

Selection numberSelection nameDescription

Absolute value is considered as threshold


Calculates threshold as sum of the computed baseline data and the offset values


Calculates threshold as baseline data factor

(ID 3523) Current Alarm/Fault High

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set the threshold value for computing the alarm/fault high notification threshold. Threshold value range varies based on alarm/fault mode selection. This limit is not used when value is zero.

(ID 3524) Current Alarm/Fault Delay

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to define how long time the actual value must be above the alarm/fault notification level to trigger the alarm/fault. This level is not used when delay is zero.

(ID 3540) Condition-based Monitoring Fault Mode

Location in the menu: P3.24.1

Use this parameter to set the response of the drive to Exception.

Selection numberSelection nameDescription
0No Action
1WarningsWarning levels S1 and S2 are used.
2Fault + WarningsWarning S1, warning S2 and alarm/fault levels are used.

(ID 3541) Current Warning S1 Counter

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set warning S1 counter value.

(ID 3542) Current Warning S2 Counter

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set warning S2 counter value.

(ID 3543) Current Alarm/Fault Counter

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set alarm/fault counter value.

(ID 3549) Stop Counter Delay

Location in the menu: P3., P3., and P3.

Use this parameter to set stop counter. The counter is stopped if threshold value is outside of the limit below this time.

(ID 3550) Vibration Mean Factor

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set the mean factor in the threshold value. If the threshold value is zero, the mean factor is not used.

(ID 3551) Vibration Min Factor

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set the min factor in the threshold value. If the threshold value is zero, the min factor is not used.

(ID 3552) Vibration Max Factor

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set the max factor in the threshold value. If the threshold value is zero, the max factor is not used.

(ID 3553) Vibration Std Factor

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set the std factor in the threshold value. If the threshold value is zero, the std factor is not used.

(ID 3554) Vibration Interpolation Type

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to select interpolation type for the notification threshold values across frequency points.

(ID 3555) Vibration Warning S1 Mode

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to select the warning S1 mode which is used for calculating warning S1 notification threshold.

Selection numberSelection nameDescription

Absolute value is considered as threshold


Calculates threshold as sum of the computed baseline data and the offset values


Calculates threshold as baseline data factor

(ID 3556) Vibration Warning S1 High

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set the threshold value for computing the warning 1 high notification threshold. Threshold value range varies based on warning mode selection. This limit is not used when value is zero.

(ID 3557) Vibration Warning S1 Delay

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to define how long time the actual value must be above the warning S1 notification level to trigger the warning S1. This level is not used when delay is zero.

(ID 3558) Vibration Warning S2 Mode

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to select the warning S2 mode which is used for calculating warning S2 notification threshold.

Selection numberSelection nameDescription

Absolute value is considered as threshold


Calculates threshold as sum of the computed baseline data and the offset values


Calculates threshold as baseline data factor

(ID 3559) Vibration Warning S2 High

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set the threshold value for computing the warning 2 high notification threshold. Threshold value range varies based on warning mode selection. This limit is not used when value is zero.

(ID 3560) Vibration Warning S2 Delay

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to define how long time the actual value must be above the warning S2 notification level to trigger the warning S2. This level is not used when delay is zero.

(ID 3561) Vibration Alarm/Fault Mode

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to select the alarm/fault mode which is used for calculating alarm/fault notification threshold.

Selection numberSelection nameDescription

Absolute value is considered as threshold


Calculates threshold as sum of the computed baseline data and the offset values


Calculates threshold as baseline data factor

(ID 3562) Vibration Alarm/Fault High

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set the threshold value for computing the alarm/fault high notification threshold. Threshold value range varies based on warning mode selection. This limit is not used when value is zero.

(ID 3563) Vibration Alarm/Fault Delay

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to define how long time the actual value must be above the alarm/fault notification level to trigger the alarm/fault. This level is not used when delay is zero.

(ID 3564) Vibration Warning S1 Counter

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set warning S1 counter value.

(ID 3565) Vibration Warning S2 Counter

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set warning S2 counter value.

(ID 3566) Vibration Alarm/Fault Counter

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set alarm/fault counter value.

(ID 3567) Load Mean Factor

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set the mean factor in the threshold value. If the threshold value is zero, the mean factor is not used.

(ID 3568) Load Min Factor

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set the min factor in the threshold value. If the threshold value is zero, the min factor is not used.

(ID 3569) Load Max Factor

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set the max factor in the threshold value. If the threshold value is zero, the max factor is not used.

(ID 3570) Load Std Factor

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set the std factor in the threshold value. If the threshold value is zero, the std factor is not used.

(ID 3571) Load Interpolation Type

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to select interpolation type for the notification threshold values across frequency points.

(ID 3572) Load Warning S1 Mode

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to select the warning S1 mode which is used for calculating warning S1 notification threshold.

Selection numberSelection nameDescription

Absolute value is considered as threshold


Calculates threshold as sum of the computed baseline data and the offset values


Calculates threshold as baseline data factor

(ID 3573) Load Warning S1 High

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set the threshold value for computing the warning 1 high notification threshold. Threshold value range varies based on warning mode selection. This limit is not used when value is zero.

(ID 3574) Load Warning S1 Delay

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to define how long time the actual value must be above the warning S1 notification level to trigger the warning S1. This level is not used when delay is zero.

(ID 3575) Load Warning S2 Mode

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to select the warning S2 mode which is used for calculating warning S2 notification threshold.

Selection numberSelection nameDescription

Absolute value is considered as threshold


Calculates threshold as sum of the computed baseline data and the offset values


Calculates threshold as baseline data factor

(ID 3576) Load Warning S2 High

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set the threshold value for computing the warning 2 high notification threshold. Threshold value range varies based on warning mode selection. This limit is not used when value is zero.

(ID 3577) Load Warning S2 Delay

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to define how long time the actual value must be above the warning S2 notification level to trigger the warning S2. This level is not used when delay is zero.

(ID 3578) Load Alarm/Fault Mode

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to select the alarm/fault mode which is used for calculating alarm/fault notification threshold.

Selection numberSelection nameDescription

Absolute value is considered as threshold


Calculates threshold as sum of the computed baseline data and the offset values


Calculates threshold as baseline data factor

(ID 3579) Load Alarm/Fault High

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set the threshold value for computing the alarm/fault high notification threshold. Threshold value range varies based on warning mode selection. This limit is not used when value is zero.

(ID 3580) Load Alarm/Fault Delay

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to define how long time the actual value must be above the alarm/fault notification level to trigger the alarm/fault. This level is not used when delay is zero.

(ID 3581) Load Warning S1 Counter

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set warning S1 counter value.

(ID 3582) Load Warning S2 Counter

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set warning S2 counter value.

(ID 3583) Load Alarm/Fault Counter

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set alarm/fault counter value.

(ID 3584) Load Warning S1 Low

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set the threshold value for computing the warning 1 low notification threshold. Threshold value range varies based on warning mode selection. This limit is not used when value is zero.

(ID 3585) Load Warning S2 Low

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set the threshold value for computing the warning 2 low notification threshold. Threshold value range varies based on warning mode selection. This limit is not used when value is zero.

(ID 3586) Load Alarm/Fault Low

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set the threshold value for computing the alarm/fault low notification threshold. Threshold value range varies based on warning mode selection. This limit is not used when value is zero.

(ID 3587) Vibration Input

Location in the menu: P3.24.4.1

Use this parameter to select the analog input to vibration.

(ID 3601) Baseline Data Element 1

Location in the menu: V2.16.1.1

This monitoring value shows the baseline data. The baseline data is selected using the baseline data selector.

(ID 3602) Baseline Data Element 2

Location in the menu: V2.16.1.2

This monitoring value shows the baseline data. The baseline data is selected using the baseline data selector.

(ID 3603) Baseline Data Element 3

Location in the menu: V2.16.1.3

This monitoring value shows the baseline data. The baseline data is selected using the baseline data selector.

(ID 3604) Baseline Data Element 4

Location in the menu: V2.16.1.4

This monitoring value shows the baseline data. The baseline data is selected using the baseline data selector.

(ID 3605) Baseline Data Element 5

Location in the menu: V2.16.1.5

This monitoring value shows the baseline data. The baseline data is selected using the baseline data selector.

(ID 3606) Baseline Data Element 6

Location in the menu: V2.16.1.6

This monitoring value shows the baseline data. The baseline data is selected using the baseline data selector.

(ID 3607) Baseline Data Element 7

Location in the menu: V2.16.1.7

This monitoring value shows the baseline data. The baseline data is selected using the baseline data selector.

(ID 3608) Baseline Data Element 8

Location in the menu: V2.16.1.8

This monitoring value shows the baseline data. The baseline data is selected using the baseline data selector.

(ID 3609) Baseline Data Element 9

Location in the menu: V2.16.1.9

This monitoring value shows the baseline data. The baseline data is selected using the baseline data selector.

(ID 3610) Baseline Data Element 10

Location in the menu: V2.16.1.10

This monitoring value shows the baseline data. The baseline data is selected using the baseline data selector.

(ID 3611) Current Warning S1 High Threshold

Location in the menu: V2.16.2.3

This monitoring value shows the warning S1 high threshold value.

(ID 3612) Current Warning S2 High Threshold

Location in the menu: V2.16.2.4

This monitoring value shows the warning S2 high threshold value.

(ID 3613) Current Alarm High Threshold

Location in the menu: V2.16.2.5

This monitoring value shows the alarm/fault high threshold value.

(ID 3617) Current Unbalance

Location in the menu: V2.16.2.1

This monitoring value shows the current unbalance when condition-based monitoring is activated.

(ID 3619) Condition-based Monitoring Status

Location in the menu: V2.16.5

This monitoring value shows the fault status of the condition-based monitoring.

(ID 3620) Current Unbalance Threshold Value

Location in the menu: V2.16.2.2

This monitoring value shows the threshold value after interpolating.

(ID 3622) Baseline Run Status

Location in the menu: V2.16.1.11

This monitoring value shows the baseline run status.

(ID 3623) Vibration

Location in the menu: V2.16.3.1

This monitoring value shows the vibration when condition-based monitoring is activated.

(ID 3624) Vibration Threshold Value

Location in the menu: V2.16.3.2

This monitoring value shows the threshold value after interpolating.

(ID 3625) Vibration S1 High Threshold

Location in the menu: V2.16.3.3

This monitoring value shows the warning S1 high threshold value.

(ID 3626) Vibration S2 High Threshold

Location in the menu: V2.16.3.4

This monitoring value shows the warning S2 high threshold value.

(ID 3627) Vibration Alarm High Threshold

Location in the menu: V2.16.3.5

This monitoring value shows the alarm/fault high threshold value.

(ID 3628) Load Threshold Value

Location in the menu: V2.16.4.2

This monitoring value shows the threshold value after interpolating.

(ID 3629) Load S1 High Threshold

Location in the menu: V2.16.4.3

This monitoring value shows the warning S1 high threshold value.

(ID 3630) Load S2 High Threshold

Location in the menu: V2.16.4.4

This monitoring value shows the warning S2 high threshold value.

(ID 3631) Load Alarm High Threshold

Location in the menu: V2.16.4.5

This monitoring value shows the alarm/fault high threshold value.

(ID 3632) Load S1 Low Threshold

Location in the menu: V2.16.4.6

This monitoring value shows the warning S1 low threshold value.

(ID 3633) Load S2 Low Threshold

Location in the menu: V2.16.4.7

This monitoring value shows the warning S2 low threshold value.

(ID 3634) Load Alarm Low Threshold

Location in the menu: V2.16.4.8

This monitoring value shows the alarm/fault low threshold value.

(ID 10050) AO1 Function

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to select a function or a signal that is connected to the analog output. The contents of the analog output signal 1 are specified in this parameter. The scaling of the analog output signal depends on the signal.

Selection numberSelection nameDescription
0Test 0% (Not used)The analog output is set to 0% or 20% so that it agrees with parameter P3.
1TEST 100%The analog output is set to 100% of the signal (10 V/20 mA).
2Output frequencyThe actual output frequency from 0 to Maximum frequency reference.
3Frequency referenceThe actual frequency reference from 0 to Maximum frequency reference.
4Motor speedThe actual motor speed from 0 to Motor nominal speed.
5Output currentThe output current of the drive from 0 to Motor nominal current.
6Motor torqueThe actual motor torque from 0 to motor nominal torque (100%).
7Motor powerThe actual motor power from 0 to Motor nominal power (100%).
8Motor voltageThe actual motor voltage from 0 to Motor nominal voltage.
9DC link voltageThe actual DC link voltage 0…1000 V.
10PID SetpointThe actual setpoint value of the PID Controller (0…100%).
11PID FeedbackThe actual feedback value of the PID Controller (0…100%).
12PID outputThe output of the PID controller (0…100%).
13ExtPID outputThe External PID controller output (0…100%).
14Fieldbus Process Data In 1Fieldbus Process Data In 1: 0…10000 (this agrees with 0… 100.00%).
15Fieldbus Process Data In 2Fieldbus Process Data In 2: 0…10000 (this agrees with 0… 100.00%).
16Fieldbus Process Data In 3Fieldbus Process Data In 3: 0…10000 (this agrees with 0… 100.00%).
17Fieldbus Process Data In 4Fieldbus Process Data In 4: 0…10000 (this agrees with 0… 100.00%).
18Fieldbus Process Data In 5Fieldbus Process Data In 5: 0…10000 (this agrees with 0… 100.00%).
19Fieldbus Process Data In 6Fieldbus Process Data In 6: 0…10000 (this agrees with 0… 100.00%).
20Fieldbus Process Data In 7Fieldbus Process Data In 7: 0…10000 (this agrees with 0… 100.00%).
21Fieldbus Process Data In 8Fieldbus Process Data In 8: 0…10000 (this agrees with 0… 100.00%).
22Block Out.1The output of the programmable Block 1: 0…10000 (this agrees with 0…100.00%). See parameter menu M3.19 Drive customizer.
23Block Out.2The output of the programmable Block 2: 0…10000 (this agrees with 0…100.00%). See parameter menu M3.19 Drive customizer.
24Block Out.3The output of the programmable Block 3: 0…10000 (this agrees with 0…100.00%). See parameter menu M3.19 Drive customizer.
25Block Out.4The output of the programmable Block 4: 0…10000 (this agrees with 0…100.00%). See parameter menu M3.19 Drive customizer.
26Block Out.5The output of the programmable Block 5: 0…10000 (this agrees with 0…100.00%). See parameter menu M3.19 Drive customizer.
27Block Out.6The output of the programmable Block 6: 0…10000 (this agrees with 0…100.00%). See parameter menu M3.19 Drive customizer.
28Block Out.7The output of the programmable Block 7: 0…10000 (this agrees with 0…100,00%). See parameter menu M3.19 Drive customizer.
29Block Out.8The output of the programmable Block 8: 0…10000 (this agrees with 0…100.00%). See parameter menu M3.19 Drive customizer.
30Block Out.9The output of the programmable Block 9: 0…10000 (this agrees with 0…100.00%). See parameter menu M3.19 Drive customizer.
31Block Out.10The output of the programmable Block 10: 0…10000 (this agrees with 0…100.00%). See parameter menu M3.19 Drive customizer.

(ID 10051) AO1 Filter Time

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set the filtering time for the analog signal. The filtering function is disabled when the filtering time is 0. See P3.

(ID 10052) AO1 Minimum

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to change the range of the analog output signal. For example, if '4 mA' is selected, the range of analog output signal is 4...20 mA. Select the signal type (current/voltage) with the DIP switches. The analog output scaling is different in P3. See also P3.

(ID 10053) AO1 Minimum Scale

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to scale the analog output signal. The scaling values (min and max) are given in the process unit specified by the selection of the AO function.

(ID 10054) AO1 Maximum Scale

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to scale the analog output signal. The scaling values (min and max) are given in the process unit specified by the selection of the AO function.

Select, for example, the output frequency of the drive for the contents of the analog output signal, and set parameters P3. and P3. between 10 and 40 Hz. Then the output frequency of the drive changes between 10 and 40 Hz, and the analog output signal changes between 0 and 20 mA.

Scaling of the AO1 Signal

AAnalog output signal
BAnalog output minimum scale
CAnalog output maximum scale
DMaximum frequency reference
EOutput frequency

(ID 11001) RO1 Function

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to select a function or a signal that is connected to the relay output.

Selection numberSelection nameDescription
0Not usedThe output is not used.
1ReadyThe AC drive is ready to operate.
2RunThe AC drive operates (the motor runs).
3General faultA fault trip occurred.
4General fault invertedA fault trip did not occur.
5General alarmAn alarm occurred.
6ReversedThe reverse command is given.
7At speedThe output frequency has become the same as the set frequency reference.
8Thermistor faultA thermistor fault occurred.
9Motor regulator activatedOne of the limit regulators (for example current limit or torque limit) is activated.
10Start signal activeThe start command of the drive is active.
11Keypad control activeThe selection is keypad control (the active control place is keypad).
12I/O control B activeThe selection is I/O control place B (the active control place is I/O B).
13Limit supervision 1The limit supervision activates if the signal value goes below or above the set supervision limit (P3.8.3 or P3.8.7).
14Limit supervision 2The limit supervision activates if the signal value goes below or above the set supervision limit (P3.8.3 or P3.8.7).
15Fire mode activeThe Fire mode function is active.
16Jogging activeThe Jogging function is active.
17Preset Frequency activeThe selection of preset frequency was made with digital input signals.
18Quick Stop activeThe Quick stop function is activated.
19PID in Sleep modeThe PID controller is in the sleep mode.
20PID Soft Fill activatedThe Soft fill function of the PID controller is activated.
21PID feedback supervisionThe feedback value of the PID controller is not in the supervision limits.
22ExtPID feedback supervisionThe External PID controller feedback value is not in the supervision limits.
23Input pressure alarmThe input pressure of the pump is below the value that was set with parameter P3.13.9.7.
24Frost protection alarmThe measured temperature of the pump is below the level that was set with parameter P3.13.10.5.
25Motor 1 controlThe contactor control for the Multi-pump function.
26Motor 2 controlThe contactor control for the Multi-pump function.
27Motor 3 controlThe contactor control for the Multi-pump function.
28Motor 4 controlThe contactor control for the Multi-pump function.
29Motor 5 controlThe contactor control for the Multi-pump function.
30Motor 6 controlThe contactor control for the Multi-pump function.
31Time channel 1The status of Time channel 1.
32Time channel 2The status of Time channel 2.
33Time channel 3The status of Time channel 3.
34Fieldbus Control Word bit 13The digital (relay) output control from the Fieldbus control word bit 13.
35Fieldbus Control Word bit 14The digital (relay) output control from the Fieldbus control word bit 14.
36Fieldbus Control Word bit 15The digital (relay) output control from the Fieldbus control word bit 15.
37Fieldbus Process Data In1 bit 0The digital (relay) output control from the Fieldbus Process Data In1, bit 0.
38Fieldbus Process Data In1 bit 1The digital (relay) output control from the Fieldbus Process Data In1, bit 1.
39Fieldbus Process Data In1 bit 2The digital (relay) output control from the Fieldbus Process Data In1, bit 2.
40Maintenance counter 1 alarmThe maintenance counter reached the alarm limit that is set with parameter P3.16.2.
41Maintenance counter 1 faultThe maintenance counter reached the alarm limit that is set with parameter P3.16.3.
42Mechanical brake controlThe Open mechanical brake command.
43Mechanical brake control (Inverted)The Open mechanical brake command (inverted).
44Block Out.1The output of the programmable Block 1. See parameter menu M3.19 Drive customizer.
45Block Out.2The output of the programmable Block 2. See parameter menu M3.19 Drive customizer.
46Block Out.3The output of the programmable Block 3. See parameter menu M3.19 Drive customizer.
47Block Out.4The output of the programmable Block 4. See parameter menu M3.19 Drive customizer.
48Block Out.5The output of the programmable Block 5. See parameter menu M3.19 Drive customizer.
49Block Out.6The output of the programmable Block 6. See parameter menu M3.19 Drive customizer.
50Block Out.7The output of the programmable Block 7. See parameter menu M3.19 Drive customizer.
51Block Out.8The output of the programmable Block 8. See parameter menu M3.19 Drive customizer.
52Block Out.9The output of the programmable Block 9. See parameter menu M3.19 Drive customizer.
53Block Out.10The output of the programmable Block 10. See parameter menu M3.19 Drive customizer.
54Jockey pump controlThe control signal for the external jockey pump.
55Priming pump controlThe control signal for the external priming pump.
56Auto-cleaning activeThe Pump auto-cleaning function is activated.
57Motor Switch OpenThe Motor Switch function has detected that the switch between the drive and the motor is open.
58TEST (Always Closed)
59Motor preheat active
60AHF Capacitor Disconnect
61AHF Capacitor Disconnect Inverted
62Run Indication

(ID 11002) RO1 ON Delay

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set the ON delay for the relay output.

(ID 11003) RO1 OFF Delay

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set the OFF delay for the relay output.

(ID 11004) RO2 Function

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to select a function or a signal that is connected to the relay output. See (ID 11001) RO1 Function > #X006521.

(ID 11005) RO2 ON Delay

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set the ON delay for the relay output.

(ID 11006) RO2 OFF Delay

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set the OFF delay for the relay output.

(ID 11007) RO3 Function

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to select a function or a signal that is connected to the relay output. The parameter is not visible if only 2 output relays are installed. See (ID 11001) RO1 Function > #X006521.

(ID 11008) RO3 ON Delay

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set the ON delay for the relay output. The parameter is not visible if only 2 output relays are installed.

(ID 11009) RO3 OFF Delay

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set the OFF delay for the relay output. The parameter is not visible if only 2 output relays are installed.

(ID 15001) Operation Mode

Location in the menu: P3.19.1

Use this parameter to select the operation mode of the drive customizer. When 'Programming' is selected, the execution of the block program is stopped and outputs of each function block are 0. When 'Execute Program' is selected, the block program is executed and block outputs are updated normally. The Drive Customizer cannot be configured when 'Execute Program' is selected.

Use the graphical Drive Customizer tool in VACON Live.

(ID 15020) Block Out.1

Location in the menu: V2.13.2

This monitoring value shows the value of the function block output in the Drive customizer function.

(ID 15040) Block Out.2

Location in the menu: V2.13.3

This monitoring value shows the value of the function block output in the Drive customizer function.

(ID 15060) Block Out.3

Location in the menu: V2.13.4

This monitoring value shows the value of the function block output in the Drive customizer function.

(ID 15080) Block Out.4

Location in the menu: V2.13.5

This monitoring value shows the value of the function block output in the Drive customizer function.

(ID 15100) Block Out.5

Location in the menu: V2.13.6

This monitoring value shows the value of the function block output in the Drive customizer function.

(ID 15120) Block Out.6

Location in the menu: V2.13.7

This monitoring value shows the value of the function block output in the Drive customizer function.

(ID 15140) Block Out.7

Location in the menu: V2.13.8

This monitoring value shows the value of the function block output in the Drive customizer function.

(ID 15160) Block Out.8

Location in the menu: V2.13.9

This monitoring value shows the value of the function block output in the Drive customizer function.

(ID 15180) Block Out.9

Location in the menu: V2.13.10

This monitoring value shows the value of the function block output in the Drive customizer function.

(ID 15200) Block Out.10

Location in the menu: V2.13.11

This monitoring value shows the value of the function block output in the Drive customizer function.

(ID 15510) Capacitor Disconnection Limit

Menu location: P3.22.1.

Use this parameter to set the disconnection limit for the advanced harmonic filter. The value is in percentage of the drive nominal power.

(ID 15511) Capacitor Disconnection Hysteresis

Location in the menu: P3.22.2

Use this parameter to set the disconnection hysteresis for the advanced harmonic filter. The value is in percentage of the drive nominal power.

(ID 15512) AHF Fault Response

Location in the menu: P3.22.4

Use this parameter to select the response of the AC drive to an AHF Over Temp fault.

(ID 15513) AHF Over Temperature

  • Location in the menu: P3.5.1.52 (In I/O Configuration parameter menu)

  • Location in the menu: P3.23.3 (In Advanced Harmonic Filter parameter menu)

Use this parameter to set the digital input signal that activates AHF Over Temp (fault ID 1118).

(ID 15523) User Defined Fault 1

  • Location in the menu: P3.5.1.50 (In I/O Configuration parameter menu)

  • Location in the menu: P3.9.9.1 (In Protections parameter menu)

Use this parameter to set the digital input signal that activates User Defined Fault 1 (Fault ID 1114).

(ID 15524) User Defined Fault 2

  • Location in the menu: P3.5.1.51 (In I/O Configuration parameter menu)

  • Location in the menu: P3.9.10.1 (In Protections parameter menu)

Use this parameter to set the digital input signal that activates User Defined Fault 2 (Fault ID 1115).

(ID 15525) Response to User Defined Fault 1

Location in the menu: P3.9.9.2

Use this parameter to select the response of the drive to User Defined Fault 1 (Fault ID 1114).

(ID 15526) Response to User Defined Fault 2

Location in the menu: P3.9.10.2

Use this parameter to select the response of the drive to User Defined Fault 2 (Fault ID 1115).

(ID 15580) Fire Mode Run Indication Current

Location in the menu: P3.17.9

Use this parameter to set the current limit for the run indication signal of the relay output.

This parameter only affects if the value "Run indication" is selected for a relay output and the fire mode is active. The "Run indication" relay output function tells quickly if current is supplied to the motor during a fire.

The value of this parameter is the percentage counted from the motor nominal current. If there is a fire and the current that is supplied to the motor is more than the nominal current times the value of this parameter, the relay output closes.

For example, if parameter Motor Nominal Current has the value 5 A, and 20% is set as the default value of this parameter, the relay output closes and Fire Mode activates when the output current goes to 1 A.

This parameter does not affect if the fire mode is not active. In normal operation, if "Run indication" is selected for a relay output, the result is the same as when "Run" is selected for the relay output.

(ID 15593) Startup Prevented Fault

Location in the menu: P3.9.1.15

Use this parameter to select the response of the AC drive to a "Startup prevented" fault.

(ID 15650) Torque Stabilator Filter Time Constant

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set the lowpass filtering time constant of the torque stabilizer.

(ID 15651) Torque Stabilator Filter Time Constant for PM Motors

Location in the menu: P3.

Use this parameter to set the lowpass filtering time constant of the torque stabilizer for permanent magnet or reluctance motors.